中国弹弓冠军在远处击中水滴,网友:这就是现实里的漫威英雄吗?乌索普!弹弓侠!总有一个亚洲人比你强! 您所在的位置:网站首页 钢板做弹弓视频 中国弹弓冠军在远处击中水滴,网友:这就是现实里的漫威英雄吗?乌索普!弹弓侠!总有一个亚洲人比你强!


2024-07-16 19:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

DeeJordeen He’s the type of person to be in the back of the classroom and understand what the teacher is writing 他是那种坐在教室最后面,也能看清老师在写什么的人原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

jas · 69 years ago This man can shoot the droplet from afar with a slingshot, while i can't even see the droplet 5 steps in front of it 这个人可以用弹弓从远处把水滴射出去,而我甚至看不到眼前5步之外的水滴原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Papa Stalin Everyone is gangsta until one eyed black man arrives and invites you to join some weird team 每个人一开始都是匪徒,直到有一只眼睛瞎掉的黑人(神盾局局长好像),过来找到你,并邀请你加入某个奇怪的团队原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Clippygoat Mans more useful than Hawkeye and Black Widow in Infinity War and Endgame. 这个男人,比《无限战争》和《终局之战》中的鹰眼和黑寡妇更有用。 先輩原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

He’s going to be crazy during a zombie apocalypse, he just needs slightly bigger rocks. 他会在僵尸末日的时候杀疯的,因为他只需要稍大一点的石头。 Cuber 1508 “Instead of ‘Hawkeye’s bow and arrow, Zhu Liang Uses a catapult” Just imagine what he can do with a bow and arrow “朱良用的不是鹰眼的弓箭,而是弹弓。” 想象一下他拿着鹰眼的弓箭能做什么 Soviet Flamingo He was playing Angry. bird for 100 years and now his skill is this 他似乎玩了100年的《愤怒的小鸟》,然后练就了他现在的技能原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

ઽωээ† ρ๏†ล†๏ "let's go play Airsoft with the neighbor's kid"、 The neighbor's kid: "让我们去找邻居的孩子玩气枪吧" 邻居的孩子:不!我要玩弹弓! Miyamoto Musashi i don't need his skills. i just want his eyesight. 我不需要他的技术,我只想要他的视力。 Da da da blah blah blah behold his name is “Hok Ai”. 看,他的名字叫“Hok Ai”。 Spryte Him: shoots droplet from 10 km away Me: sliding my hands left and right to try and hit a water droplet from a tap and failing for 5 mins 他:从10公里外看见水滴 我:用我的手左右滑动,试着去打一个水龙头上的水滴,一直失败了5分钟 Xpresnvdy So black zetsu was right when he said someone can be taken down by a pebble thrown by a master 所以black zetsu说得对,他说一个人可以被大师扔的一块石头打倒 All For One&One For All My boi Usopp out here in the woods training with that Observation Haki 我的手下在森林里训练,还需要用Haki观察 Bruh what's that "I know a hitman, he's very serious with his job"The hitman。 "我发现了一个天生的杀手,他能胜任这个工作。"杀手。 Prasiddhi Pawani I'm an Asian and now I truly understand what 'there's always an Asian better than you" means... mind-blowing 我是一个亚洲人,现在我真正明白了“总有一个亚洲人比你强”的意思……牛逼 Lazy Bug Meanwhile my failure at throwing paper ball in my class's dustbin laughs at me 与此同时,我在班上垃圾桶里扔纸球的失败举动,仿佛在嘲笑我 ME Imagine this man armed with a gun 想象一下这个人带着枪 CY NG Imagine if Joergsparve invites him to join his slingshot league... "LET ME SHOW YOU HIS FEATURES!" *Evil laughing* 想象一下,如果Joergsparve邀请他加入他的弹弓联盟…… “让我给你看看他是谁!” *邪恶笑* Kaisura Tokisada A guy: Guns are best weapons Some Guy: No Bows are the best weapons Him: amateurs The first two guys: What? Him: points a slingshot at them Amateurs 某些人:枪是最好的武器 其他人:不!