《时尚健康》4月刊美食专题对话THE BRIDGE廊桥主理人倪莺珂 您所在的位置:网站首页 重装开业英文翻译 《时尚健康》4月刊美食专题对话THE BRIDGE廊桥主理人倪莺珂

《时尚健康》4月刊美食专题对话THE BRIDGE廊桥主理人倪莺珂

2023-04-26 08:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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《时尚健康》2020年四月刊美食特辑“疫情之下 高端餐饮的自救之路”——最温暖的有爱的耀阳&小羊、反应速度最快临危不乱THE BRIDGE廊桥主理人Hebe倪莺珂、还有美味关系主理人张际星专访文章《行业观察:危机即转机,多维营销助力高端餐饮抗议》。

Trends Health, April 2020 dining column: “Fine Dining on the Road to Recovery Featuring” interviews with culinary philanthropists Yao Yang and Li Yang, and owner of Chengdu restaurant THE BRIDGE Hebe Ni, who managed a rapid response to the threat posed by the coronavirus outbreak. Also featuring a special column from Jessie Zhang, founder of StarGourmet Communications: “Industry Watch: Multi-Dimensional Marketing is Helping High-End Restaurants to Tackle The Crisis Head On.”

《时尚健康》2020年4月刊 “疫情之下高端餐饮的自救之路”

Trends Health, April 2020 dining column: “Fine Dining on the Road to Recovery Featuring”

以下为《时尚健康》采访THE BRIDGE廊桥主理人Hebe倪莺珂文章原文及翻译

The following is the original article and translation of "Trends Health" interview article

《时尚健康》x 倪莺珂

Trends Health talks to owner of THE BRIDGE Hebe Ni


尝试多产业版块发展 增加抗风险能力

THE BRIDGE廊桥位于成都市的地标建筑安顺廊桥,经营的是当代川菜料理, 2017年年底重装开业,邀请了全球 知名主厨江振诚作为餐饮暨创意总监。2018年和2019年蝉联大众点评黑珍珠餐厅的高端餐厅。定位“精致大众消费”,餐厅餐位数200+,体量可谓很大。作为地标性餐厅,按照以往经验,春节假期将会超负荷接待大量本地食客和外来游客。

Located on venerable Anshun Bridge in the heart of Chengdu, THE BRIDGE serves contemporary Sichuan cuisine. Opened in 2017 in partnership with world-renowned chef André Chiang, the restaurant was listed in the Meituan-Dianping Black Pearl Restaurant Guide in 2018 and 2019. As a landmark restaurant service one of China’s most popular cuisine, THE BRIDGE was expecting a busy Spring Festival and had planned accordingly.


THE BRIDGE Restaurant Environment


Since most suppliers were closed three to four days before Spring Festival on 25 January and would not reopen until the beginning of February, THE BRIDGE team made sure the restaurant was fully stocked for the Spring Festival period on 20 January. As in previous years, stock prices were up 30% in the run up to Spring Festival.


Then, the coronavirus outbreak hit and owner Hebe Ni started to receive cancellations. On the eve of Spring Festival 24 January, the cancellation rate was 20% and by 25 January it had reached 100%, followed by cancellations for corporate events due to be held in February and March. In order to cut costs so that employees could continue to receive 100% of their salaries, THE BRIDGE closed for three weeks, reopening on 1 March. Two weeks after reopening, the business had only recovered 10% of its revenue.


THE BRIDGE · Sichuan Local Snack Food


With their high requirements for ingredients, plating, and service, in many ways, high-end restaurants are fundamentally unsuited to take out or delivery services. As a high-end restaurant with an average spend of CNY 600 per person, prior to the coronavirus outbreak, THE BRIDGE had never considered launching a delivery service.



With this in mind and in order to bring the restaurant team together, THE BRIDGE decided to launch a range of ready-to-eat products. Although products like this have a limited effect on the profit margins of a restaurant like THE BRIDGE, producing them gave the team something to work towards.

“We wanted to show the team that we had not given up in the face of the coronavirus outbreak,” Hebe said.



Q: 从您的品牌而言,这次疫情受到了怎样的影响?表现为哪些方面?How has the coronavirus outbreak affected your brand and business?

