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人教英语八年级下册期中考试试卷时间:100分钟 满分:120分第一卷 听力部分(25分)一、听句子,根据所听内容选择合适的应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)1. A. I have a stomachache. B. I play football on the ground.C. I go to see a doctor.2. A. Thanks.   B. Yes, sure.   C. It doesn't matter.3. A. I'm swimming.           B. I went to school.C. I was watching TV.4. A. Why not talk to them B. They disagree with each other.C. You can tell them with each other.5. A. No, I didn't.           B. You are right.C. Sounds like a good idea.二、听下面5个句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)三、听下面5段小对话,每段对话对应一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)11. What happened to the boy A. He fell down.     B. He got hit on the head.C. He cut himself.12. What is broken A. The computer. B. The phone. C. The bike.13. What will they do today A. Fly kites.     B. Climb the mountain.C. Play badminton.14. How will the boy go to the Volunteer Service Center A. On foot.    B. By bike.    C. By car.15. What is Sam doing now A. Drawing a picture.    B. Walking a dog.C. Doing his homework.四、听下面2段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)听第1段对话,回答第16、17小题。16. Where is Lisa A. In the supermarket. B. In the bookshop. C. In the restaurant.17. What does Mom need A. Some lettuce. B. Some sandwiches. C. Some books.听第2段对话,回答第18至20小题。18. What was Mike doing when Linda called him at seven o'clock A. Helping his mom cook. B. Taking a shower. C. Sleeping.19. How many times did Linda call Mike A. Twice.   B. Three times.    C. Four times.20. Why did Linda call Mike A. She asked Mike to call Jenny.B. She needed help with her math homework.C. She asked Mike for help with her science homework.五、听下面一篇短文,短文后面有五个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)21. Why did Ted leave school when he was fourteen years old A. His mother had an accident. B. His father was seriously ill.C. He lost one of his legs in an accident.22. What did Ted do after he left school A. He helped his father sell books. B. He grew and sold strawberries.C. He worked in a restaurant.23. How old was Ted when he became the richest farmer in his village A. 24. B. 25. C. 26.24. Who did Ted meet in the town one day A. His classmates.      B. His friends.C. His teachers.25. How long did they spend visiting the farm by car A. One day. B. Two days. C. Three days.第二卷 笔试部分(95分)六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)26.If I travel to Kunming next week,I ________ you a postcard.A send B sent C will send D have sent27. We __________ football if it doesn′t snow tomorrow.A will play B play C played D have played28. You′ll never know the truth ___________ you go out and look for it yourself.A if B though C unless D since29. __________ you practice hard,you will have the chance (机会) to be on the show.A As soon as B As long as C As far as D As well as30. Boys and girls,Believe in yourself. If you __________ hard,your dream will come true.A will study B studied C study D are studying31. If you don′t leave now,you __________ late for the movie.A are B were C will be D have been32. If you smile at others,they ___________ back.A smile B will smile C smiled D. smiles33. If it doesn′t rain tomorrow,we ___________ bird﹣watching in Niantan Park.A go B went C have gone D will go34. Lin Shuhao is ______ famous ______ all the basketball fans in China know him.A too;to B enough;to C so;that D. to;too35. There is ___________ with him. A wrong something B wrong anythingC something wrong D anything wrong七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Today we will talk about the generation gap (代沟). The generation gap means a lack of (缺乏) communication __36__ one generation and another. That could come from the difference of tastes, __37__ and habits. It often happens between parents and their __38__. Is there a generation gap between you and your parents If so, __39__ this reading can help you bridge the generation gap.Firstly, communication is the most important. __40__ with your parents about something in your life. Start with it, and you'll see __41__ close your family members are.Secondly, try spending more __42__ with your parents. You can go for a football game with your father, __43__ you can have an evening walk with your mother. You and your parents can take part in free time activities together. They will find the __44__ interests as yours and all of you will have fun.Finally, your parents can help with your problems. So __45__ your problems with them. They have more experience and will give you good advice. It will also help to bridge the gap.36. A. through B. between C. during D. against37. A. opinions B. skills C. situations D. spirits38. A. classmates B. friends C. children D. brothers39. A. instead B. already C. anyway D. perhaps40. A. Communicate