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Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Printing and Distributing the "Provisions on Cause of Action for Civil Cases"


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Fa [2008] No. 11

Promulgating Date: 02/04/2008

Effective Date: 04/01/2008

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法发[2008]11号

颁布时间: 02/04/2008

实施时间: 04/01/2008



High people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Military Court of the People's Liberation Army and the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the High People's Court of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,

The Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases was adopted upon deliberation at the 1438th Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on October 29, 2007, and shall come into effect as of April 1, 2008. The Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases (Interim) (Fa Fa [2000] No. 26) shall be simultaneously repealed. The Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases is hereby printed and distributed to you for faithful implementation.

Since its pilot implementation by the Supreme People's Court on January 1, 2001, the Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases (Interim) have played an important role in facilitating civil actions brought by parties concerned, and standardizing the practice of people's courts in terms of filing, hearing and judicial statistical compilation of civil cases. In recent years, with the implementation of a succession of newly adopted civil laws, many new types of civil cases have emerged in hearing practice, making it necessary to further specify, supplement and improve causes of action for civil cases. In particular, following the implementation of the Property Law, it has become imperative to revise the Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases (Interim) to include causes of actions for property-related cases. In accordance with the requirements of the Seventh National Civil Hearing Working Conference, the Supreme People's Court has revised the Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases (Interim) to formulate the Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases. Relevant issues concerning the application of the Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases by people's courts at all levels are hereby notified as follows:

1. Earnestly study and grasp the Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases, and attach great importance to the significant role of causes of action for civil cases in the hearing practice.

As summarizations by people's courts of the legal relations involved in relevant dispute cases, causes of action for civil cases refer to the names of civil cases and reflect the nature of civil legal relations involved in the cases. The establishment of a scientific and sound system for causes of action for civil cases helps parties concerned accurately choose the causes of action, facilitates people's courts to accurately determine contentious points in civil actions and makes correct application of laws in the course of filing and hearing of civil cases, makes judicial statistical compilation of civil cases more accurate and scientific, and facilitates the classified management of accepted cases, thus contributing to the standardization of hearing and offering reference of more value for judicial decision-making by the people's courts.

2. Adhere to consistent criteria for determination of causes of action for civil cases

Causes of action for civil cases shall be determined according to the nature of civil legal relations alleged by parties concerned. In the view of the fact that there may be multiple claims lodged by the parties concerned, or multiple contentious points and/or subject matters in dispute in a given case, causes of action for civil cases shall, in principle, be expressed as the "nature of legal relations" plus the "disputes", generally excluding such elements as contentious points, subject matters, and ways of torts, etc., so as to make causes of action highly generalized and concise. In addition, in the view of the complex nature of civil legal relations contended by the parties concerned, and with a view to more accurately indicating the civil legal relations in dispute and facilitating judicial statistical compilation, the Provisions on Causes of Action in Civil Cases provides that though the determination of causes of action shall be based on the nature of legal relations, as regards a small number of cases, causes of action therefor shall also be determined on the basis of the right of claim and the right of formation, or in line with criteria for causes of action for confirmation or formation.

Causes of action for special civil cases that are subject to special civil procedures or other provisions shall be directly expressed according to the claims of parties concerned.

3. Several issues concerning the arrangement system of causes of action for civil cases

(1) On the basis of the classification of civil legal relations defined in the civil law theory, and taking into account the prevailing legislation and hearing practice, the Provisions on Causes of Action in Civil Cases divides the arrangement system of causes of action into ten (10) categories as the first-tier causes of action, including personality rights, marriage, family and succession, property rights, creditor's rights, labor and personnel disputes, intellectual property rights (IPR), marine and maritime disputes, civil disputes related to railway transport, civil disputes related to company, securities and negotiable instruments, and causes of action for civil cases subject to special procedures. In order to keep the system relatively complete and standardize the division of civil hearing work, some causes of action have been combined or split. For instance, IPR disputes include contractual disputes related to IPR as well as disputes related to IPR ownership and IPR infringement. The first-tier causes of action are subdivided into 36 categories of second-tier causes of action (represented by capitalized Chinese numerals), which are further divided into more than 360 types of third-tier causes of action (represented by Arabic numerals). The third-tier causes of action are most common and widely used in practice. For the purposes of guidance to hearing, investigation and research, as well as judicial statistical compilation, the fourth-tier causes of action (represented by Arabic numerals plus parenthesis) have been listed under certain third-tier causes of action.

(2) The arrangement of causes of action for tort dispute cases. In the Provisions on Causes of Action in Civil Cases, tort dispute cases are regulated on a case-specific basis rather than separately listed as a first-tier cause of action. Firstly, according to the types of civil rights involved, general civil tort dispute cases are listed under such first-tier causes of action as personality rights, property rights and IPR, or listed as the second or third-tier causes of action, or implicitly included under the third-tier causes of action, as the case may be. Secondly, tort dispute cases involving both infringement of personal rights and property rights, and tort dispute cases subject to the rules for special torts are separately listed under causes of action for dispute cases of creditor's rights as the second-tier causes of action, under which there may be several third-tier causes of action.