A: 我相信这次疫情对于全中国,乃至全世界的餐饮行业都是前所未有的冲击。对于我们餐厅而言,第一时间就面临着春节囤货、几乎全部预定取消的巨大冲击,但当初三成都市场上的蔬菜开始出现短缺现象时,我们还是选择把备货送给了留在成都的客人们。其实在1月底我们还是抱有希望,按照国家给出的时间线2月3日复工复产,一切慢慢恢复正常。但是直到2月的第一周还不见任何好转的迹象后,才做出了停业的决定。

I believe the pandemic will have an unprecedented impact on the F&B in China and across the world. For us, the biggest immediate impacts were cancelled reservations and how to deal with our stock. When some vegetable markets started to run out of produce just after Spring Festival, we gave a lot of our stock to our customers in Chengdu. At the beginning of January, we were still hopeful that things would go back to normal and we started work again on 3 February according to government guidelines. But it quickly became apparent that the end was nowhere in sight, so we decided to close the restaurant for a few weeks.

Q:作为高端餐饮品牌,尝试外卖是疫情后才有的做法,还是此前也有过?As a high-end restaurant, had you ever considered starting a delivery service or did you only start in response to the coronavirus outbreak?


Never. When the outbreak had just started, I tried to come up with some dishes that would be suitable for delivery but I couldn’t make it work. So, I immediately pivoted and came up with a range of ready-to-eat products. Since they are cheaper, have a long shelf life, and can be packaged and stored hygienically, they are perfect for delivery.

Q:除了外卖,还采取了哪些应对方式?收效如何?Have you tried anything else apart from delivery? Has it been successful?

A:与此同时,廊桥提出了“一人食 分餐制——分享的美食 共享的健康”消费理念,推出3款分餐制套餐。疫情终会过去,人们的生活终会恢复正常。而餐饮企业需要思考的是这次疫情会对大众带来怎样的消费改变:消费者此后一定会更加注重个人健康和卫生。同时在国家的大力倡导下,我相信分餐制一定是一个新的趋势。实际上分餐制本就是廊桥一直在努力发展的方向,譬如在过去2年中我们用分餐制的形式接待了很多全球500强公司的重要宴请、国家元首晚宴等。事实证明它是可行的:从3月1日重新营业到今天,我们80%的客人也都选择了分餐制套餐。

We also launched a series of set menus for solo diners. The pandemic will pass and eventually, people’s lives will return to normal. However, restaurants need to consider how the pandemic will change consumption patterns. Firstly, consumers will be much more conscious of health and hygiene. Secondly, I believe that solo dining, or set menus with each course served individually to each diner, will become much more popular. In fact, this is something that THE BRIDGE has been working on for a while now. For example, over the past two years, we have served a number of large banquets in this style. The figures show that this business model is possible for Chinese restaurants: since we reopened on 1 March, over 80% of our customers have chosen this style of dining.

Q:这段时间的线上营销做得如何?Has your online promotion been effective?


Although the sales that we have made through our online channels account for barely half of our usual revenue, it shows that the restaurant is still active and makes us visible to the consumer, which is crucial for our future development.

Q:未来还打算在线上营销上做哪些尝试?What promotion methods do you plan to try in the future?


I’ll say upfront that we aren’t considering maintaining a delivery business in the long term. However, we will continue to experiment with multiple business streams such as ready-to-eat products, sauces, and snacks, so as to increase our resistance to risks.

THE BRIDGE廊桥火热售卖零食——怪味丁丁肉

THE BRIDGE's most popular snacks - spicy pork cubes

Q:您认为高端餐饮是否有必要坚持新媒体营销?Do you think high-end restaurants should promote themselves via online marketing?


High-end restaurants can’t ignore online marketing. Although it can seem like there’s no return on your investment in social media, the restaurant market is very competitive and you need to be constantly visible in order to stay competitive.

THE BRIDGE廊桥主理人Hebe倪莺珂

THE BRIDGE Founder Hebe

编辑 Edited:郭士语 Guo Shiyu

采写 Written:金一岚 Jin Yilan

翻译 Translated:Robynne Tindall

「THE BRIDGE廊桥」是由世界名厨江振诚先生在中国大陆打造的第一家餐厅作品,于2017年12月29日在成都开业。THE BRIDGE廊桥位于复建后的安顺廊桥之上,千年合江亭之旁,地理位置得天独厚,世间罕有。管理团队为了让食客们拥有更加极致且独一无二的饮食体验,对其前身廊桥餐厅进行了全面的改造升级:特别邀请了在国际获奖无数的知名设计研究室,在保留传统建筑的结构和屋顶轮廓的原则下,设计并重塑了餐厅整体空间构造和内外装潢。于此同时,THE BRIDGE廊桥与全球最受瞩目的华人名厨江振诚(André Chiang)合作,奉上川菜国际化的具象演绎——“岁时料理”,通过江振诚对川菜的全新解读,书写川菜进化的另一种可能,餐厅拥有270个坐席,旨在打造世界级的美食地标。


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