将图像转换为索引的2位灰度BMP 您所在的位置:网站首页 转换为灰度图像的函数 将图像转换为索引的2位灰度BMP


2023-03-25 05:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Color Model: RGB Depth: 4 Is Indexed: 1 Dimension: 800x600 Size: 240,070 bytes (4 bits per pixel but only last 2 bits are used to identify the gray scales as 0/1/2/3 in decimal or 0000/0001/0010/0011 in binary, plus 70 bytes BMP metadata or whatever)




convert pic.png -colorspace gray +matte -depth 2 out.bmp


Color Model: RGB Depth: 8 (expect 4) Dimension: 800x504 Size: 1,209,738 bytes (something like 3 bytes per pixel, plus metadata) (no mention of indexed colour space)


1> yy502..:

好的,我按照Mark的提示编写了Python脚本(请参阅原始问题下的注释),以手动创建具有4bpp的4级灰度BMP。这种特定的BMP格式构造适用于WaveShare制造的4.3英寸电子纸显示模块。规格可以在这里找到:http : //www.waveshare.com/wiki/4.3inch_e-Paper


convert in.png -colorspace gray +matte -colors 4 -depth 2 -resize '800x600>' pgm:- | ./4_level_gray_4bpp_BMP_converter.py > out.bmp


#!/usr/bin/env python """ ### Sample BMP header structure, total = 70 bytes ### !!! little-endian !!! Bitmap file header 14 bytes 42 4D "BM" C6 A9 03 00 FileSize = 240,070 '] # where item 1 is always P5, item 2 is width heigh, item 3 is always 255, items 4 is pixels/colours data = sys.stdin.readlines() width = int(data[DIMENTIONS].strip().split(' ')[0]) height = int(data[DIMENTIONS].strip().split(' ')[1]) if not width*height == len(data[PIXELS]): print "Error: pixel data (%s bytes) and image size (%dx%d pixels) do not match" % (len(data[PIXELS]),width,height) sys.exit() colours = [] # enumerate 4 gray levels for p in data[PIXELS]: if not p in colours: colours.append(p) if len(colours) == 4: break # it's possible for the converted pixels to have less than 4 gray levels colours = sorted(colours) # sort from low to high # map each colour to e-paper gray indexes # creates hex string of pixels # e.g. "0033322222110200....", which is 4 level gray with 4bpp if len(colours) == 1: # unlikely, but let's have this case here pixels = data[PIXELS].replace(colours[0],BLACK) elif len(colours) == 2: # black & white pixels = data[PIXELS].replace(colours[0],BLACK)\ .replace(colours[1],WHITE) elif len(colours) == 3: pixels = data[PIXELS].replace(colours[0],DARK_GRAY)\ .replace(colours[1],GRAY)\ .replace(colours[2],WHITE) else: # 4 grays as expected pixels = data[PIXELS].replace(colours[0],BLACK)\ .replace(colours[1],DARK_GRAY)\ .replace(colours[2],GRAY)\ .replace(colours[3],WHITE) # BMP pixel array starts from last row to first row # and must be aligned to 4 bytes or 8 pixels padding = "F" * ((BYTE/BPP) * ALIGNMENT - width % ((BYTE/BPP) * ALIGNMENT)) aligned_pixels = ''.join([pixels[i:i+width]+padding for i in range(0, len(pixels), width)][::-1]) # convert hex string to represented byte values def Hex2Bytes(hexStr): hexStr = ''.join(hexStr.split(" ")) bytes = [] for i in range(0, len(hexStr), 2): byte = int(hexStr[i:i+2],16) bytes.append(chr(byte)) return ''.join(bytes) # convert integer to 4-byte little endian hex string # e.g. 800 => 0x320 => 00000320 (big-endian) =>20030000 (little-endian) def i2LeHexStr(i): be_hex = ('0000000'+hex(i)[2:])[-8:] n = 2 # split every 2 letters return ''.join([be_hex[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(be_hex), n)][::-1]) BMP_HEADER = BMP_HEADER % (i2LeHexStr(len(aligned_pixels)/(BYTE/BPP)+BMP_HEADER_SIZE),i2LeHexStr(width),i2LeHexStr(height)) sys.stdout.write(Hex2Bytes(BMP_HEADER+aligned_pixels))







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