(3) Issues concerning the application of causes of action for dispute cases of property rights and contractual dispute cases. In accordance with the principle of differentiation between the reasons for and the results of changes in property rights, the Provisions on Causes of Action in Civil Cases provides that disputes arising out of or in connection with the reasons for changes in property rights, i.e. contractual relations of the nature of creditor's rights, shall adopt causes of action specified under the category of disputes of creditor's rights, such as guarantee contractual disputes in respect of the reasons for creation of property rights, and sales contractual disputes in respect of the reasons for transfer of property rights. Disputes arising out of or in connection with relations of property rights such as the creation, ownership, validity, exercise, and proceeds of property rights shall adopt causes of action specified under the category of disputes of property rights, e.g. disputes over security interests. Thereupon, the people's court shall, according to the nature of the legal relation disputed by the parties concerned, ascertain whether the legal relation in question involves the reasons for changes in property rights or the result thereof, so as to correctly determine the causes of action.

(4) Issues concerning the coordination between "disputes over protection of property rights" and "ownership disputes", "usufruct disputes" or "security interest disputes" specified in Part Three. The ways of protection of the right of real claim or the right of obligatory claim as specified in "Protection of Property Rights" in Chapter 3 of the Property Law may be applicable, in whole or in part, to each category of property rights (the third-tier causes of action) as specified in the Provisions on Causes of Action in Civil Cases, most of which may be listed as the fourth-tier causes of action. However, in order to prevent the entire system of causes of action from being over lengthy and complex, each category of property rights is not exhaustively listed under each of the third-tier causes of action; the third-tier causes of action in respect of ownership, usufruct and security interest may be adopted according to the types of rights under protection. Where a dispute involves two (2) or more of the following three property rights–ownership, usufruct, and security interest, or where no third-tier cause of action in other parts of disputes of property rights is applicable, specific causes of action listed under "disputes over protection of property rights" may apply.

4. Issues requiring due attention in the application of the Provisions on Causes of Action in Civil Cases

(1) Upon case filing, courts of first instance shall, according to the nature of the legal relation disputed by the parties concerned, first refer to the fourth-tier causes of action as specified in the Provisions on Causes of Action in Civil Cases; if it is not provided for in the fourth-tier causes of action, refer to the third-tier ones; if it is not provided for in the third-tier causes of action, the courts of first instance may directly refer to relevant second-tier or first-tier causes of action. Local people's courts at all levels may timely report to the Supreme People's Court on types of disputes emerged during hearing proceedings that may be listed as new third-tier causes of action or that shall be stipulated as fourth-tier causes of action. The Supreme People's Court shall collect, sort out, and sift through relevant causes of action on a regular basis, and further specify and make necessary supplements thereto in a timely manner.

(2) In the case of two (2) or more legal relations involved in the same action, if they are of a dominant-subordinate relationship, a people's court shall determine the cause of action on the basis of the dominant legal relations; however, where the parties concerned bring the action on the sole grounds of the subordinate legal relations, the people's court shall determine the cause of action on the basis of the subordinate legal relations; in the event that the legal relations involved are not of a dominant-subordinate relationship, the people's court shall determine the cause of action according to the legal relation disputed by the parties concerned; if they all are legal relations in dispute, the people's court shall determine two parallel causes of action on the basis of two (2) or more legal relations in dispute.

(3) In the case of concurrence of rights of claim, a people's court shall determine the corresponding causes of action on the basis of the right of claim chosen by the parties concerned themselves and according to the nature of legal relations disputed thereby.

(4) Where the parties concerned add or change claims in the course of legal proceedings, leading to changes in the legal relations disputed thereby, a people's court shall change the cause of action for the given case accordingly.

Any problems and issues arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Provisions on Causes of Action in Civil Cases shall be reported to the Supreme People's Court in a timely manner.

February 4, 2008





















Provisions on Causes of Action for Civil Cases


In accordance with the previsions of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, the Property Law of the People's Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws, the following provisions on the causes of action for civil cases are formulated with a view to correctly applying laws and uniformly determining the causes of action:


Part One Disputes of Personality Rights


第一部分 人格权纠纷

I Disputes of personality rights

1. Disputes over the right to life, right to health and body right

(1) Disputes over compensation for personal injury resulting from traffic accidents

(2) Disputes over compensation for injury resulting from medical malpractice

(3) Disputes over compensation for injury resulting from work-related accidents

(4) Disputes over compensation for personal injury resulting from water transport

(5) Disputes over compensation for personal injury resulting from air transport

(6) Disputes over compensation for injury caused by aircrafts to any third party on the land and/or water

