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2024-06-29 10:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






I believe we are now seeing the the light at the end of the tunnel.


"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark,you don't throw away the ticket and jump off.You sit still and trust the engineer."-Corrie Ten Boom"

当火车穿过隧道,天黑了,你不会扔掉车票跳下去。你坐着不动,信任工程师。"-Corrie Ten Boom

"The Plan"of the White Hat Alliance,is like taking a train through a very long tunnel.It's night time,and you're on a train in a dark tunnel.You are so far toward the back of the train you can't even see the light on the engines at the front.You flip on the light in your compartment,and all you can do is catch a glimpse of the tunnel.You have but one choice at this point,you must trust the engineer to get you through the tunnel.In the same way,we must trust the Alliance to bring us through to the end of the plan.It does require patience,but that is true with any worthwhile endeavor.There's never been a more worthwhile endeavor,or plan,than to free the world from the tyrannical control of an evil,Sat*anic,D*eep State Cabal!


Occasionally,we get a glimpse of what is happening in the developing plan,but then it seems to go dark.We know in our analogy that dawn is about to break,and we're close enough to the end of the long tunnel we have been in,that we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I get my intel,from many of the same sources as I'm sure many of you do.I have no insider information,but I follow many blogs of people that seem to get much of their info from sources on the inside of the Alliance.


I want to be clear,I trust"The Plan"it's not only that I place my hope in the plan,I have complete FAITH in the"The Plan".As an outsider,I have no way of knowing the accuracy of timelines(times or dates),that I have read.However,following clues that we are given,I have to feel that exactly four weeks from today,March 4th,could very well be the culmination of the plan.


We are now back under our our original Constitution,ratified in 1789.The U.S.Corporation we were sold into,under the Act of 1871,is now bankrupt and defunct.President Trump,has resumed the use of our original Constitution which uses the date of March 4th as the Presidential Inauguration Day.It seems only fitting that he would stick to that date as Inauguration Day.The timing is right as well.Under NESARA,which appears to have been implemented by the signing of Executive Order#13958,on 11/2/2020,allows up to 120 days before a new election is held.Under that mandate,it seems a new election must be held on,or before March 2nd,which would work nicely with an inauguration to be held on the 4th.

我们现在回到了1789年批准的原宪法之下。根据1871年法案,我们卖给的美国公司现在已经破产倒闭了。特朗普总统,恢复使用我们原来的宪法,将3月4日定为总统就职日。这似乎是唯一合适的,他将坚持这一日期作为就职日。时机也正好。根据2020年2月11日签署的第13958号行政命令(Executive Order#13958),NESARA 似乎已经实施了这一政策,允许在新选举举行前最多120天进行选举。根据这一命令,似乎必须在3月2日或之前举行新的选举,这将与4日举行的就职典礼相得益彰

The last major victories of"The Plan"was the taking down of the fiat currency of the Cabal,and the ending of the control,the *C*P had over the people of China.There has also been mass arrests of the many people that fell,during the sting operation perpetrated during the Congressional Electoral Vote count,and the stolen fraudulent election,and the subsequent 2nd Impeachment of Donald Trump.There have been hundreds of arrests of Representatives,and Senators,and also the fake President,and Vice President.Many of these arrests have been body doubles,or clones of the originals,that have already been dealt with.


Now there is much disclosure needed between today,February 4th,and the remaining 4 weeks leading up to March 4th.Rumors on this site indicate the possibility that the military may take over the mass media as early as tomorrow(Friday)night.Wouldn't a comprehensive disclosure,perhaps beginning at halftime of the Super Bowl be poetic justice,as many of the players anymore appear to hate our country.But,rumors on this site,also indicate the disclosure may come on Friday the 12th.I'm so looking forward to the disclosure with the hopes that a very large percentage of the sheeple will be awakened,And then to the Inauguration of President Trump,as the 19th President of the Republic of the United States of America,founded by our forefathers.


I've said this before,what an amazing time to be alive!We are about to become free of the tyranny,and lies,we've lived under all of our lives.and we're about to have freedom and prosperity,all across the world like never before in all of world history.There will no longer be divisions between races,religions,cultures,or creeds.There will only be love for,and the show of kindness to,our brothers,and sisters around the world.as we transition into the Age of Aquarius which dawned on 12/21/2020.


Please continue to be in prayer for President Trump.the entire White Hat Alliance,including all the military,and law enforcement personnel and all their families.Pray for any children,an/or adults that may still be in captivity,and pray for the hungry and the homeless,until they have food and homes of their own.


The Alliance has brought us through the battle,and is about to put and end to evil in our world.This could only have been done through our Almighty God,and Heavenly Father,who deserves all the praise.


May God bless you!





Wayne Miller









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