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2024-04-18 18:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

线图是一切动态图的基础,把线图掌握好了,后面的动态图表 (柱图、表格、饼图) 学起来就会十分轻松!


线图必备的表达:上升、下降、不变、表升降剧烈程度的词、波动、顶点 & 谷点、返回到起始数据

1. 上升

动词原形-过去式-过去分词名词increase-increased-increasedincreaserise-rose-risenrisegrow-grew-growngrowthclimb-climbed-climbedclimbsoar-soared-soared (剧升)soar

短语:experienced/saw/showed an upward trend

2. 下降

动词原形-过去式-过去分词名词decrease-decreased-decreaseddecreasedecline-declined-declineddeclinedrop-dropped-droppeddropfall-fell-fallenfalldip-dipped-dipped (剧降)dip

短语:experienced/saw/showed a downward trend

3. 不变 (v. + adj.)


保持不变: keep unchanged

4. 表升降剧烈程度的词



The consumption of fish increased dramatically from 1990 to 2002. (v.+adv.)

There was a dramatic increase in the consumption of fish from 1990 to 2002. (adj.+n.)

5. 波动

动词:fluctuate [ˈflʌktʃueɪt]

名词:fluctuation [ˌflʌktʃʊ'eɪʃn]


The consumption of fish fluctuated between 1990 and 2000. 鱼的消费量在1990-2000年间波动了。

In spite of some fluctuation, the consumption of fish increased to 50% in 2000. 尽管有些波动,鱼的消费量在2000年上升到了50%。

6. 顶点、谷点


名词:reach a peak of + 数字

动词:peaked at + 数字


名词:reach/fall to a bottom of + 数字

动词:bottomed out at + 数字

The consumption of beef peaked at 80 grams per person in 1994 and bottomed out at only 10 grams in 2000. (动词)

The consumption of beef reached a peak of 80 grams per person in 1994 and fell to a bottom of only 10 grams in 2000. (名词)

7. 返回到起始数据


fall back to the original level下降至起始水平

bounce back to the original level返回至起始水平

* original level 可以改成 "起始时间 + figure", 如 2001 figure [2001年是起始时间]

After peaking at 22 million tonnes in 2002, the quantity of waste produced in Europe fell back to the 2001 figure in 2004.

In spite of a slight fall in 2005 to about 44,000, the figure bounced back to the original level in 2007.



1. 基础替换

(1) (line) graph = (line) chart

(2) shows = describes = illustrates

(3) five countries = five different nations

(4) a European country = a particular European country

(5) between…and… = during the period from…to… = over a X-year period from…to…

2. 句式改写

题目:The chart/graph below shows …

➡ The line chart/graph illustrates changes in XXX + 地点 (国家) + 时间.

➡ The line chart/graph illustrates (that) XXX changed + 地点 (国家) + 时间. [that引导宾语从句,that可以被省略]


题目: The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.

➡ The graph illustrates changes in the amounts of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular European country between 1979 and 2004. (剑7 Test 2考官范文)

题目: The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries.

➡ The graph shows the amount of water used worldwide changed between 1900 and 2000. (剑6 Test 1考官范文)


在描写线图升降趋势的时候,我们可以使用不同的句型,如果重复使用一种句型,如‘XXX increased’,那么Grammatical Range得分不会很高!


XXX (描述对象) + 趋势动词 + 副词


XXX (描述对象) + showed/experienced/saw + an upward trend/a downward trend

句型三:There be 句型

There be a/an + 形容词 + 趋势名词 + in XXX (描述对象)


时间+ showed/experienced/saw a/an + 形容词 + 趋势名词 + in XXX (描述对象)


A/An + 形容词 + 趋势名词 + in XXX (描述对象) took place/occurred


句型一:XXX increased

The consumption of meat increased dramatically from 1990 to 1998.

句型二:XXX showed an upward trend

The consumption of meat showed an upward trend from 1990 to 1998.

句型三:There was a dramatic increase

There was a dramatic increase in the consumption of meat from 1990 to 1998.

句型四:The 8-year period showed

The 8-year period from 1990 to 1998 showed a dramatic increase in the consumption of meat.

句型五:A dramatic increase occurred

A dramatic increase in the consumption of meat occurred from 1990 to 1998.


我们需要使用逻辑连接词 (连词、副词、介词短语) 将线图的数据连接起来,Coherence and Cohesion想拿高分,除了准确地使用不同的连接词外,还需要准确地使用指代 (referencing). 小作文评分标准中,9分的标准 (Coherence and Cohesion)是uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention.

1. 基础连接手段

(1) 连词: and, but

(2) 连接副词: Afterwards; Thereafter; Subsequently

(3) 介词短语: After that; In the following XXX years


The number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property decreased from 55 thousand in 1970 to a bottom of 15 thousand in 1990, but it rose to 20 thousand in 2000.

The number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property decreased from 55 thousand in 1970 to a bottom of 15 thousand in 1990. Afterwards/Thereafter/Subsequently/After that, it rose to 20 thousand in 2000.

The number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property decreased from 55 thousand in 1970 to a bottom of 15 thousand in 1990. In the following 10 years, it rose to 20 thousand.

2. 高级连接手段

(1) After a (slight/dramatic) fall/increase, ...

(2) before/after + v-ing

(3) ..., (which was) followed by ...

(4) 定语从句关系副词: when

(5) 定语从句: ..., by/during which time ...


After a dramatic decrease from 55 thousand in 1970 to a bottom of 15 thousand in 1990, the number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property rose to 20 thousand in 2000.

After decreasing dramatically from 55 thousand in 1970 to a bottom of 15 thousand in 1990, the number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property rose to 20 thousand in 2000.

The number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property decreased from 55 thousand in 1970 to a bottom of 15 thousand in 1990, before rising to 20 thousand in 2000.

The number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property decreased from 55 thousand in 1970 to a bottom of 15 thousand in 1990, (which was) followed by a rise to 20 thousand in 2000.

The number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property decreased from 55 thousand in 1970 to a bottom of 15 thousand in 1990, when the figure rose to 20 thousand in 2000.

The number of people having bought or in the process of buying their own property decreased from 55 thousand to a bottom of 15 thousand between 1970 and 1990, during which time the figure declined by 40 thousand.


如果Task Achievement想要得高分,线图中的重要信息需要涵盖。那么,哪些属于重要信息呢?

1. 起始数据比较

如果是多线图,可以把起始点数据进行比较,这样做是为了突出作文中有信息的比较 [即满足题干要求make comparisons where relevant]。剑桥考官范文也是这样写的:

The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.

In 1979, beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week. Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities (around 150 grams), while much less fish was consumed (just over 50 grams). (剑7 Test 2考官范文)


(1) Beef was the most popular of these foods (主系表结构), with about 225 grams consumed per person per week (with复合结构充当伴随状语).

(2) Lamb and chicken were eaten. (被动语态)

(3) Much less fish was consumed. (比较级)

2. 线图重要特征和分段形式

Task Achievement想拿高分,作文中需要涵盖图表中的重要信息;Coherence and Cohesion想拿高分,需要合理地进行分段,且不刻意使用逻辑连接词,句子和段落之间的衔接与连贯 (逻辑连接词和指代的使用) 需要十分自然








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