(7) Disputes over compensation for personal injury caused by electric shock

2. Disputes over right to personal names

3. Disputes over portrait right

4. Disputes over right to reputation

5. Disputes over right to honor

6. Disputes over right of privacy

7. Disputes over marital autonomy

8. Disputes over right of personal freedom

9. General disputes over personality right


















Part Two Disputes over Marriage, Family and Succession

第二部分 婚姻家庭、继承纠纷

II Disputes over marriage and family

10. Disputes over betrothal property

11. Divorce disputes

12. disputes over property after divorce

13. Disputes over compensation for damage after divorce

14. Disputes over property division and child support arising out of cohabitation relations

15. Disputes over invalid marriage

16. Disputes over voidable marriage

17. Disputes over property agreement between couple

18. Disputes over child upbringing

(1) Disputes over cost of upbringing

(2) Disputes over changes of foster relations

19. Disputes over support

(1) Disputes over cost of maintenance

(2) Disputes over changes of support relations

20. Disputes over right of custody

21. Disputes over visitation right

22. Disputes over aliment

(1) Disputes over alimony

(2) Disputes over changes of aliment relations

23. Disputes over adoptive relations

(1) Disputes over acknowledgment of adoptive relations

(2) Disputes over dissolution of adoptive relations

24. Disputes over dividing up family property and living apart

























III Disputes over succession

25. Disputes over statutory succession

(1) Disputes over sub-succession

(2) Disputes over succession by subrogation

26. Disputes over testamentary succession

27. Disputes over repayment of debts of the decedent

28. Disputes over bequest

29. Disputes over legacy-support agreement









Part Three Disputes over Property Rights

第三部分 物权纠纷

IV Disputes over registration of real property

30. Disputes over compensation for damage caused by undue objection to the registration of real property

31. Disputes over compensation for damage caused by false registration




V Disputes over protection of property rights

32. Disputes over confirmation of property rights

(1) Disputes over confirmation of ownership

(2) Disputes over confirmation of usufruct

(3) Disputes over confirmation of security interest

33. Disputes over recovery of original property

34. Disputes over abatement of the nuisance

35. Disputes over elimination of danger

36. Disputes over repair, reworking and replacement

37. Disputes over restitution

38. Disputes over compensation for damage to property












VI Disputes over ownership

39. Disputes over infringement upon the rights and interests of a member of a collective economic organization

40. Disputes over divided ownership of condominiums

(1) Disputes over exclusive rights of an owner

(2) Disputes over co-ownership of owners

(3) Disputes over parking lots and garages

41. Disputes over right of rescission of an owner

42. Disputes over return of lost property

43. Disputes over return of drifting property

44. Disputes over return of property buried underground

45. Disputes over return of hidden property

46. Disputes over adjacent relations

(1) Disputes over the use of water and drainage among neighbors

(2) Disputes over right of way enjoyed by neighbors

(3) Disputes over utilization of adjacent land and structures

(4) Disputes over ventilation, easement of light, and sun exposure for adjacent structures

(5) Disputes over damage caused by pollution within neighborhood

(6) Disputes over prevention and avoidance of damage caused by one neighbor to another

47. Disputes over co-ownership

(1) Disputes over tenancy in common

(2) Disputes over joint tenancy






















VII Disputes over usufruct

48. Disputes over right to use maritime space

49. Disputes over exploration right

50. Disputes over mining right

51. Disputes over water-intake right

52. Disputes over right of aquaculture and poultry

53. Disputes over fishing right

54. Disputes over right of contracted land operation

(1) Disputes over confirmation of right of contracted land operation

(2) Disputes over allocation of compensation for expropriation of contracted land

55. Disputes over right to the use of construction land

56. Disputes over right to the use of rural residence land

57. Disputes over easement














VIII Disputes over security interest

58. Disputes over mortgages

(1) Disputes over mortgage of buildings and other attachments to land

(2) Disputes over mortgage of buildings under construction

(3) Disputes over mortgage of the right to the use of construction land

(4) Disputes over mortgage of the right of contracted land operation

(5) Disputes over mortgage of movables

(6) Disputes over mortgage of vessels and aircrafts under manufacture

(7) Disputes over floating charge of movables

(8) Disputes over right of mortgage of ceiling amount

59. Disputes over right of pledge

(1) Disputes over right of pledge of movables

(2) Disputes over right of re-pledge

(3) Disputes over right of pledge of ceiling amount

(4) Disputes over right of pledge of negotiable instruments

(5) Disputes over right of pledge of bonds/debentures

(6) Disputes over right of pledge of deposit receipts

(7) Disputes over right of pledge of warehouse receipts

(8) Disputes over right of pledge of bills of lading

(9) Disputes over right of pledge of equity interest

(10) Disputes over right of pledge of shares in funds

(11) Disputes over right of pledge of IPR

(12) Disputes over right of pledge of receivables

60. Disputes over right of lien

























IX Disputes over protection of possession

61. Disputes over return of property in possession

62. Disputes over abatement of the nuisance for possession

63. Disputes over elimination of danger for possession

64. Disputes over compensation for damage to property in possession






Part Four Disputes over Creditor's Rights

第四部分 债权纠纷

X Contractual disputes

65. Disputes over right of subrogation of a creditor

66. Disputes over right of rescission of a creditor

67. Disputes over contracts for assignment of creditor's rights

68. Disputes over contracts for transfer of debts

69. Disputes over contracts for overall transfer of creditor's rights and debts

70. Disputes over advertisements offering rewards

71. Disputes over contracts for sales and purchase

(1) Disputes over contracts for sales and purchase by installment payment

(2) Disputes over contracts for sales and purchase by sample products

(3) Disputes over contracts for sales and purchase by trial products

(4) Disputes over barter

(5) Disputes over contracts for international sales of goods

(6) Disputes over contracts for sales and purchase of housing property

72. Disputes over contracts for sales and purchase of bidding and bids

73. Disputes over auction contracts

74. Disputes over contracts for real estate development and management

(1) Disputes over contracts for pre-sale of commercial residential housing property

(2) Disputes over contracts for sales of commercial residential housing property

(3) Disputes over contracts for entrusted sales of commercial residential housing property

