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2024-01-06 03:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


A Universe contains all particles in the molecular system. MDAnalysis calls a particle an Atom, regardless of whether it really is (e.g. it may be a united-atom particle or coarse-grained bead). Atoms are grouped with an AtomGroup; the ‘master’ AtomGroup of a Universe is accessible at Universe.atoms.


The AtomGroup is probably the most important object in MDAnalysis. Virtually everything can be accessed through an AtomGroup.

Creating an AtomGroup Atom selection language

AtomGroup instances are typically created with Universe.select_atoms or by manipulating another AtomGroup, e.g. by slicing.

In [1]: import MDAnalysis as mda In [2]: from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PDB In [3]: u = mda.Universe(PDB) In [4]: u.select_atoms('resname ARG') Out[4]:

See Atom selection language for more information.

Indexing and slicing

An AtomGroup can be indexed and sliced like a list:

In [5]: print(u.atoms[0])

Slicing returns another AtomGroup. The below code returns an AtomGroup of every second element from the first to the 6th element, corresponding to indices 0, 2, and 4.

In [6]: ag = u.atoms[0:6:2] In [7]: ag.indices Out[7]: array([0, 2, 4])

MDAnalysis also supports fancy indexing: passing a ndarray or a list.

In [8]: indices = [0, 3, -1, 10, 3] In [9]: u.atoms[indices].indices Out[9]: array([ 0, 3, 47680, 10, 3])

Boolean indexing allows you to pass in an array of True or False values to create a new AtomGroup from another. The array must be the same length as the original AtomGroup. This allows you to select atoms on conditions.

In [10]: arr = u.atoms.resnames == 'ARG' In [11]: len(arr) == len(u.atoms) In [12]: arr Out[12]: Out[11]: array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]) In [13]: u.atoms[arr] Group operators and set methods

MDAnalysis supports a number of ways to compare AtomGroups or construct a new one: group operators (e.g. concatenate(), subtract()) and set methods (e.g. union(), difference()). Group operators achieve a similar outcome to set methods. However, a key difference is that concatenate() and subtract() preserve the order of the atoms and any duplicates. union() and difference() return an AtomGroup where each atom is unique, and ordered by its topology index.

In [14]: ag1 = u.atoms[1:6] In [15]: ag2 = u.atoms[8:3:-1] In [16]: concat = ag1 + ag2 In [17]: concat.indices Out[17]: array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4]) In [18]: union = ag1 | ag2 In [19]: union.indices Out[19]: array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])

Available operators

Unlike set methods and atom selection language, concatenation and subtraction keep the order of the atoms as well as duplicates.





number of atoms in the group

s == t

test if s and t contain the same elements in the same order


s + t

new Group with elements from s and from t


new Group with elements from s that are not in t

Available set methods

Each of these methods create groups that are sorted sets of unique Atoms.





True if s and t do not share elements


test if all elements of s are part of t


test if all elements of s are part of t, and s != t


test if all elements of t are part of s


test if all elements of t are part of s, and s != t


s | t

new Group with elements from both s and t


s & t

new Group with elements common to s and t


s - t

new Group with elements of s that are not in t


s ^ t

new Group with elements that are part of s or t but not both

Groupby and split

An AtomGroup can be constructed from another by separating atoms by properties.

AtomGroup.split can create a list of AtomGroups by splitting another AtomGroup by the ‘level’ of connectivity: one of atom, residue, molecule, or segment.

In [20]: ag1 = u.atoms[:100] In [21]: ag1.split('residue') Out[21]: [, , , , ]

An AtomGroup can also be separated according to values of topology attributes to produce a dictionary of {value:AtomGroup}.

In [22]: u.atoms.groupby('masses') Out[22]: {32.06: , 1.008: , 0.0: , 12.011: , 14.007: , 15.999: , 22.98977: }

Passing in multiple attributes groups them in order:

In [23]: u.select_atoms('resname SOL NA+').groupby(['masses', 'resnames']) Out[23]: {(0.0, 'SOL'): , (1.008, 'SOL'): , (22.98977, 'NA+'): , (15.999, 'SOL'): } Constructing from Atoms

An AtomGroup can be created from an iterable of Atom instances:

In [24]: atom1 = u.atoms[4] In [25]: atom2 = u.atoms[6] In [26]: atom3 = u.atoms[2] In [27]: ag = mda.AtomGroup([atom1, atom2, atom3]) In [28]: print(ag)

A neat shortcut for this is to simply add an Atom to another Atom or AtomGroup:

In [29]: ag = atom1 + atom2 In [30]: print(ag) In [31]: ag += atom3 In [32]: print(ag)

An alternative method is to provide a list of indices and the Universe that the Atoms belong to:

In [33]: ag = mda.AtomGroup([4, 6, 2], u) In [34]: print(ag) Order and uniqueness

These methods of creating an AtomGroup result in a sorted, unique list of atoms:

Atom selection language


Boolean indexing

Set methods

AtomGroup.split and AtomGroup.groupby

These methods return a user-ordered AtomGroup that can contain duplicates:

Fancy indexing (with arrays or lists)

Group operations (AtomGroup.concatenate and AtomGroup.subtract)

Constructing directly from Atoms

Empty AtomGroups

MDAnalysis can also work with empty AtomGroups:

In [35]: null = u.atoms[[]] In [36]: null Out[36]:

The above is the same as creating an AtomGroup from an empty list and a Universe.

In [37]: mda.AtomGroup([], u) Out[37]:

Each method of creating an AtomGroup can also be used to create an empty one. For example, using selection language:

In [38]: u.select_atoms("resname DOES_NOT_EXIST") Out[38]:

and indexing:

In [39]: u.atoms[6:6] Out[39]:

or set methods:

In [40]: u.atoms - u.atoms Out[40]:

Empty AtomGroups have a length of 0 and evaluate to False in a boolean context.

In [41]: bool(null) Out[41]: False

This allows analysis methods to skip over empty AtomGroups instead of raising an error, which is helpful as occasionally empty AtomGroups can arise from selection logic that is too restrictive (e.g. geometric selections).

Dynamically updating AtomGroups

A normal AtomGroup is static, and the atoms within it do not change as the trajectory frame changes. Several methods require dynamically updating AtomGroups. These are typically created using atom selection language. See Dynamic selections for more information.


Most of the analysis functionality in MDAnalysis is implemented in the analysis module, but many interesting methods can be accessed from an AtomGroup directly. For example, Bonds, Angles, Dihedrals and ImproperDihedrals can be created from AtomGroups. Providing that required topology attributes are present, a number of analysis methods are also available to a AtomGroup, ResidueGroup, and SegmentGroup.






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