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2022-12-27 08:02




【 liuxue86.com - 实用资料 】

  life,and to his lovely bride.临近元旦了,这一天说的最多的话可能就是元旦祝福语。一般元旦祝福需要表达内心的真实感受。今年你希望收到什么样的元旦祝福语?你可以读一下我们整理的跨年元旦英文文案, 希望对大家有所帮助。


  1、Please accept our most sincere congratulations upon your holy matrimony with... and very best wishes for all the good future in the world. 请接受我对你和……的神圣结合的最诚挚的祝贺,并祝愿你俩幸福无量。

  2、Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all the good things. (我们)愿你俩婚姻美满幸福。

  3、and happiness around you today and always.

  4、soon we shall be together.

  5、Allow me to join the chorus of congratulations upon your recent

  6、opportunities around; health need; a text message, all is well.

  7、my heart also like you the prancing, happy! I wish you,

  8、verybest that life has to offer you in your marriage.

  9、May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you


  11、Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness.

  12、andwishing them a long life of happiness together.

  13、In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the

  14、You this is the perfect match, made a pair,

  15、May you two always be in love! May happineincrease with age.

  16、know you both well and feel that your marriage will last for a long

  17、heartily congratulate you upon your choice of your partner for life since l can't think of two people more suited to each other than you two.I wish you all the happiness in the world.

  18、New Year should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and

  19、bring much pleasure to you.

  20、May the joy you share on your wedding day be the kind you'll share all


  21、Wishing you two an abundance of love and happiness.

  22、life,and to his lovely bride.

  23、wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and

  24、The bosom friend and love, the love and more bosom friend.

  25、to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.

  26、year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is

  27、May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all

  28、Season''s greetings to my dearest parents!

  29、will conclude by congratulating the young couple on their marriage,

  30、New Year greeting to cheer you from your daughters.

  31、will be having New Year Party at Wang Ping''s this year. You are welcome

  32、My wife and I are very delighted to hear the news of your marriage.We send you both our love and hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.

  33、wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of

  34、celebration of the happy event.


  36、Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! May the season

  37、will conclude by congratulating the young couple on their marriage,

  38、may you two always be in love! may happiness increase with age.

  39、愿你们事事如愿,美满幸福。 May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together.

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本文来源:https://www.liuxue86.com/a/4497016.html 热门标签: 四年级上册数学教案 自我剖析 抗日战争资料 三年级下册数学期末试卷 党小组意见 失恋个性签名 男生个性签名 参赛感言 文明单位汇报材料 独生子女证明 上一篇:平安夜圣诞节说说65句 下一篇:送给朋友的腊八节祝福语汇集60句


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