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大学英语作文:爱是什么? What is Love?

2024-07-15 01:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【#英语资源# #大学英语作文:爱是什么? What is Love?#】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。以下“大学英语作文:爱是什么? What is Love?”由©无忧考网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©无忧考网!

  【篇一】爱是什么? What is Love?

As the society are becoming complex day by day, more and more people are hoodwinked by a lot of temptation or other material things, ignoring the most nature emotion, love. Many people doubt the existence of love. I totally disagree with their opinion. A few days ago, I watched the movie Love Story In Beijing. I come to realize that what is love and it is around our life.


First of all, love is put one's heart and soul into her shoes. If you love someone, you will do everything for her; you will think on her side. You will reject all the temptations that can make you live better, just because you don’t want to hurt her. Secondly, love is forgiveness. No matter what the other one do to you, you will forgive her at last. You won’t treat her eye for eye. Although what she has done hurts you so much, you won’t do the same thing to, because you love her. Thirdly, love is growing old together. The outside word is so colorful, but what you want is to grow old with her together and treasure every minute with her. What’s more, you will leave a place for her forever in your deep heart, even she has passed away.


Love is a kind of emotion that everyone has. It is around us. If we pay attention, we will find it. So, do not lose the faith to believe the existence of love. It is the feeling that every can feel by heart.


  【篇二】我们该给乞丐钱么?Should We Give Beggar Money?

In a big city, we can always saw some beggars on the said of a busy street. Most of them are disabled. People who are compassionate will stop and give them some money, while some people just walk through. Those people who didn’t give beggar money doesn’t mean they are a cold blood man, because they know there beggars are organized, help them will encourages crime. As far as I’m concerned, I think we shouldn’t give beggar money, I have several reasons to support my opinion.在大城市里,我们常常能在繁华的街道看到乞丐。他们大部分都是残疾的。有同情心的人通常会停下脚步给他们一些钱,有些人则直接路过。这些不给钱的人并不是说他们冷血无情,而是因为他们知道这些乞丐是有组织的,帮助他们等于助长犯罪。在我看来,我们不该给钱给乞丐,我有几个理由来支持我的观点。First, almost all of the disabled beggars are organized; some bad people use them to make money. Those beggars were a normal people before the bad people cut off their arms or legs and keep them in captivity for years. They are more preferring little kids, because they can make the way they want, and they won’t call the police, armless, legless, and no eyeless. Many people are utter sympathy for those disable kids, those kids will make them a big fortune. If we give money to them, more innocent people will be bad guy’s target, they will kidnap more kids, cripple them, and make them a read resource of money.第一,几乎所有的残疾乞丐都是有组织的,有些坏人利用他们来赚钱。这些乞丐在被坏人抓起来断手断脚关几年之前都是正常人。这些坏人更喜爱小孩子,因为他们能把他们弄成他们想要的样子,而且不会报警,缺胳膊少腿,没眼睛。很多人都会非常同情这些残疾孩子,这些孩子能够给坏人赚大钱。如果我们给了钱,很多无辜的人就会成为坏人的目标,他们会绑架更多的孩子,弄残他们,当成摇钱树。Second, even though the bagger will be violently doze if they don’t beg enough money a day, there is nothing we can do, but let the government to deal with it. The government should made a policy against this professional beggar market, sanctions against the bad guys. Help those poor beggars out of the living hell. Passenger’s power is minimal; to the contrary, this will have reverse effects. There is no doubt that disabled beggars are miserable, but we should help them in the right way.第二,尽管乞丐一天没有讨够钱会被暴打,但是除了让政府部门处理我们别无他法。政府该出台政策来打击这个职业乞丐市场,惩治坏人。帮助这些可怜的乞丐走出人间地狱。路人的能力是极小的,相反,这还可能引发反效果。毫无疑问残疾乞丐是很凄惨,但是我们该用正确的方法来帮助他们。To sum up, we shouldn’t give money to beggars, give money could be a harmful to them, and make more innocent people become a potential beggar; just let the government and hospice do the job what should they do.总而言之,我们不该给钱给乞丐,给他们钱可能会害了他们,还会让更多的无辜人成为潜在乞丐,就让政府和救济院做他们的本职工作就行了。

  【篇三】远距离恋爱能长久吗?Can Distance Love Last Long?

Distance love has been a hot topic among young people; most of them have such experience. Some people believe that if the couple loves each other, the distance is not a big deal, while some others believe that it is hard to keep the distance love relationship, because distance frustrates communication. As for me, we should think twice before making decision. 远距离恋爱在年轻人当中是一个热点话题,他们中的大部分人都有这样的经验。一些人相信如果两个人彼此相爱的话,距离不是问题,然而另外一些人觉得远距离恋爱很难维持,因为距离使得交流受挫。对于我来说,我们应该在做决定前深思熟虑。One the one hand, distance love means loneliness and torment. When the couple is in different places, they need to keep communication through computer or cell phone; they can’t be face-to-face in a long time. While when two people are falling in love, they want to see each other every day and share happiness and sorrow. The long distance distresses the couples, when they need each other, their partners are always absent, and then they will feel lonely and sad.一方面,远距离恋爱意味着孤独和煎熬。当情侣处于分隔两地时,他们需要通过电脑或者手机来保持联系,在很长一段时间里不能面对面。然而当情侣处于热恋时,他们想要每天看到彼此,分享喜怒和哀乐。长距离让情侣感到悲伤,当他们需要彼此的时候,另一半总是不在,他们感到孤独和难过。On the other hand, distant love enhances trust issues. When couples are deciding to start to begin distance love, the first problem they worry about is temptation. As they can’t see the other everyday, they will think about what will happen to their boyfriends and girlfriends, maybe others are chasing them or we will break up soon. If the couples can hold on these, it means them they trust each other deeply, their love is strong.另一方面,远距离增强信任感。当情侣决定开始异地恋时,他们第一个想到的问题就是诱惑。由于他们不能每天相见,他们就会对男朋友和女朋友的事情感到担忧,或者有人正在追求他们,然后导致分手。如果情侣控制住这些担忧,这意味着他们彼此的信任很深,他们的爱很坚定。Distance love is so suffering, but it also brings happiness. If you can defeat loneliness, then you can start distance love.远距离恋爱很折磨人,但是也给人带来了快乐。如果你能耐着住寂寞,你就可以开始谈远距离恋爱了。

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