弓才是最好的武器 他:业余爱好者 前两个人:什么? 他:用弹弓瞄准业余选手 MUHAMMAD AQIEL BIN MOHD ARIFFIN Moe This guy took aiming to a whole new level 这家伙把瞄准提升到了一个全新的高度 The Last Drive-In Screen #2 "The Justice League of America now declares "Slingshot" part of the team." "美国正义联盟即将宣布"弹弓",是团队的一员" Saiyan Zhao This is one of the skills you would need to become a school bully... 这是你成为学校恶霸所需要的技能之一。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Faitywave Sir, what’s your weapon of choice him: Slingshot Seriously? Him proceeding to massacre the opponents with laser precision: Did i stutter?? 先生,你的武器是什么 他:弹弓 认真的吗? 他开始用激光精准地屠杀对手: 我说不出话了吗? ? Fizzy Lemon Swirl This man can do all of this while I can’t even make my breakfast in the morning 这个男人可以这么牛逼,结果我连早饭都做不好 ishaan rohmetra These chinese are practicing and practicing and practicing, thats why they are becoming better and better in every aspect, they have opened up an another dimension , respect. Indians must learn the hardwork chinese put in Credits- i am also an indian 这些中国人不断练习、练习、再练习,这就是为什么他们在各个方面都变得越来越好,他们已经存在另一个维度,尊重。印度人必须学习中国人付出的努力 成绩——我们印度人也应该如此 Ram Singh This guy is an absolute legend 这家伙绝对是个传奇人物 Kor Xion Finally Sogeking’s identity has been revealed 终于,Sogeking的身份被揭露了 AZTEC MAN In English, a catapult is a large wooden structure used for attacking castles, not a hand held slingshot. Much love! 在英语中,弹弓是一种用来攻击城堡的大型木制结构物,而不是手持弹弓。超赞! TheResident The real life Sogeking!! "Lululalalu" 真正的生活!! “撸……” Kagami Strauss This video will fit perfectly with SogeKing theme song wwww 这个视频非常适合SogeKing的主题歌,哇哇哇 elmohead Lars Anderson be like: I have discovered a long-lost art of slingshot. I can shoot 999 ball bearings a second using this technique! grabs a handful of ball bearings and throws it 拉尔斯·安德森说:我发现了一门失传已久的弹弓艺术。用这种技术,我可以在一秒钟内射出999个滚珠! 抓起一把滚珠轴承扔出去 InfiniDragon X When you want to hire an assassin and a friend of yours says he knows a guy,this is the guy he is talking about... 当你想雇杀手,而你的朋友说他认识一个人时,他说的就是这个人…… Alster Skyreader It’s deadly if he aim for the eyes 如果他瞄准别人的眼睛将会致命 Axel Alexander He is a man of focus, commitment and sheer will 他是一个专注、努力、意志坚定的人 Golly Goth China must be such a special place to produce such talented people! 中国一定是一个特别的地方,能培养出如此优秀的人才! DJ Dizzy Chinese version of Usopp is in town. To finish the cosplay, he just needs to pull the nose now instead of the catapult. Disclaimer: it's just a joke as he really resembles a character from the anime One Piece . 中文版的Usopp来了。为了完成角色扮演,他现在只需要拉鼻子而不是弹射器。 免责声明:这只是一个玩笑,但他真的很像动画片《海盗城》中的一个角色。 Zach G Nobody made a Golden Ball from One Punch reference?This guy's on point 没其他人能一次就把弹珠打中吗?这家伙很厉害 Ford Prefect I love seeing catapults kept alive. It's an underrated therapy tool as well as a hunting tool if need be and once you start building them it's really addictive. For all first timers the only advice I will give you now is pinch and twist. The rest is on you and remember you're doing this because it's fun not to compete with other people. 