剑桥雅思12Test8阅读P1答案+解析(一) 您所在的位置:网站首页 雅思阅读12-8-3 剑桥雅思12Test8阅读P1答案+解析(一)


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2019 年 01 月 04 日 来源:朗播网

摘要:大部分考生在备考雅思时都会选择使用剑桥雅思系列资料,也是受到了同学们的极大关注。本文就为大家带来剑桥雅思真题12Test8阅读P1答案+解析,一起来看看阅读考些什么。 ## 剑桥雅思真题12Test8阅读P1-The History of Glass 答案+解析 **Questions 1-8** 1.答案:obsidian 题目解析:第一段第一、二句“From our earliest origins, man has been making use of glass. Historians have discovered that a type of natural glass-obsidian-formed in places such as the mouth of a volcano as a result of the intense heat of an eruption melting sand - was first, used as tips for spears”,提到人类很早就开始使用玻璃,并提到历史学家发现一种自然玻璃——黑曜石最早被用于制作长矛的尖端,题目中的sharp points对应原文的tips,因此本题答案为obsidian。 2.答案:spears 题目解析:第一段第二句“Historians have discovered that a type of natural glass-obsidian-formed in places such as the mouth of a volcano as a result of the intense heat of an eruption melting sand - was first, used as tips for spears”,提到这种黑曜石被用来制作长矛的尖端,因此本题答案为spears。 3.答案:beads 题目解析:第一段第三句“Archaeologists have even found evidence of man-made glass which dates back to 4000 BC; this took the form of glazes used for coating stone beads”,提到考古学家发现了公元前4000年人造玻璃的证据,它其实是一些用来包裹石头珠子的玻璃釉层,因此本题答案为beads。 4.答案:impurities 题目解析:第二段第一、二句“Glass blowing became the most common way to make glass containers from the first century BC. The glass made during this time was highly coloured clue to the impurities of the raw material”,公元前一世纪玻璃吹制是最常用的制造玻璃容器的方法,后面提到这一时期的玻璃高度着色,因为原材料里有杂质,因此本题答案为impurities。 5.答案:Romans 题目解析:第二段第四、五句“The secret of glass making was taken across Europe by the Romans during this century. However, they guarded the skills and technology required to make glass very closely, and it was not until their empire collapsed in 476 AD that glass-making knowledge became widespread throughout Europe and the Middle East”,这些人严守玻璃制作所需的技能和技术,直到公元476年罗马帝国灭亡,玻璃制作的工艺才广泛传到欧洲和中东地区,结合前文可知这里的人指的是罗马人,因此本题答案为Romans。 6.答案:lead 题目解析:第三段第二句“He attempted to counter the effect of clouding that sometimes occurred in blown glass by introducing lead to the raw materials used in the process”,为了防止在玻璃吹制的过程中出现的雾化现象,他试着在制作使用的原材料中加入铅元素,因此本题答案为lead。 7.答案:clouding 题目解析:第三段第二句“He attempted to counter the effect of clouding that sometimes occurred in blown glass by introducing lead to the raw materials used in the process”,提到在原材料中加铅的原因是为了防止出现雾化现象,因此本题答案为clouding。 8.答案:taxes 题目解析:第四段第一、二句“In Britain, the modem glass industry only really started to develop after the repeal of the Excise Act in 1845. Before that time, heavy taxes had been placed on the amount of glass melted in a glasshouse, and were levied continuously from 1745 to 1845”,提到英国的现代玻璃工业是在1845年废除消费税法令之后才得到真正发展的。在那之前,玻璃作坊要根据熔化的玻璃总量上缴重税,通过前后文可以判断出Excise Act是关于税的法律,因此本题答案为taxes。 以上就是关于剑桥雅思12Test8阅读P1部分答案+解析的内容。各位考生要好好利用剑桥真题,平时备考过程中勤加练习,遇到问题多分析多总结。







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