(4) Disputes over contracts for entrusted construction

(5) Disputes over assignment of right to the use of construction land

(6) Disputes over land lease contracts

(7) Disputes over contracts for temporary use of land

(8) Disputes over contracts for real estate development by equity joint venture or cooperative joint venture

(9) Disputes over contracts for transfer of projects

(10) Disputes over contracts for housing demolition, relocation and compensation

75. Disputes over contracts for supply of electricity, water, gas and heating

76. Disputes over contracts of gift

(1) Disputes over contracts for donations to public welfare undertakings

(2) Disputes over contracts of gift with obligations attached

77. Disputes over loan contracts

(1) Disputes over financial loan contracts

(2) Disputes over contracts for inter-bank lending

(3) Disputes over loan contracts of enterprises

(4) Disputes over contracts for private lending

78. Disputes over contracts of suretyship

79. Disputes over mortgage contracts

80. Disputes over pledge contracts

81. Disputes over contracts of earnest money

82. Disputes over right of recourse in respect of guaranty

83. Disputes over contracts for savings deposit

84. Disputes over credit cards

85. Disputes over compensation trade

86. Disputes over lease contracts

(1) Disputes over contracts of house tenancy

(2) Disputes over preemptive right of a tenant

87. Disputes over contracts for financial leasing

88. Disputes over contracts for contracting work

89. Disputes over contracts for construction projects

(1) Disputes over contracts for survey of construction projects

(2) Disputes over contracts for design of construction projects

(3) Disputes over contracts for construction of construction projects

(4) Disputes over contracts for subcontracting of construction projects

(5) Disputes over contracts for supervision of construction projects

(6) Disputes over contracts for decoration

90. Disputes over contracts of carriage

(1) Disputes over contracts for carriage of passengers by highway

(2) Disputes over contracts for urban public transport

(3) Disputes over contracts of taxi transport

4) Disputes over contracts for carriage of passengers by waterway

(5) Disputes over contracts for carriage of passengers by air

(6) Disputes over contracts for carriage of goods by highway

(7) Disputes over contracts for carriage of goods by waterway

(8) Disputes over contracts for carriage of goods by air

(9) Disputes over contracts of transportation by pipeline

(10) Disputes over contracts for combined transport

(11) Disputes over contracts for combined transport by multiple ways

91. Disputes over contracts of deposit

92. Disputes over warehousing contracts

93. Disputes over agency contracts

(1) Disputes over agency contracts for litigation, arbitration and people's meditation

(2) Disputes over agency contracts for import and export

(3) Disputes over agency contracts for sales of goods carried by civil aircrafts

(4) Disputes over freight forwarding contracts

(5) Disputes over agency contracts for wealth management

94. Disputes over commission agency contracts

95. Disputes over brokerage contracts

96. Disputes over contracts for borrowings

97. Disputes over impawn

98. Disputes over insurance contracts

(1) Disputes over property insurance contracts

(2) Disputes over personal insurance contracts

(3) Disputes over contracts for compulsory insurance for traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles

(4) Disputes over surety insurance contracts

(5) Disputes over reinsurance contracts

(6) Disputes over right of subrogation in insurance

(7) Disputes over insurance brokerage contracts

99. Disputes over partnership agreements

100. Disputes over contracts for repurchase of planted and aquatic breeding products

101. Disputes over lottery tickets

102. Disputes over contracts for Sino-foreign joint exploration and exploitation of natural resources

103. Disputes over contracts for agricultural contracting

104. Disputes over contracts for forestry contracting

105. Disputes over contracts for fishery contracting

106. Disputes over contracts for livestock husbandry contracting

107. Disputes over contracts for contracted rural land

(1) Disputes over contracts for subcontracting the right of contracted land operation

(2) Disputes over contracts for assignment of the right of contracted land operation

(3) Disputes over contracts for exchange of the right of contracted land operation

(4) Disputes over contracts for participation in the right of contracted land operation

(5) Disputes over contracts for mortgage of the right of contracted land operation

108. Disputes over service contracts

(1) Disputes over contracts for telecom services

(2) Disputes over contracts for postal services

(3) Disputes over contracts for medical services

(4) Disputes over contracts for legal services

(5) Disputes over contracts for travelling

(6) Disputes over real estate consultancy

(7) Disputes over appraisal of real estate prices

(8) Disputes over contracts for hotel services

(9) Disputes over contracts for finance and accounting services

(10) Disputes over contracts for catering services

(11) Disputes over contracts for entertainment services

(12) Disputes over contracts for cable television services

(13) Disputes over contracts for Internet services

(14) Disputes over contracts for education and training

(15) Disputes over contracts for property management services

109. Disputes over performance contracts

110. Disputes over labor services (employment) contracts

111. Disputes over exhibition contracts

112. Disputes over people's mediation agreements

(1) Disputes over request for performance of people's mediation agreements

(2) Disputes over request for modification of people's mediation agreements

(3) Disputes over request for revocation of people's mediation agreements

(4) Disputes over request for recognizing people's mediation agreements as invalid































































































