B. Fight C. Compete D. Disagree41. A. what B. why C. how D. when42. A. time B. training C. life D. money43. A. so B. or C. although D. however44. A. typical B. usual C. different D. same45. A. compare B. cover C. share D. forget八、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)ADo you have any trouble in dealing with (处理) your old books Here are some ways to help you.Give Away Your BooksYou can give your books to the library. They needn't be popular or useful book, but they must look clean. Most libraries have book sales every year. You can also give them to the charity. Many charities accept old books. They can give these books to children in poor areas.Sell Your BooksYou can choose to sell your books online. But remember to set suitable prices for your books and provide necessary information about the books for people to look through. You can also sell them to the thrift store (旧货店). Most thrift stores need old books. You can walk around your neighborhood to see if there are any thrift stores. The thrift stores will help you a lot.Exchange (交换) Your Books for Other ThingsThere are some websites that allow people to exchange old books for new books. For example, you can visit BookMooch, PaperBackSwap, or Title Trader. You can also exchange your old books for other things that you need or you are interested in such as video games or CDs on Swap.46. If you give away an old book to a library, it should be ____.A. popular B. useful C. clean D. interesting47. What does the underlined word “suitable” mean in Chinese A. 公平的 B. 适当的 C. 透明的 D. 完美的48. What can you do to sell old books A. Show them online with some of their information.B. Look through more information online.C. Open a thrift shop by yourself.D. Turn to your neighbors for help.49. Which one is TRUE A. Libraries give poor children old books every year.B. Charities have book sales to raise money for poor people.C. People can exchange old books for new ones on BookMooch.D. Four ways of dealing with old books are mentioned.50. This material is probably written for ____.A. library workers B. charity volunteersC. shop owners D. book loversBEvery Saturday, Emmy's mother writes down what Emmy should help out with before she goes to work. Then Emmy will be free to do other things after finishing it. It was sunny last Saturday and Emmy was so excited to go out that she forgot about the housework.“Emmy, is it right to sneak out (偷偷溜出去) before doing your housework?” “Sorry,” Emmy said, “I just forgot, Mom. It's a beautiful day and you know how much I love to get close to nature.” Her mom said, “But you must remember your responsibility (责任) to do the housework. Do you remember what the word ‘responsibility’ means?” Emmy answered, “Yes, I do. Responsibility means to do the things I'm expected to do so that I can grow up and won't become a lazy person. ” “You are right! You should never forget it!” Mom agreed.Then Emmy started making her bed according to her mom's housework note. Next, Emmy picked up the toys and books and placed them in the bookshelf. After finishing the cleaning, she felt satisfied (满意的) with her work. Even though cleaning was not Emmy's favorite thing, she always felt proud (骄傲的) of her work. Emmy learned a wise saying when she was a little child, “Many hands make light work.” Emmy was glad that she could help make the work lighter for her mom.51. Why did Mom let Emmy do the housework A. Emmy was too lazy to do the housework at home.B. Mom didn't want to do the housework all by herself.C. Emmy enjoyed doing the housework a lot.D. Mom wanted to teach Emmy about responsibility.52. What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 2 A. The responsibility. B. Nature.C. The sunny day. D. Housework.53. What did Emmy do according to the passage A. She looked after her mom and made her bed.B. She picked up the toys and books and did the dishes.C. She made her bed and put toys and books away.D. She swept the floor and cleaned the bookshelf.54. Which of the following is TRUE A. Emmy can do whatever she likes at home on weekends.B. Emmy likes to go out to get close to nature on sunny days.C. Emmy helps her mom do the housework every day.D. Emmy often feels tired after finishing the cleaning.55. The best title for this passage can be ____.A. Make Your Bed by YourselfB. Learn Responsibility from Doing HouseworkC. Relax on Sunny DaysD. Make a List Before Doing HouseworkCYan Minwen, a retired (退休的) engineer in Beijing, set up a free class to teach left-behind children in her hometown in Hebei Province.Although Yan is not a teacher, it is a common wish of her and her husband to open such a class in the village. She told her husband that she wanted to open a class in her hometown, and her husband agreed.However, before she set up the “small desks”, her husband fell ill and died. Yan was very sad, but she didn't forget their wish. She rented (租) a room from her uncle, bought some used desks and chairs and started the class on March 23.There are 19 students from Grade One to Seven in Yan's class. Yan knows about each child well and talks about them as if they were her own grandchildren. They learn together and work together to solve problems.