我喜欢看到弹弓视频,它是一种被低估的治疗工具,如果需要的话,它也是一种狩猎工具。一旦你开始制作弹弓,它真的会让人上瘾。 对于所有的初学者,我现在唯一能给你们的建议就是掐和扭。剩下的全靠你自己了,记住你这么做是为了爱好,而不是和别人竞争。 Judielle Villa Zinke This Slingshot sound is giving me Highschool Rubberband War falshbacks 这弹弓声让我想起了高中的橡皮筋大战 Ryan Li Having a elastic band misfire during a slingshot is the most painful experience in my slingshot career 在我的弹弓生涯中,橡皮筋爆火是最痛苦的经历 Peter M When you are unemployed.. anything can happen... 当你失业的时候…任何事情都有可能发生…原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Uruha Rushia So this is training arc Cant wait to the 'battle of bullet in the city' arc 这只是在训练 我已经等不及观看“城市子弹大战”了 Mineblox Now all that's left is for him to venture out to sea and meet a wierd captain of a pirate ship wearing a strawhat 现在对他来说,剩下的事情就是冒险出海,遇见一个戴着一根草帽的古怪的海盗船船长(海贼,乌索普) HappyBlox If he was hunting in the wild all he would need is a piece of wood, a rock, and a piece of elastic 如果他在野外打猎,他只需要一块木头、一块石头和一根松紧带 Yannik This is going to blow up haha 这是要炸了,哈哈 w' s 看起来并不是巧合,真的是精通 Ronnie Chew I can shoot at droplets too, when it's raining 下雨的时候,我也可以射中水滴 Manu Kalia China Got Talent Beautiful country to visit and learn the dedication and technology 中国达人 我想去参观这个美丽的国家,学习技术 BΛUL Now imagine this man armed with a trebuchet 现在想象一下这个人带着投石机 yabadabadoo Fury : found u Him : how's your other eye Fury : i didn't get to witness the killing of thanos because i was unworthy with one eye 弗瑞:找到你 他:你的另一只眼睛怎么样了 弗瑞:我没有亲眼目睹灭霸被杀,因为我不配拥有一只眼睛 Winkus Guo Reminds me to my childhood. But instead of using metal catapults, i put the rubber band on 2 of my fingers and have a nice accuracy. 这个视频使我想起了我的童年。 但我没有使用金属弹弓,而是把橡皮筋绑在我的两根手指上,精确度也很高。 Y Qisq Someone please call @the Slingshot Channel. Must let him see these man's features. 请@弹弓频道。一定要让他看见这个人。 Plank Zhu Liang's doing that marksman thing, Sanji's cooking, Chopper's doctoring. 朱良在做神枪手,山治在做饭,乔在治病。 Chayote 2018 More fun to put out candles 打灭蜡烛更有趣 Kiran Kankipati - The Linux Channel I feel should be made as official Olympic sport. Anything is a sport and an art form especially an expert does. With skills and practice. 我觉得应该把弹弓作为正式的奥运会项目。任何事物都是一种运动和艺术形式,尤其是专家做的事情,需要技巧和练习。 C C The power of editing. Such power 剪辑的力量,如此强大 Gemmy Whi If this is a game, he will be my fav character~~ 如果这是一个游戏,他将是我最喜欢的角色~~ Xioama Prod. Very impressive! Love this channel! 非常令人震惊! hice t Great timing I just bought a sling shot! 真巧,我刚买了弹弓! Nobinobita I always used to hit my fingers that are holding the catapult when I was a kid ;~; 当我还是个孩子的时候,我总是拿着我的弹弓到处打 Tim Quick question, does he likes to tell lies? And is he a pirate? Lol 问个小问题,他喜欢撒谎吗?他曾经是个海盗吗?哈哈 Kaori Hlaing These are the guys that should be famous, him and the card throwing kid 这些人应该出名,他和扔牌小子都应该 Juju's Gaming Show 狙击好工作,伙伴。 064678543 Joergsprave: Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary! 乔格斯普雷夫:终于,一个真正的对手!