Breach、infringe、violation在法律英语中表“侵犯、违反”时的用法和区别 您所在的位置:网站首页 违犯和违反有什么区别 Breach、infringe、violation在法律英语中表“侵犯、违反”时的用法和区别


2024-07-08 22:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Breach,通常用于表示违反【合同、协议、法规。承诺】等,如:a breach of contract/copyright/warranty 违犯合同/违约;侵犯版权;违反保证,They are in breach of Article 119. 他们违犯了第119条。The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules. 这个国会议员被指控违反保密条例。

Infringe,主要用于表达侵犯【人身权益】或【知识产权】等无形资产(intangible assets),所谓无形资产是指没有实物形态的可辨认非货币性资产。无形资产具有广义和狭义之分,广义的无形资产包括金融资产、长期股权投资、专利权、商标权等,因为它们没有物质实体,而是表现为某种法定权利或技术。但是,会计上通常将无形资产作狭义的理解,即将专利权、商标权等称为无形资产。如infringe the intellectual property,侵犯知识产权,infringing copyright侵犯版权, infringe civil liberties侵犯公民自由,infringed on private affairs侵犯隐私。

Violation,表示严重侵犯【他人的权利】或违反【法律法规】等,程度较重,如violate the criminal law违反刑法规定,violate international law 违反国际法。To deprive the boy of his education is a violation of state law. 剥夺这个男孩的受教育权是一种违反州法律的行为。


①Any person who, without lawful excuse or the authority of the Corporation or its officials is on any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or on any part of the railway premises or who otherwise being in breach of this Bylaw refuses to leave the same on being requested so to do by any official may be immediately removed therefrom without prejudice to any penalty or surcharge which may be imposed in accordance with this Bylaw.


②They benefit from the high cost of litigation by demanding license fees that are less than the cost of litigation, hoping that people will pay even if they don’t infringe, or, if they do infringe, it will be too costly to change the product.


③The eight principles are: that the State party bears responsibility for the military and security activities of PMSCs registered or operating in their jurisdiction, respect for the rule of law by PMSCs, respect of State sovereignty by PMSCs, the State party’s obligation to prohibit PMSCs from directly participating in hostilities, terrorist acts and military actions in violation of international law, the prohibition on outsourcing inherently State functions to PMSCs, including the use of certain weapons of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering and the prohibition on PMSCs and their personnel with regard to illegally acquiring, possessing or trafficking in arms and ammunitions.



Breach,通常用于表示违反【合同、协议、法规。承诺】等,如:a breach of contract/copyright/warranty 违犯合同/违约;侵犯版权;违反保证,They are in breach of Article 119. 他们违犯了第119条。The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules. 这个国会议员被指控违反保密条例。

Infringe,主要用于表达侵犯【人身权益】或【知识产权】等无形资产(intangible assets),所谓无形资产是指没有实物形态的可辨认非货币性资产。无形资产具有广义和狭义之分,广义的无形资产包括金融资产、长期股权投资、专利权、商标权等,因为它们没有物质实体,而是表现为某种法定权利或技术。但是,会计上通常将无形资产作狭义的理解,即将专利权、商标权等称为无形资产。如infringe the intellectual property,侵犯知识产权,infringing copyright侵犯版权, infringe civil liberties侵犯公民自由,infringed on private affairs侵犯隐私。

Violation,表示严重侵犯【他人的权利】或违反【法律法规】等,程度较重,如violate the criminal law违反刑法规定,violate international law 违反国际法。To deprive the boy of his education is a violation of state law. 剥夺这个男孩的受教育权是一种违反州法律的行为。


①Any person who, without lawful excuse or the authority of the Corporation or its officials is on any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or on any part of the railway premises or who otherwise being in breach of this Bylaw refuses to leave the same on being requested so to do by any official may be immediately removed therefrom without prejudice to any penalty or surcharge which may be imposed in accordance with this Bylaw.


②They benefit from the high cost of litigation by demanding license fees that are less than the cost of litigation, hoping that people will pay even if they don’t infringe, or, if they do infringe, it will be too costly to change the product.


③The eight principles are: that the State party bears responsibility for the military and security activities of PMSCs registered or operating in their jurisdiction, respect for the rule of law by PMSCs, respect of State sovereignty by PMSCs, the State party’s obligation to prohibit PMSCs from directly participating in hostilities, terrorist acts and military actions in violation of international law, the prohibition on outsourcing inherently State functions to PMSCs, including the use of certain weapons of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering and the prohibition on PMSCs and their personnel with regard to illegally acquiring, possessing or trafficking in arms and ammunitions.







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