“It is not about teaching, but about company (陪伴), ” Yan said.After learning that Yan is teaching in the village to help left-behind children, her old classmates send books to her every now and then to help her.Some young people also want to help with “small desks” and Yan is always happy to see this happen. She said, “I am too old to take care of the class all by myself.” Yan wants to see more volunteers help these left-behind children and is planning to open a library in the village as soon as possible.56. Why did Yan set up a free class A. To make herself famous.B. To make as much money as possible.C. To help her grandchildren with their studies.D. To help the left-behind children in her hometown.57. What did Yan NOT do to open the class A. Rent a room. B. Buy some desks.C. Buy some chairs. D. Buy food for children.58. What can we learn from the underlined sentence A. Yan always feels lonely.B. Teaching is Yan's dream.C. Company is the most important.D. Yan doesn't teach children anything.59. Which of the following happened first A. Yan's husband died.B. Yan wanted to set up a free class.C. 19 students started to learn in Yan's class.D. Yan first received books from her old classmates.60. Where may the passage come from A. A newspaper. B. A storybook.C. A cartoon book. D. A medical magazine.九、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共10分)You may be worried about contracting (感染) COVID 19. Here are some ways to protect yourself against it.Wash your hands with soap and water.Always wash your hands before you eat or drink anything. It's also best to wash your hands anytime you're out in public or after you're around someone who may be sick.Keep your hands away from your eyes,nose and mouth.You can easily contract the coronavirus (冠状病毒) if you touch your face with dirty hands. Always avoid (避免) touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.Keep wearing a mask.Don't go to a crowded place. If you must, put on a mask. Coughing and sneezing (打喷嚏) are common symptoms (症状) of coronavirus infection and both can release the virus into the air. Remember to be away from people who are coughing or sneezing.根据短文内容完成下面表格中所缺的信息,每空词数不限。Title: How to 61. ________Wash our hands with soap and water. ★Before we eat or drink anything. ★Anytime 62. ________. ★After we're around someone who may be sick.Keep our hands away from the 63. ________. We can easily contract the coronavirus if we touch the face with dirty hands.Keep wearing a mask. ★Don't go to 64. ________. ★Be away from people who are coughing or sneezing. That's because coughing and sneezing can 65. ____.十、根据句意及汉语意思完成单词。(每小题1分,共5分)66. There are many ________ (乘客) on the subway in the morning on weekdays.67. Susan always gets ________ (紧张的) when she answers questions in class.68. You should learn to look after yourself. You can't ________ (依靠) on your parents all the time.69. ________ (最近), Lucy received a gift from her old friend.70. Paul carefully ________ (解释) to his teacher why he was late for school today.十一、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分)71. 你不该把今天的工作推迟到明天。You shouldn't ________ ________ today's work till tomorrow.72. 我听说他们下个月会设立一个新项目来帮助留守儿童。I hear that they ________ ________ ________ a new program to help theLeft-behind children next month.73. 幸运的是,暴风雨在傍晚时分平息了下来。Luckily, the rainstorm ________ ________ in the evening.74. 她今天主动提出了帮妈妈准备晚餐。She ________ ________ ________ her mother prepare dinner today.75. 昨天那个时候,他在医院照看他的父亲。He ________ ________ ________ his father in the hospital at that time yesterday.十二、综合填空。(每小题1分,共10分)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。Dear Mr Skinner,I'm Kelly. I'm the head teacher of Sunny School. I'm writing to invite you to come to our school. I know you're coming to our city next Wednesday and will stay here 76. ____________ a week. And I'm wondering if it might be possible for you to visit the school and 77. ____________ with my students.My students are aged between 22 and 28. They come from different countries. Most of them have a(n) 78. ____________ in second language learning. They will be very 79. ____________ if you can give a talk about that.I 80. ______________ you must be really busy and that your schedule (日程表) may already be 81. ____________ full, but I truly believe that you will find such a visit very meaningful. You know, my students are kind and 82. ____________, and I'm sure you'll have an enjoyable experience.83. ____________ you feel that you could make time to visit the school and give my students a talk, would you be kind enough 84. ________________ your secretary (秘书) to give me a call My phone number is 6392496.Thanks for taking time to read this 85. ________ and I hope to hear from you in the near future.Yours,Kelly Gilbert十三、书面表达。