我们之间的战斗将成为传奇! Comrade Egg Yolk Him : uses catapult to hit water droplets with amazing skill Me : uses a full auto m4 in hopes to hit a droplet and in the end hits multiple holes in the bottle 他:使用弹弓以惊人的技巧击中水滴 我:用一个全自动m4来打一个水滴,最后瓶子上打出几个洞原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Syafiq Renaissance That's really accurate shots that he made...marvelous.. 他打得真准……太棒了。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Tim Gordon And you got me Who can’t even hold a slingshot correctly 我很喜欢 谁连弹弓都拿不好? Yu Wang 哥们 超过1.8焦了 Tír na nÓg 弹弓还得看老大爷射鱼原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

random guy Top 10 strongest anime characters of all time 史上最强大的十大动漫人物之一该有他 chan hoong 只要不射动物其实弹弓是蛮不错的原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Hydę If only he was born a couple thousand years ago, would’ve been a formidable slinger. 如果他出生在几千年前,他会是一个强大的投石手。 waterbe3 This is harder than you think I tried it and it's hard to keep it steady. I cant even make it fire. 这比你想象的要更难保持稳定,我甚至不会用弹弓把子弹射出去。 Dark Tales Me using the catapult and somehow malfunctioning and hit my finger 我用弹弓的时候不知道怎么出了错误,砸到了我自己的手指 nishtha bharti Roses are red , violets are blue, There will always be an Asian better than you 玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的 总有一个亚洲人比你强 Frog in a well true masters come from the masses 高手在民间 sbrazwell42 I like that..want one of those. That is skills.. We did this with rubber bands and paper wads..never went very far.. 我喜欢这个武器,想要一个。还有这个技能…… 我以前用橡皮筋和纸团玩的,但射不出多远。 Spaghetti And balls Guys, he’s using an ancient move called, “observation haki” and his name is Usopp 伙计们,他在用一种古老的动,叫" observation haki ",他的名字叫乌索普 Stone Thanks south china for making me feel i dont have talent and making me more sad about it Thanks! 感谢南华早报让我觉得我没有天赋,让我更难过 谢谢! Psych Machine he is more benificial than hawk eye’s whole career 他比鹰眼的都牛逼 Cute Potato If he is a teacher he would literally use the Catapult and use a chalk to hit those naughty children in the class 如果他是老师,他会用弹弓和粉笔来打班里那些淘气的孩子 Gil Blax I would like to see the adult content. I mean, what about the birds he has killed. 我想看成人内容。我的意思是,他杀的那些鸟呢。 Benjie Barba It's Sogeking! The King of Snipers with a bounty of 30,000,000 berrys! 这是Sogeking !狙击手之王!拥有3000万赏金的家伙! MVP_KZ He's probably the main character or the rival of the main character :) 他可能是主角或者主角的对手原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Lil Rick "I- I am a brave warrior of the sea... Captain Zhu!" “我——我是大海里勇敢的战士……朱队长!” Montaser He's a Real life usopp. 他是一个现实里的乌索普。 Ray Mak That's crazy accurate.... 这个精准度太疯狂了… Sasaki Umiquema Meanwhile I'm wearing glasses and still can't see street signs 与此同时,我戴着眼镜,仍然看不见路牌 Ache Khalo I got nervous when the cameraman stood right in front of him aiming. 当摄影师站在他面前拍摄瞄准角度时,我很紧张。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Joe Apples With his slingshot this man can cause world peace 用弹弓,这个人可以使世界和平 Harsh Kumar In India we call these type of people "Eklavya" ! 在印度,我们把这种人叫做“Eklavya”! Louverture desprit Nest Pas Une Fracture du Crane This the type of man you want in your team for the Zombie apocalypse 僵尸末日的时候,你肯定希望你的团队里有这样的人 sboyle71177 Well, I know who I'm hanging out with in the zombie apocalypse. 