XI Tort disputes of special types

113. Disputes over compensation for damage caused by product quality problems

114. Disputes over compensation for damage caused by high-risk operations

115. Disputes over torts related to environmental pollution

(1) Disputes over torts related to air pollution

(2) Disputes over torts related to water pollution

(3) Disputes over torts related to noise pollution

(4) Disputes over torts related to radioactive pollution

116. Disputes over compensation for damage caused by construction on the ground or at public places

117. Disputes over compensation for damage caused by collapse or fall of buildings, shelved materials and/or suspenders

118. Disputes over compensation for injury suffered by human beings caused by raising animals

119. Disputes over torts committed by State organs and staff members thereof in the performance of duties

120. Disputes over compensation for damage suffered by employees

121. Disputes over compensation by an employer for damage caused by employees thereof to any third person

122. Disputes over torts committed by military personnel based in Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions in the performance of duties

123. Disputes over compensation for damage arising from excessive self-defense

124. Disputes over compensation for damage arising from act of rescue

125. Disputes over compensation for damage arising from notary services

126. Disputes over compensation and/or reimbursement for damage suffered by voluntary helpers

127. Disputes over compensation and/or reimbursement for damage suffered by a person who helped others on dangerous occasions for a just cause





















XII Disputes over unjust enrichment

128. Disputes over unjust enrichment



XIII Disputes over voluntary services

129. Disputes over voluntary services



Part Five Disputes over IPR

第五部分 知识产权纠纷

XIV Disputes over IPR contracts

130. Disputes over copyright contracts

(1) Disputes over contracts of entrusted creation

(2) Disputes over contracts of co-creation

(3) Disputes over contracts of assignment of copyright

(4) Disputes over contracts for licensing of copyright

(5) Disputes over contracts for assignment of neighboring rights

(6) Disputes over contracts for licensing of neighboring rights

(7) Disputes over contracts for computer software development

(8) Disputes over contracts for assignment of copyright in computer software

(9) Disputes over contracts for licensing of copyright in computer software

131. Disputes over trademark contracts

(1) Disputes over contracts for transfer of trademarks

(2) Disputes over trademark licensing contracts

(3) Disputes over trademark agency contracts

132. Disputes over patent contracts

(1) Disputes over contracts for transfer of the right to apply for patents

(2) Disputes over contracts for transfer of patent right

(3) Disputes over licensing contracts for exploitation of invention patents

(4) Disputes over licensing contracts for exploitation of utility model patents

(5) Disputes over licensing contracts for exploitation of design patents

(6) Disputes over patent agency contracts

133. Disputes over contracts for new plant varieties

(1) Disputes over contracts for seed breeding of new plant varieties

(2) Disputes over contracts for transfer of the right to apply for new plant varieties

(3) Disputes over contracts for transfer of rights in new plant varieties

(4) Disputes over licensing contracts for exploitation of new plant varieties

134. Disputes over contracts for layout-design of integrated circuits

(1) Disputes over contracts for creation of layout-design of integrated circuits

(2) Disputes over contracts for transfer of exclusive rights in layout-design of integrated circuits

(3) Disputes over licensing contracts for exploitation of layout-design of integrated circuits

135. Disputes over contracts for trade secrets

(1) Disputes over contracts for assignment of technical know-how

(2) Disputes over licensing contracts for exploitation of technical know-how

(3) Disputes over contracts for assignment of business secrets

(4) Disputes over licensing contracts for exploitation of business secrets

136. Disputes over contracts on technologies

(1) Disputes over contracts for entrusted development of technologies

(2) Disputes over contracts for co-development of technologies

(3) Disputes over contracts for transformation of technologies

(4) Disputes over contracts for transfer of technologies

(5) Disputes over contracts for technical consultancy

(6) Disputes over contracts for technical services

(7) Disputes over contracts for technical training

(8) Disputes over contracts for intermediary of technologies

(9) Disputes over contracts for import of technologies

(10) Disputes over contracts for export of technologies

(11) Disputes over awards and remuneration for persons who have made duty-related technological achievements

(12) Disputes over the right of authorship, right of honor and right to rewards of persons who have made technological achievements

137. Disputes over concession contracts

138. Disputes over contracts for corporate names (trade names)

(1) Disputes over contracts for transfer of corporate names (trade names)

(2) Disputes over contracts for use of corporate names (trade names)

139. Disputes over contracts for special marks

140. Disputes over contracts for domain names

(1) Disputes over contracts for registration of domain names

(2) Disputes over contracts for transfer of domain names

(3) Disputes over licensing contracts for exploitation of domain names



























































XV Disputes over IPR ownership and/or IPR infringement

141. Disputes over ownership of copyright and/or copyright infringement

(1) Disputes over ownership of copyright

(2) Disputes over infringement upon personal rights of copyright

(3) Disputes over infringement upon property rights in an artistic work

(4) Disputes over ownership of neighboring rights

(5) Disputes over infringement upon rights of a publisher

(6) Disputes over infringement upon rights of a performer

(7) Disputes over infringement upon rights of an audio-visual producer

(8) Disputes over infringement upon the rights of broadcasting organizations

(9) Disputes over ownership of copyright in computer software

(10) Disputes over infringement upon copyright in computer software

142. Disputes over ownership of trademark rights and/or trademark infringement

(1) Disputes over ownership of the right to the exclusive use of a trademark

(2) Disputes over infringement upon the right to the exclusive use of a trademark

143. Disputes over ownership of patents and/or patent infringement

(1) Disputes over ownership of the right to apply for a patent

(2) Disputes over ownership of patents

(3) Disputes over infringement upon invention patents

(4) Disputes over infringement upon utility model patents

(5) Disputes over infringement upon design patents

(6) Disputes over passing off the patent of another person

(7) Disputes over royalties charged during interim protection period of an invention patent

