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#支付宝的优缺点英文作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”支付宝的优缺点“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of Alipay。以下是关于支付宝的优缺点的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of Alipay

Advantages: can greatly save shopping time, while listening to light music while enjoying the fun of online shopping. Moreover, gifts can also be sent to the friends you want. After ordering directly from the Internet, you can send them to your friends' home for the second time.

The shopping mall gives you one day, you can only visit more than ten stores, but on the Internet, you can search hundreds of shops in an hour and find all the styles It's the same. But for the most expensive house, you can place an order. For example, there is a big gap between the physical goods and the photos.

When you buy the house online, you can only see the pictures. When the goods arrive in your hands, you will feel different. This is the best way to buy them in the mall.

It's true. Second, yoeally need to add postage. This is not a disadvantage, because you need to go shopping.

It's a net that costs air tickets and postage Shopping on it is quite cheap, but some owners are very happy, willing to mail for you, so you can even earn. Third, I never agree to buy clothes and shoes online, because I want to try on clothes and shoes. What you need to know is that if the clothes and shoes you buy online are not suitable, it is more difficult to return and drop shoes.

Fourth, online payment is not safe, someone Taobao and Alipay are very fragile. So I always put money in Alipay when shopping. Usually, PayPal's money is always empty.

Ha ha, don't worry about steamed rice is very fragile, but everything must be careful n.




The advantages and disadvantages of inter shopping I have noticed that more and more people are shopping online rather than shopping in stores. Now they insist on the idea that they don't have to queue up to buy things, and the online store is open for several hours every day, but I'm against it because we can't see it. I also think that online shopping will make us lose the pleasure of shopping with friends.


Interent Shopping的优点和缺点我注意到,现在越来越多的人去网上购物而不是去商店购物。现在他们坚持这个想法是为了方便他们不需要排队买东西,而且网上商店每天都营业几个小时,但我反对这个观点,因为我们看不到我也认为网上购物会让我们失去和朋友一起购物的快乐。


As we all know, when shopping, we can't help but think of all kinds of coupons offered by stores. However, many people have different views on this. They are mainly divided into two groups.

Some people think it is good to use coupons when shopping. The main reason is that it can let a large group of people go to the store. Therefore, it is not only that, but also undeniably, it saves some customers Money, especially those who belong to the middle class, while others think the use of coupons is hurtful.

When some stores start to issue coupons, people usually think it's a scam. In fact, we may spend more money on coupons. No, because we think that when we give coupons, as far as I'm concerned, there are all transactions, even though there's a large part of the coupons for consumers.



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