regret 词根词缀 您所在的位置:网站首页 词根punct regret 词根词缀

regret 词根词缀

#regret 词根词缀| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

词根:punct, pung(punc, pounc, polgn, pon, point) = to prick(刺),

  词根来源于拉丁动词pungere,"to prick or stab",和拉丁名词punctum," point"。punc,pounc,poign,pon,point 等是它们的变形。同义词根有来自拉丁语的stinct/sting/stig/sti。

  (*拉丁文pungere(=to prick)。过去分词是由“穿刺”引申为“(突出之)点”的意思。 —— 英文根字典)  


1. compunction (用力地、狠狠地扎 com(=intensive)加强意义 + punct(=prick)刺 + -ion 名词后缀;“良心受到刺痛”-->内疚,后悔)   n.良心的谴责;悔恨   compunctious adj.内疚的,后悔的   compunctiously adv.后悔地   Some parents feel no compunction at beating their disobedient children. 有些父母因为孩子不听话崦打孩子时,从不感到内疚。

2. punctilio (突出的小点)   n.(仪式等的)细枝;拘泥细节   stand upon punctilios 过分拘泥于细节

3. punctilious (punct点,变尖,指,针+ilious→[做事]点滴不漏→小心的)   adj.谨小慎微的;拘泥于细节的   punctiliously adv. 谨小慎微地;拘泥于细节地

4. punctual (punct点,变尖,指,针+ual……的→着眼于一点的→限于一限于一点的→不偏不差的→)   adj.严守时间的,准时的;精确的   punctually adv.严守时间地   (as) punctual as the clock (像钟表般)准时的   punctual to the minute 分秒不差,准时   be punctual for the lecture /in payment of one's rent 准时上课/按时交纳房租

5. punctuality (punctual[adj.严守时刻的,准时的,正点的]+ity表名词后缀→n.准时)   n.严守时间

6. punctuate (punct点,变尖,指,针+ -u- + -ate 动词后缀→加上点→加标点)   v.在...间加标点;不时打断   speech punctuated with cheers 不时被叫喝彩声打断的演说   punctuate one's remarks with thumps on the table 时不时敲击桌子打断某人的话

7. punctuation (punctuate[v.加标点于;不时打断]+ion表名词→punctuation标点)   n.标点   punctuation mark 标点

8. puncture (punct点,变尖,指,针+ -ure 名词后缀→点[进去]→刺穿;(转为动词后为(用针)刺,刺破))   v.穿孔,扎,刺   n.(用尖的东西扎出的)小孔   puncture an abscess /her husband's ego 刺破脓肿/刺伤自己丈夫的自尊心   Two of my tires punctured while i was on that stony road. 经过满是石子的马路时,我的两个车胎被扎破了。

9. expunge   v.擦去,抹去;删除 *ex(=out)

10. pungent (pung(=punct,punct通过音变g






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