(8) Disputes over awards and remuneration for inventors and/or designers of duty-related invention and creation

(9) Disputes over the right of authorship of inventors and/or designers of inventions and creations

144. Disputes over ownership of the right to new plant varieties and/or infringement thereupon

(1) Disputes over ownership of the right to apply for new plant varieties

(2) Disputes over ownership of the right to new plant varieties

(3) Disputes over infringement upon the right to new plant varieties

145. Disputes over ownership of exclusive rights in layout-design of integrated circuits and/or infringement thereupon

(1) Disputes over ownership of exclusive rights in layout-design of integrated circuits

(2) Disputes over infringement upon exclusive rights in layout-design of integrated circuits

146. Disputes over infringement upon corporate names (trade names)

147. Disputes over infringement upon exclusive rights in special marks

(1) Disputes over infringement upon exclusive rights in the Olympic Logo

(2) Disputes over infringement upon exclusive rights in the World Expo Logo

148. Disputes over ownership of domain names and/or infringement thereupon

(1) Disputes over ownership of domain names

(2) Disputes over infringement upon domain names

149. Disputes over right of discovery

150. Disputes over right of invention

151. Disputes over rights in other scientific and technological achievements

152. Disputes over confirmation of non-infringement

(1) Disputes over confirmation of non-infringement upon patents

(2) Disputes over confirmation of non-infringement upon the right to the exclusive use of registered trademarks

(3) Disputes over confirmation of non-infringement upon copyright

153. Disputes over compensation for damage incurred by applications for interim measures
















































XVI Disputes over unfair competition and monopolization

154. Disputes over passing-off

(1) Disputes over unauthorized use of names, packaging and/or decoration unique to well-known commodities

(2) Disputes over unauthorized use of other corporate or personal names

(3) Disputes over counterfeiting and/or passing off of product quality marks

(4) Disputes over forging the origin of a product

155. Disputes over false publicity

156. Disputes over infringement upon trade secrets

(1) Disputes over infringement upon technical know-how

(2) Disputes over infringement upon business secrets

(3) Disputes over violation of non-compete restrictions in respect of trade secrets

157. Disputes over dumping

158. Disputes over tie-in sales and/or sales attaching unreasonable conditions

159. Disputes over prize-giving sales

160. Disputes over commercial libel

161. Disputes over collusive bidding

162. Disputes over monopolization


















Part Six Labor Disputes and Personnel Disputes

第六部分 劳动争议、人事争议

XVII Labor disputes

163. Disputes over labor contracts

(1) Disputes over acknowledgment of labor relations

(2) Disputes over collective labor contracts

(3) Disputes over labor dispatching contracts

(4) Disputes over part-time employment

(5) Disputes over claims for labor remuneration in arrear

(6) Disputes over economic compensation

164. Disputes over social insurance

(1) disputes over pension

(2) Disputes over insurance benefits for work-related injuries

(3) Disputes over medical expenses and medical insurance benefits

(4) Disputes over maternity insurance benefits

(5) Disputes over unemployment insurance benefits

165. Disputes over welfare benefits
















XVIII Personnel disputes

166. Personnel disputes

(1) Resignation disputes

(2) Dismissal disputes

(3) Disputes over appointment and/or employment contracts






Part Seven Marine and Maritime Disputes

第七部分 海事海商纠纷

XIX Marine and maritime disputes

167. Disputes over compensation for damage caused by vessel collision

168. Disputes over compensation for damage caused by vessel contact

169. Disputes over compensation for damage and harm to vessels (facilities above or under water)

170. Disputes over compensation for damage from vessel-induced pollution

171. Disputes over compensation for damage from pollution on the sea and/or sea-linked waters

172. Disputes over compensation for damage to aquaculture

173. Disputes over compensation for damage to maritime property

174. Disputes over compensation for personal injuries at sea

175. Disputes over compensation for damage arising out of illegal detention against vessels, vessel cargos, bunker oil and/or other materials for vessels

176. Disputes over contracts for carriage of goods by sea or on sea-linked waters

177. Disputes over contracts for multimodal transport (under the jurisdiction of maritime courts)

178. Disputes over contracts for carriage of passengers and luggage by sea or on sea-linked waters

179 Disputes over contracts for vessel operation and management

180. Disputes over contracts for purchase and sale (building, repair, rebuilding and dismantling) of vessels

181. Disputes over contracts for vessel mortgage

182. Disputes over voyage charter

183. Disputes over contracts vessel leasing

(1) Disputes over time charter

(2) Disputes over bareboat charter (contracts for hire and purchase)