好吧,我知道僵尸末日里,我要和谁在一起了。 LocalCarThief This is the real golden ball from one punch man 这是《一拳超人》里的金球 Jango It's amazing what you can achieve if you're bored enough... 如果你足够无聊,你会震惊地发现你能意外取得的成就…… cthulu cosmic I will give this guy my kar98 and 8x with out asking questions. 我会毫不犹豫地把我的kar98和8倍镜给他。 Dave Ng This was the kid who shot the bee with a rubber band in class from that story online 这就是网上那个故事的现实版,那个在课堂上用橡皮筋打蜜蜂的孩子原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Christine Bennett Mans shooting droplets, meanwhile I’m too scared to touch the dang rubber band 这个男人能集中水珠,而我却害怕得连那该死的橡皮筋都不敢碰 Wayne Wayne Whatever you're doing, there's always an asian doing things better than you 无论你在做什么,总有亚洲人比你做得更好 Rizwan Azeem Someone make this man canon in the MCU immediately! 快来个人,把这个男人设计成MCU的经典角色! Bruh That’s a slingshot my guy 伙计,那竟然是弹弓 Yash Verma Meanwhile when i use a sling shot i am scared that if i stretch it more it will hurt my hand. 与此同时,当我使用弹弓时,我害怕如果我把它拉得太久,它会伤害到我的手。 Son Dang Kinda funny to see him uses such primitive weapon with accuracy hittinghis targets, but at the end, he took out his smartphone. 看到他使用如此原始的武器还能精确命中目标,还有点好笑,但最后,他拿出了自己的智能手机。 Darwin Watterson They should send people with unique skills to join the police force, they’ll be able to catch criminals off guard with their incredible skills. 他们应该派这种有独特技能的人加入警察队伍,他们能够用他们惊人的技能,在距离之外抓住罪犯。 Luv&Passione System upxe: Autoaim enabled 系统更新:自动瞄准启用 Software Engineer Automate it and sell it. You will be a millionaire in no time. 将这种弹弓设计成自动化并出售。你很快就会成为百万富翁。 Ronish K At the beginning, I feared the sling might get loose and hit camera. 一开始,我担心吊索会松动,砸到摄像机。 Sindgami He is using a catapult and his aim is 100times better than a stormtrooper that uses blaster 他使用的是弹弓,他的瞄准能力比使用爆破器的冲锋兵强100倍原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Nathan Perez The man is trying to go head to head with Usopp and it shows 结果证明这名男子可以与乌索普正面交锋 BlazingJalapeno This guy is the side character thats lowkey stronger than the main character 这家伙是一个比主角更低调的配角 Icah Opilm This man is having more fun and challenging himself with his life with just a catapult as I look at my cheeto stained fingers and yawn 当我看着我沾满芝士的手指,打了个哈欠的时候,这个男人正在用弹弓挑战自己的生活,享受更多的乐趣 Bolshoi Booze dang, that is so impressive. props to the guy. 该死,太厉害了。支持这家伙。 Kings Glaive i cant even see the water drop from that distance. 从那么远的地方我甚至根本看不见水滴。原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Piez Eatur This man won't go for headshots, he will go for nut shots 这个人不会去爆头,他会疯狂爆头原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Duong Seyhakreaksmey I think this just need a lot of practice. I used to shot sling shot since I was a young, I can tell you that I can hit a flying bird with distant over 20 meters and my sling shot wasn't this advanced as his. Practice make perfect. 我认为做到这一步,只是需要大量的练习。