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天津大学教师个人主页系统 陈天 首页 中文主页

2024-06-30 20:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Dr. Tian Chen is a full professor and doctorial tutor in the Department of Urban and Rural Planning as well as the director of the Research Institute of City Space & Urban Design at Tianjin University. Additionally, Dr. Chen is a National 1st Class Registered Architect and served as a committee member in China Green Building Committee, a committee member of APEC joint project operation center of sustainable city, a committee member in the Rural Planning & Construction Committee of Urban Planning Society of China, the managing director and the chairman of the Academic Committee of Urban Planning Society of Tianjin, the deputy director of Tianjin Ecological Engineering Center for Urban Renewal, the deputy chief planner of the Tianjin University Research Institute of Architectural Design & Urban Planning. Dr. Chen is also a professional reviewer and associate editor of the journal of City Planning Review. Dr. Chen was awarded as one of the first Tianjin Urban Planning Masters. Dr. Chen has been engaged in teaching and researching for a long time in the field of urban planning and made abundant achievements in urban ecological planning, urban design and neighborhood planning. Dr. Chen has conducted and participated in more than 10 national or provincial research projects, and published more than 60 peer-reviewed articles in academic journals and conference proceedings, as well as 6 professional monographs and translation books. Dr. Chen works as the principle designer for more than 80 architecture design, urban planning and urban design projects and wins more than 10 national and provincial design prizes. 






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