184. Disputes over contracts for financial leasing of vessels

185. Disputes over contracts for contracting commercial vessels along coastal areas and/or sea-linked waters

186. Disputes over contracts for fishing vessel contracting

187. Disputes over contracts for leasing and safekeeping of appurtenance of vessels and marine containers

188. Disputes over contracts for safekeeping of port cargos

189. Disputes over vessel agency contracts

190. Disputes over freight forwarding contracts

191. Disputes over tally service contracts

192. Disputes over contracts for supply of ship stores and spares

193. Disputes over labor contracts for ship crew

194. Disputes over contracts for assistance and salvage at sea

195. Disputes over towage contracts

196. Disputes over marine insurance contracts and protection and indemnity contracts

197. Disputes over contracts for pool operation of carriage by sea or sea-linked waters

198. Disputes over loan contracts related to vessel operation

199. Disputes over maritime guarantee contracts

200. Disputes over contracts for dredging voyage channels and ports

201. Disputes over shipyard construction contracts

202. Disputes over dock construction contracts

203. Disputes over vessel inspection contracts

204. Disputes over guarantee for maritime claims

205. Disputes over compensation related to major negligent transport accidents at sea or on sea-linked waters

206. Disputes over compensation related to major negligent accidents occurred in port operations

207. Disputes over port operations

208. Disputes over general average

209. Disputes over the development and utilization of marine resources

210. Disputes over co-ownership of vessels

211. Disputes over ownership of vessels

212. Disputes over frauds of marine transport


















































Part Eight Civil Disputes Related to Rail Transport

第八部分 与铁路运输有关的民事纠纷

XX Civil disputes related to rail transport

213. Disputes over contracts for carriage of goods by rail

214. Disputes over contracts for carriage of passengers, luggage and packages by rail

215. Disputes over contracts for multimodal transport (under the jurisdiction of railway courts)

216. Disputes over contracts for international railway through transport

217. Disputes over insurance contracts for carriage of goods, passengers, luggage and packages by rail

218. Disputes over contract for extended services of railway transport

219. Disputes over contracts for railway construction, management and transport

220. Disputes over contracts for railway-related labor outsourcing services

221. Disputes over compensation for damage to railways

222. Disputes over compensation for personal injuries and property damage arising out of rail transport

223 Disputes over contracts for rail telecom services

224. Disputes over contracts for building of railway locomotives and/or vehicles














Part Nine Civil Disputes Related to Company, Securities and/or Negotiable Instruments

第九部分 与公司、证券、票据等有关的民事纠纷

XXI Disputes related to enterprises

225. Disputes over confirmation of equity of contributors of enterprises

226. Disputes over infringement upon equity of contributors of enterprises

227. Disputes over contracts for transformation of enterprises into companies

228. Disputes over contracts for transformation of enterprises into joint stock cooperatives

229. Disputes over debt-for-equity swap of enterprises

230. Disputes over division of enterprises

231. Disputes over contracts for business operation under lease of enterprises

232. Disputes over contracts for sale of enterprises

233. Disputes over contracts for affiliated operation

234. Disputes over merge of enterprises

235. Disputes over contracts for joint operation

236. Disputes over contracts of Sino-foreign equity joint ventures

237. Disputes over contracts of Sino-foreign equity joint ventures on contracted operation

238. Disputes over contracts of Sino-foreign contractual joint ventures

239. Disputes over contracts of Sino-foreign contractual joint ventures on contracted operation

240. Disputes over contracts of wholly foreign-owned enterprises on contracted operation


















XXII Disputes related to companies

241. Disputes over confirmation of equity

242. Disputes over changes in registers of shareholders

243. Disputes over capital contribution of shareholders

244. Disputes over revocation of articles of association of companies or the provisions thereof

245. Disputes over distribution of surplus of companies

246. Disputes over shareholder's right to information

247. Disputes over claims for share repurchase

248. Disputes over equity transfer

249. Disputes over the effectiveness of resolutions of shareholders' meetings or general meetings, and/or boards of directors

(1) Disputes over confirmation of the effectiveness of resolutions of shareholders' meetings or general meetings, and/or boards of directors

(2) Disputes over revocation of resolutions of shareholders' meetings or general meetings, and/or boards of directors

250. Disputes over responsibilities of promoters

251. Disputes over compensation for abuse of shareholder's rights

252. Disputes over compensation for abuse of the independent legal person status of companies and limited liability of shareholders

253. Disputes over compensation for impairment of interests of shareholders by directors and/or senior management personnel

254. Disputes over compensation for impairment of interests of companies by controlling shareholders, actual controllers, directors, supervisors or senior management personnel

255. Disputes over responsibilities of members of a liquidating group

256. Disputes over merge of companies

257. Disputes over division of companies

258. Disputes over capital reduction of companies

259. Disputes over capital increase of companies

260. Disputes over dissolution of companies

261. Disputes over liquidation of companies

262. Disputes over acquisition of listed companies


























XXIII Disputes over partnership

263. Disputes over general partnership

264. Disputes over special general partnership

265. Disputes over limited partnership





XXIV Disputes over bankruptcy

266. Applications for bankruptcy liquidation

267. Applications for bankruptcy reorganization

268. Applications for bankruptcy reconciliation

269. Disputes over the correction of detailed lists of rights and interests of workers and staff members

270. Disputes over confirmation of creditor's rights in bankruptcy

271. Disputes over right of recall

272. Disputes over right of set-off

273. Disputes over exemption right

274. Disputes over bankruptcy-related right of rescission











XXV Securities disputes

275. Disputes over securities transaction contracts

(1) Disputes over stock transactions

(2) Disputes over corporate bond transactions

(3) Disputes over treasury bond transactions

(4) Disputes over derivative transactions

(5) Disputes over securities investment fund transactions

276. Disputes over securities underwriting contracts

(1) Disputes over securities proxy sale contracts

(2) Disputes over securities exclusive sale contracts

277. Disputes over securities investment consultancy

278. Disputes over contracts for securities credit rating services

279. Disputes over securities repurchase contracts

280. Disputes over contracts for listing of securities

281. Disputes over agency contracts for securities transaction

282. Disputes over contracts for sponsorship of listing of securities

283. Disputes over securities offering

(1) Disputes over securities subscription

(2) Disputes over failure of securities offering

284. Disputes over securities return

285. Disputes over compensation for damage arising out of securities frauds

(1) Disputes over compensation for damage arising out of securities insider trading