我从小就会弹弹弓,我可以告诉你,我可以在20米远的地方击中飞鸟,我的弹弓没有他的那么先进。但熟能生巧。 Aine The live action one piece ussop movie is looking great 电影《海贼王》乌索普的真人,看起来很棒 Sovannara Nov Imagine broke into his out and him sitting there with a slingshot “想象”你闯进他的领地,结果他拿着弹弓坐在那里 ryuu tora Guy literally use slingshot yet people compares him to marvel Usopp : am I a joke to you? 这家伙只是玩弹弓,就让人们这么震惊 乌索普:我对你们来说是个笑话吗? Benjie Barba I'm surprised I'm not seeing more "real-life Usopp" comments 我很惊讶我没有看到更多“现实里的乌索普”评论 X G He's now the Catapult Man. Marvel can contact him for the role. 他现在是个牛逼弹弓手,漫威可以联系他来买断这个角色。 ShanRovic This guy could be a super hero slingshotting people who refuse to wear mask 这家伙可以成为超级英雄,用弹弓射那些拒绝戴面具的人 Dj Robert He looks like the warrior monk in Ghost of Tsushima who lost his brother.... 他看起来就像《对马岛之魂》中失去兄弟的武僧.... STAYZENtaku If an apocalypse was about to happen, he would definitely survive 如果天启即将发生,他肯定能活下来 General Grievous Some random kid: Snipers are the best weapons at long range. The guy: hold my slingshot. 狙击手是远距离最好的武器。 这家伙:拿着我的弹弓。 fullbarneystinsoness It’s like if Bart Simpson actually trained or if Usopp shaved his curls 就好像巴特·辛普森真的训练过他,或者乌索普剃了他的卷发 Sotdot Wonder what brand of slingshot that is. Looks durable. 不知道那是什么牌子的弹弓,看起来很耐用。 Samar Sidhu The USSR: we are safe they can't throw grenades this far. 苏联:我们很安全,他们不可能把手榴弹扔这么远。 ・ʏᴀᴍᴀᴛᴏ ɴɪᴋᴀɪᴅᴏ ・ I need this person for him to save me from a zombie apocalypse 我需要这个人帮忙把我从僵尸末日中拯救出来 harish kumar He can hit water droplets from a distance and I can't even drink water without spilling it 他能从很远的地方击中水滴,我甚至连喝水都要溅出来 Peace Walker I think one punch man is a more fitting franchise to be referenced than marvel here... considering one of OPM's character Actually use slingshpt as his weapon Exactly like the video 我认为《一拳超人》比漫威更适合拿这个男人作为新角色参考。 考虑到OPM的一个角色实际上使用了弹弓作为他的武器,就像视频中一样 Tawhio Martin This man living my childhood dream run around chasing dragons with my slingshot oh 这个人活在我童年的梦想里,拿着我的弹弓到处跑 Sapphoenix TheFireBird Something tells me he'd be perfect at Angry Birds 我觉得他很适合玩愤怒的小鸟 Abrar Kazi Not to be racist he looks like Wong from DR. Strange 不是种族歧视,他长得像《奇异博士》里的Wong Archaic Man probably would survived a zombie apocalypse 此人可能会在僵尸末日中幸存下来 Eolir Joerg Sprave: "Son, u still have a lot to learn AHAHAHA" Joerg Sprave:“儿子,你还有很多东西要学,哈哈” Mark John Calamba Difficulty Level : Chinese, 难度等级:中国人原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Charlie Cane Imagine this dude in a Zombie apocalypse ... an infinite amount of ammo.... 想象一下这家伙在僵尸启示录里 …无限的弹药.... Alan Wolf This man is the type of person to shoot a flaming bird into the World Government flag and carry around a giant infltable hammer 这个男人可以将一只燃烧的鸟,射向世界政府旗帜,并随身携带一个巨大的充气锤子 fi revloe But is there anything China can't do in all honesty? 老实说,还有什么是中国做不到的吗?原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

