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2023-04-10 16:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



点赞手机看分享至雷诺梅甘娜E-Tech Electric可以在事故发生后五分钟内扑灭电池火灾 作者: W车域 2021-11-08 19:28




雷诺在周一的慕尼黑车展上公布了梅甘娜E-Tech Electric汽车。虽然规格足够好,但安全功能是这款电动汽车最引人注目的方面。



没有两个电动汽车是相同的,急救人员不一定知道每辆车的复杂性。因此,使用二维码提供关于梅甘娜E-Tech Electric电气结构的信息是一个明智的举动,很高兴看到更多的汽车制造商采用。同样的方法也是如此,便于使用电池,以帮助更快地灭火。


你也可以在两个电池组中进行选择。据雷诺称,40千瓦时的续航里程为186英里(300公里),60千瓦时的套餐一次充电即可行驶292英里(470公里)。该公司基于欧洲的WLTP测试程序进行了估计。将梅甘娜E-Tech Electric插入一个130kW的快速充电站,30分钟的充电时间内可以增加到186英里的行驶里程。

此外,OpenR的信息娱乐系统是基于安卓汽车操作系统的,所以你可以访问谷歌的应用程序和谷歌助手。雷诺说,当你进行更长的旅行时,该系统可以帮助你定位,寻找减少旅行时间的充电站。梅甘娜E-Tech Electric订单于2022年2月开始递交,次年3月开始销售。

Renault Megane E-Tech Electric could help rescue workers after accidents

A QR code provides details about the vehicle's structure and safe cut points



Sep 12th 2021 at 10:00AM




Renault unveiled the Megane E-Tech Electric at the Munich Motor Show on Monday. While the specs seem decent enough, it's the safety functions that are the most eye-catching aspect of this electric vehicle.


The Fireman Access feature stems from a partnership between Renault Group and French firefighters that stretches back for over a decade. The EV includes special access to the battery for rescue teams. Renault claims this can allow first responders to put out a battery fire in five minutes, compared with between one and three hours for most EV battery blazes. There's also a switch under the rear bench that lets rescue teams disconnect the battery.


In addition, Renault put a QR code on the windscreen. The idea is that rescue teams can scan the code to see details about the car's structure. They can find out the locations of the battery and airbags, as well as information about where it's safe to cut into the vehicle. Renault says this information can help first responders save up to 15 minutes when attempting to free a crash victim, which could help save lives.


No two EVs are built the same, and first responders won't necessarily know the intricacies of each vehicle. So, providing information about the Megane E-Tech Electric's structure using a QR code is a smart move that it'd be nice to see more automakers adopt. The same goes for easy access to the battery to help put out fires faster.


The latest iteration of the Megane line is built on Renault's CMF-EV platform. For the body, designers took inspiration from the Morphoz concept the company showed off last year. There are two powertrain options: a base model with 130 horsepower and a more advanced alternative with 215 hp and 221 pound-feet of torque.


You can choose between two battery packs as well. The 40-kWh option has a range of 186 miles (300 km), and the 60-kWh pack should get you up to 292 miles (470 km) of driving on a single charge, according to Renault. The company based the estimates on the European WLTP testing procedure. Plug the Megane E-Tech Electric into a 130 kW fast charging station, and you can add up to 186 miles of driving range in 30 minutes of charging time.


Elsewhere, the OpenR infotainment system is based on Android Automotive OS, so you'll have access to Google apps and Google Assistant. While you're on a longer trip, the system can help you locate charging stations that minimize your journey time, Renault says. The Megane E-Tech Electric orders open in February 2022, and sales start the following March.


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