表达缓慢别再用slowly了,这些表达比它更地道准确 您所在的位置:网站首页 过分了的英文怎么写 表达缓慢别再用slowly了,这些表达比它更地道准确


2023-12-15 10:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Slowly is an adverb and we use to describe moving in a slow way or at a slow speed.Slowly是一个副词,我们它用来形容缓慢地进行或慢速移动。

1. At a slow pace1.缓慢进行

we use this phrase to describe something or someone moving slow.我们用这个短语来形容某事或某人进行或移动缓慢。

They are going at a slow pace with the investigation to ensure they don’t make a mistake.他们正在缓慢地进行调查,以确保准确无误。

2. Without hurrying2.不慌不忙

It means to do something little urgency.它的意思是做一些不紧急的事。

He continued to walk across the street without hurrying or showing little regard for his safety.他继续不紧不慢地过马路,一点也不在乎自己的安全。

3. Unhurriedly3.慢悠悠地

This is an adverb that is used to do something in a leisurely and unhurried manner.这是一个副词,用来形容悠闲自在地做某事。

She unhurriedly delivered her speech, in an effort to delay the vote.她不慌不忙地发表了演说,试图推迟投票。

4. Steadily  4. 稳定地

We often use this adverb to describe how something or someone might move at a regular and controlled manner.我们经常用这个副词来形容某事物或某人如何以一种有规律和有控制的方式进行和移动。

The results show we have steadily improved our market share.结果表明,我们的市场份额稳步提高。

5. At a leisurely pace5.从容不迫地

We use to describe how someone or something moves or does something in a relaxed and unhurried manner.我们经常用这个副词来形容某事物或某人如何以一种轻松和缓慢的方式进行和移动。

Frank was in no hurry to get home and walked at a leisurely pace.弗兰克不着急回家,他不紧不慢地走着。

6. At a snail's pace6.不紧不慢地

This is idiom and describes something moving or performing an action in a very slow and deliberate manner.这是一句俚语,它用来形容某事以非常缓慢而深思熟虑的方式进展。

The committee is moving at a snail's pace and is no hurry to make a decision on my request.委员会进展缓慢,不急于对我的请求作出决定。

7. Slowly but surely7.稳扎稳打地

We use this phrase to describe something making slow and definite progress.  We often use this to emphasize that something is happening or being done even though it is not happening or being done quickly.我们用这个短语来形容某事取得缓慢而明确的进展。我们经常用它来强调某事正在发生或正在被完成,即使某事没有很迅速地进展或被完成。

I can ensure you that we are moving slowly but surely to process your paperwork.  These things take time.我可以保证我们正在踏踏实实地处理你的文书工作,这些事情需要时间。

8. Gradually8.逐渐地

We use this too often describe how something moves in a or is done in small stages over a long period of time, rather than immediately.我们经常用这个词来形容某事在长期的小阶段中如何进展,而不是立即完成。

He gradually moved the company through the crisis and is now considered the best candidate for the CEO position.他逐渐使公司渡过了危机,现在被认为是CEO职位的最佳人选。

9. Bit by bit9.一点儿一点儿地

This is an idiom we use to describe how something is done in small amounts, and/or how somebody might complete a task.这是一句习语,我们用它来描述如何一点一点逐步完成某件事情或某人如何完成某项任务。

Bit by bit we will get to the bottom of who committed the crime.慢慢地,我们会弄清楚到底是谁犯了罪。

10. Little by little渐渐地

We use this to describe a process that moves in small increments.我们用这个来描述一个逐渐慢慢量变的过程。

Little by Little people will understand how and why we need to make these changes.渐渐地,人们会明白我们如何以及为什么需要做出这些改变。

11. Step by step一步一步地

This phrase used to describe how something or someone does a task or action in a careful, procedural and go from stage to stage.这个短语用来描述某物或某人是如何以仔细的、程序化的方式、从一个阶段到另一个阶段完成任务或行动的。

We need to take things step by step to ensure the product has no problems and our customer is happy.我们需要采取措施一步一步地确保产品没有问题,我们的客户是满意的。

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