prodabber02 That’s a nice slingshot 那是一把漂亮的弹弓 Raz When I watch this video I remember a character in One Piece name Usopp 当我看这个视频时,我想起了《海贼王》中的一个角色,名字叫乌索普 Mv Fangs The always have people have same skill that didn't get viral, Like my cousin, when we was kid we get use to catch the bat, bat in banana tree, when bat fly away my friend shot it 3/5 got the target 总是有人有相同的技能 就像我的堂兄,当我们还是孩子的时候,我们习惯去打蝙蝠,打香蕉树上的蝙蝠,当蝙蝠飞走的时候,我的朋友射掉了3/5 Meow Milev I remember piece of sheet like this will get detention at school! 我记得像这样射纸团,会被学校留校的! Kung Fu Panda DIFFICULTY: ASIAN 难度:亚洲 cherie_blossom I would definitely just hit my face with the rubber band and end up with a red welt on my cheek if ever I try this. 如果我敢这么做,我肯定会被橡皮筋打到我的脸,最后在我的脸颊上留下红色的伤痕。 Bait the whoosh This guy is using aim bot in real life 这家伙是现实生活中的瞄准机器人 Zixin Art This man get fight many enemies, before the enemies even fire the bullet,he is gonna shoot the slingshot and burst the gun and the bullet 这个人和许多敌人战斗过,在敌人想要发射子弹之前,他能用弹弓射爆敌人的枪和子弹 1312yce How much for the slingshot. It looks industrial. 弹弓多少钱,它看起来很现代。 hyuuga natsume He is training for olympic slingshot edition 他正在为弹弓版奥运会进行训练 pandesal this guy is secretly a neighborhood villain 这家伙私底下可能就是个街坊恶霸原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Manchurian Candybar Perfect for hitting burglars in their rear end if they try any break-ins. 如果窃贼试图破门而入,将会受到完美的打击。 Nick So this is the origin of Hero Class A Rank 26 Golden Ball 所以,这家伙就是英雄排名26位,A级金球的起源吗? CULT of TRAGEDY THIS GUY SERIOUSLY NEEDS A GIRLFRIEND. 这家伙真的需要个女朋友。 ben jackman When your favorite One Piece character is Usopp: 当你最喜欢的一个角色是乌索普时:…… Nick K First thought reading the title. Thought of the slingshot guy from one punch man. Then after watching thought of how easy it would be for that guy to hunt birds for dinner. Those are my 2 cents 读了标题的第一个想法,是《一拳超人》里的弹弓侠。看完之后,我想那家伙捕杀鸟类是多么容易啊。 这是我的两分钱 Lebron James FBI: "We have found him sir!, Sogeking" 联邦调查局:“我们找到他了,长官!”, Sogeking” Why r u Reading dis Just imagine what he can do if he uses bullet instead of rocks 想象一下,如果他用子弹而不是石头,他会做什么原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Potato Lol imagine someone hiking through the grass, getting hit by a fast metal pellet 哈哈,想象一下有人徒步穿过草地,然后倒霉的被一个快速金属球击中的场面 Iqbal Choudhury Huge respect, he is not killing any birds 非常尊重,他没有杀任何鸟类 Rickorzen This guy kinda reminds me of a character in One Punch Man who uses the same weapon 这家伙让我想起了《一拳超人》里的一个角色,也用同样的武器 Gods convict Im convinced in reincarnation.this is dude who killed goliath back in the biblical day my peeps 我的朋友们,我相信轮回,这家伙是圣经时代杀死歌利亚的人! KIM This would have been my friend when I was young 这是我年轻时最想要的朋友 Hanbyoel Kim Be careful for the bad side effect 当心坏影响 Benlivent Juna Imagine that slingshot rubber snap and hit his face really hard 想象一下弹弓突然弹起,狠狠地打在他脸上 Aitor Karanka This man could have slingshooted tiny ant man onto thanos nostril without he even noticing 这个人可以在灭霸没有注意到的情况下,把蚂蚁人射到他的鼻孔中 The 3 Roblox amigos! Why does this make me remember when we let go of the butter fly in kindergarten 为什么这让我想起了我们在幼儿园里打苍蝇的时候






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