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人际关系能力问卷(ICQ) 2023-02-16 心理量表,能力量表 10681 阅读 21 评论



由 Buhrmester 编制,王英春、屈智勇、郜涨等人进行本地化修订的人际关系能力问卷 ICQ(interpersonal competence questionnaire),该问卷共 35 题,由施加影响的能力、自我袒露能力、提供感情支持能力、发起交往能力和冲突解决能力五个维度构成,问卷为 5 点计分,“1”表示完全不符合,“2”表示不符合,“3”表示符合,“4”表示比较符合,“5”表示非常符合。验证性因素分析表明,修订后的ICQ问卷具有较好的结构效度,GFI、NNFI和CFI均大于0.85,RMSEA为0.05;问卷具有较好的效标效度,能够将有无互选朋友的被试进行区分;问卷总表的克伦巴赫α系数为0.93,分半信度为0.89,各维度的克伦巴赫α系数在0.70~0,81之间,分半信度在0.69-0.79之间,重测信度在0.63-0.82之间。


被试选自山西省晋中市昔阳县某初中,在初一、初二、初三三个年级分别选取三个班的学生 150 名,共计 450 名。分发问卷共 450 份,有效问卷 401 份,有效回收率为 89%。ICQ0.png分别在武汉大学、华中师范大学、湖北大学、华中科技大学、中南财经政法大学、航海学院、武汉理工大学、长江职业技术学院进行随机抽样,发放问卷600份,回收问卷582份,其中有效问卷464份。ICQ.pngInterpersonal Competence Questionnaire (ICQ)Buhrmester et al‚ (1988)1.Asking or suggesting to someone new that you get together and do something‚ e.g.‚ go out together.2.Telling a companion you don't like a certain way he or she has been treating you.3.Revealing something intimate about yourself while talking with someone you're just getting to know.4.Helping a close companion work through his or her thoughts and feelings about a major life decision‚ e.g.‚ a career choice.5.Being able to admit that you might be wrong when a disagreement with a close companion begins to build into a serious fight.*6.Finding and suggesting things to do with new people whom you find interesting and attractive.*7.Saying "no" when a date/acquaintance asks you to do something you don't want to do.8.Confiding in a new friend/date and letting him or her see your softer‚ more sensitive side.*9.Being able to patiently and sensitively listen to a companion "let off steam" about outside problems s/he is ha‎ving.10.Being able to put begrudging (resentful) feelings aside when ha‎ving a fight with a close companion.11.Carrying on conversations with someone new whom you think you might like to get to know.12.Turning down a request by a companion that is unreasonable.13.Telling a close companion things about yourself that you're ashamed of.14.Helping a close companion get to the heart of a problem s/he is experiencing.*15.When ha‎ving a conflict with a close companion‚ really listening to his or her complaints and not trying to "read" his/her mind.16.Being an interesting and enjoyable person to be with when first getting to know people.17.Standing up for your rights when a companion is neglecting you or being inconsiderate.18.Letting a new companion get to know the "real you."*19.Helping a close companion cope with family or roommate problems.20.Being able to take a companion's perspective in a fight and really understand his or her point of view.*21.Introducing yourself to someone you might like to get to know (or date).*22.Telling a date/acquaintance that he or she is doing something that embarrasses you.23.Letting down your protective "outer shell" and trusting a close companion.*24.Being a good and sensitive listener for a companion who is upset.25.Refraining from saying things that might cause a disagreement to build into a big fight.26.Calling (on the phone) a new date/acquaintance to set up a time to get together and do something.*27.Confronting your close companion when he or she has broken a promise.*28.Telling a close companion about the things that secretly make you feel anxious or afraid.29.Being able to say and do things to support a close companion when s/he is feeling down.*30.Being able to work through a specific problem with a companion without resorting to global accusations ("you always do that").31.Presenting good first impressions to people you might like to become friends with (or date).32.Telling a companion that he or she has done something to hurt your feelings.*33.Telling a close companion how much you appreciate and care for him or her.34.Being able to show genuine empathetic concern even when a companion's problem is uninteresting to you.35.When angry with a companion‚ being able to accept that s/he has a valid point of view even if you don't agree with that view.36.Going to parties or gatherings where you don't know people well in order to start up new relationships.37.Telling a date/acquaintance that he or she has done something that made you angry.*38.Knowing how to move a conversation with a date/acquaintance beyond superficial talk to really get to know each other.39.When a close companion needs help and support‚ being able to give advice in ways that arewell received.*40.Not exploding at a close companion (even when it is justified) in order to avoid a damaging conflict.**Items at brief versionInitiating relationships‚ with friends α =.86‚ with dates α =.85; self-disclosure with friends and dates α =.82; asserting displeasure with friends’ actions α =.85‚ with dates’ actions α =.86; providing emotional support for a friend α =.86‚ for a date α =.87; managing interpersonal conflicts with friends or dates α =.771= I’m poor at this‚ 2= I’m only fair at this‚ 3= I'm OK at this‚ 4= I'm good at this‚ 5= I'm extremely good at this.Initiating relationships (items 1‚ 6‚ 11‚ 16‚ 26‚ 32‚ and 36)‚ self-disclosure (items 3‚ 8‚ 13‚ 18‚ 23‚ 28‚ 33‚ and 38)‚ asserting displeasure with others’ actions (items 2‚ 7‚ 12‚ 17‚ 22‚ 27‚ 32‚ and 37)‚ providing emotional support (items 4‚ 9‚ 14‚ 19‚ 24‚ 29‚ 34‚ and 39)‚ and managing interpersonal conflicts (items 5‚ 10‚ 15‚ 20‚ 25‚ 30‚ 35‚ and 40)

参考文献:王英春,邹泓,屈智勇.人际关系能力问卷(ICQ)在初中生中的初步修订[J].中国心理卫生杂志,2006(05):306-308.陈晨. 初中生共情、人际关系和抑郁的关系及共情干预研究[D].闽南师范大学,2021.DOI:10.27726/d.cnki.gzzsf.2021.000260.张行健. 父母教养方式对初中生学业成绩的影响:自尊和人际关系能力的作用[D].山西大学,2018.罗敏. 大学生人际关系能力、自尊和家庭教养方式的关系[D].湖北大学,2012.https://scales.arabpsychology.com/s/interpersonal-competence-questionnaire-icq/





标签: 人际关系, 人际交往

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