(15分)请根据提示及要求,以“Let's help our parents do chores”为题,写一篇英文倡议书。要点提示:1. 父母工作繁忙,我们应该分担家务;2. 分担家务可以让父母多休息一会儿,让我们更好地体谅父母;3. 我们可以做的家务有:整理床铺、打扫房间、洗衣服、洗碗、倒垃圾等。要求:1. 包括所有要点提示,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2. 80词左右(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Let's help our parents do choresDear students,Helping our parents do chores is one of the best ways to care about them. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Doing chores is not difficult, but it means a lot. From now on, let's help our parents do chores.参考答案第一卷 听力部分听力材料:一、1. What's the matter with you, Paul 2. Could you please clean up the room after you finish your homework 3. What were you doing at eight o'clock last night 4. My parents don't allow me to go to the party on Friday night.5. Why don't you go to the movies with us tomorrow night 二、6. W:I have a stomachache.7. We'll go to the hospital to see our friend next weekend.8. Could you please take out the trash 9. You should make a telephone call and say sorry to your friend when you fightwith him.10. I was doing my homework at home when the rainstorm came yesterday.三、11. M:Oh, no, Mom! I cut myself by accident.W:Let me see. You should put some medicine on it. Here, let me help you.12. W:My computer doesn't work. Could you help me repair it M:Sure, I'd love to.13. W:Hi, Tony. What a sunny day it is! How about going climbing M:Sounds good.14. W:How are you going to the Volunteer Service Center M:It's a long way. Luckily, my father promised to drive me there.15. W:Could you please walk the dog, Sam M:Sorry, I can't. I'm doing my homework and I still have a lot of homeworkto do.四、Text 1W:Jack, where is your sister Lisa M:She is in the bookshop. She wants to buy some books.W:Use my mobile phone to call her. Ask her to buy some lettuce on her wayhome. I'll make some hamburgers for you.M:OK, Mom.Text 2W:What were you doing last night, Mike I called you at seven but you didn'tpick up.M:Oh, Linda. I was in the kitchen helping my mom make dinner.W:I see. I called again at eight, and you didn't answer either.M:Oh. When you called, I was taking a shower.W:But then I called again at nine.M:Oh, I was sleeping at that time. Why did you call me so many times W:I needed help with my math homework. So while you were sleeping, I calledJenny and she helped me.五、 Ted was a clever and friendly boy. When he was fourteen, he left school because he lost one of his legs in a traffic accident. He had to go back to his village and helped his father on the farm. Ted read a lot of books on farming. And then he started to grow and sell strawberries. After that he got much money and bought a very big farm. He mainly kept animals on the farm.Ten years later, he became the richest farmer in his village. He often helped the poor villagers. One day, Ted met several friends in the town. He asked them to visit his farm. When his friends got there, they found he had a lot of sheep, pigs, cows and so on and it took them two days to reach the other end of the farm by car.听力答案:一、 1~5:ABCAC 二、 6~10:BACBC 三、11~15: CABCC 四、16~20:BAABB 五、21~25:CBABB第二卷 笔试部分六、26-30 CACBC 31-35 CBDCC七、36~40:BACDA 41~45:CABDC八、(A)46~50:CBACD (B)51~55: DACBB(C)56~60:DDCBA九、61. protect ourselves against COVID 19 / prevent COVID 19 / the coronavirus62. we're out in public 63. eyes, nose and mouth64. a crowded place 65. release the virus into the air十、66. passengers 67. nervous 68. depend 69. Recently 70. explained十一、71. put off 72. will set up 73. died down 74. offered to help 75. was looking after/ was caring for十二、76. for municate 78. interest 79. excited 80. guess81. completely 82. clever 83. If 84. to ask 85. letter十三、One possible version:Let's help our parents do choresDear students,Helping our parents do chores is one of the best ways to care about them. Our parents are always busy with work. They are tired after work, but they still have to do chores. If we help them do some chores, they'll have more time to rest. And sharing housework can help us understand our parents better. So we should help them do housework as much as we can. In fact, we can help do lots of chores at home. For example, we can make the bed, clean up the room, wash clothes, do the dishes and take out the rubbish.Doing chores is not difficult, but it means a lot. From now on, let's help our parents do chores.guess, letter, for, clever, interested, complete, exciting, ask, if, communicate








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