(2) Disputes over compensation for damage arising out of manipulation of the securities market

(3) Disputes over compensation for damage arising out of false statements on securities

(4) Disputes over compensation for loss suffered by cheated clients

286. Disputes over securities custody

287. Disputes over securities registration, depository and clearing

288. Disputes over margin trading

289. Disputes over trading and settlement funds of clients






























XXVI Disputes over futures transactions

290. Disputes over futures brokerage contracts

291. Disputes over futures overdraft transactions

292. Disputes over forced liquidation of futures

293. Disputes over physical delivery of futures

294. Disputes over futures guarantee contracts

295. Disputes over agency contracts for futures transactions

296. Disputes over misappropriation of futures margin

297. Disputes over compensation for damage arising out of futures frauds

298. Disputes over compensation for damage arising out of manipulation of the futures market

299. Disputes over compensation for damage arising out of futures insider trading

300. Disputes over compensation for damage arising ou of false information on futures













XXVII Trust disputes

301. Civil trust disputes

302. Business trust disputes

303. Charitable trust disputes





XXVIII Disputes over negotiable instruments

304. Disputes over the right of claim for payment in negotiable instruments

305. Disputes over the right of recourse in negotiable instruments

306. Disputes over the right of claim for delivery of negotiable instruments

307. Disputes over the right of claim for return of negotiable instruments

308. Disputes over compensation for damage in connection with negotiable instruments

309. Disputes over the right of claim for return of interests in negotiable instruments

310. Disputes over the right of claim for issuance of bill of exchange receipts

311. Disputes over guarantee of negotiable instruments

312. Disputes over confirmation of the invalidity of negotiable instruments

313. Disputes over negotiable instrument agency

314. Disputes over repurchase of negotiable instruments













XXIX Disputes over letters of credit

315. Disputes over entrusted issuance of letters of credit

316. Disputes over issuance of letters of credit

317. Disputes over negotiation of letters of credit

318. Disputes over fraud in the use of letters of credit

319. Disputes over financing by letters of credit

320. Disputes over transfer of letters of credit








Part Ten Causes of Action for Cases Subject to Special Procedures

第十部分 适用特殊程序案件案由

XXX Causes of action for cases subject to special procedures

321. Applications for ascertainment of the qualifications of electors

322. Applications for declaring certain citizens as having no civil capacity

323. Applications for declaring certain citizens as having limited civil capacity

324. Applications for declaring certain citizens as having restored limited civil capacity

325. Applications for declaring certain citizens as having restored full civil capacity

326. Applications for determination of guardians

327. Applications for revocation of guardianship

328. Applications for adjudicating disappearance of citizens

329. Applications for revocation of adjudication of missing of citizens

330. Applications for appointment and/or change of administers for property of missing persons

331. Disputes over debt payment of missing persons

332. Applications for adjudication of death of citizens

333. Applications for revocation of adjudication of death of citizens

334. Disputes over claims for return of property of the person whose adjudication of death has been revoked

335. Applications for determining certain property as ownerless

336. Applications for revocation of the determination of certain property as ownerless

337. Applications for payment orders

338. Applications for public summons for exhortation

339. Applications for pre-trial cessation of infringement

(1) Applications for pre-trial cessation of patent infringement

(2) Applications for pre-trial cessation of infringement upon the exclusive right to use trademarks

(3) Applications for pre-trial cessation of copyright infringement

340. Applications for pre-trial property preservation

341. Applications for pre-trial evidence preservation

342. Applications for confirmation of the effectiveness of arbitration agreements

343. Property preservation in arbitration proceedings

344. Applications for revocation of arbitration awards

345. Applications for suspending payment of the amount under a letter of credit

346. Applications for preservation of maritime claims

(1) Applications for detention of vessels

(2) Applications for auction of detained vessels

(3) Applications for seizure of vessel cargos

(4) Applications for auction of seized vessel cargos

(5) Applications for seizure of bunker oil and ship's stores

(6) Applications for auction of seized bunker oil and ship's stores

347. Applications for maritime payment orders

348. Applications for maritime injunctions

349. Applications for maritime evidence preservation

350. Applications for establishment of a fund for limitation of liability for maritime claims

351. Applications for publicizing notices for assertion of maritime priority rights

352. Applications for confirmation of maritime creditor's rights

353. Applications for registration and repayment of maritime claims

354. Applications for recognition and enforcement of civil judgments rendered by foreign courts

355. Applications for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards

356. Applications for recognition and enforcement of civil judgments rendered by courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

357. Applications for recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards rendered in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

358. Applications for recognition and enforcement of civil judgments rendered by courts of the Macao Special Administrative Region

359. Applications for recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards rendered in the Macao Special Administrative Region

360. Applications for recognition and enforcement of civil judgments rendered by courts of Taiwan region

361. Applications for recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards rendered in Taiwan

























































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