中国餐桌礼仪英语10句带翻译 您所在的位置:网站首页 西方餐桌礼仪英语10句翻译 中国餐桌礼仪英语10句带翻译


2024-07-04 12:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


原创:咪咕 英语作文 2023-06-15

Chinese table manners are an important part of the long history and culture of the Chinese nation. Whether it's a family dinner, a business banquet, or a formal occasion, following proper table etiquette is crucial. In this article, we will introduce ten commonly used English phrases related to Chinese table manners, along with their translations.

一: Please take a seat. Translation: 请坐下。

When you are invited to a Chinese meal, it's customary to wait for the host to indicate where you should sit. Once seated, it's polite to wait for others to join before starting the meal.

二: Use chopsticks to pick up food. Translation: 用筷子夹食物。

Chopsticks are the primary utensils used in Chinese dining. It's important to use them properly and avoid touching food with your hands unless necessary. Practice using chopsticks beforehand to feel more comfortable during the meal.

三: Wait for the elders to start eating. Translation: 等长辈先动筷子。

In Chinese culture, it is respectful to wait for the eldest person at the table or the host to begin eating before you start. This shows deference to seniority and demonstrates good manners.

四至十 (Four to Ten): 四: Respect the host and do not overeat. Translation: 尊重主人,不要过量。

When dining in China, it's common for the host to serve dishes generously. However, it's considered impolite to eat excessively and leave little for others. Show appreciation for the hospitality by enjoying the food without overindulging.

五: Taste each dish as you like. Translation: 随便品尝每道菜肴。

Chinese meals often consist of multiple dishes served family-style. It's customary to sample each dish to show appreciation for the variety provided. Remember to take small portions, allowing others to enjoy the food as well.

六: Avoid making noise while eating. Translation: 避免吃嘴里发出声音。

In Chinese dining etiquette, making loud noises while chewing or slurping is regarded as impolite. Remember to chew your food quietly and avoid talking with a full mouth. This demonstrates consideration for others at the table.

七: Do not use chopsticks to poke food. Translation: 不要用筷子戳食物。

Using chopsticks to stab or poke food is considered bad manners in Chinese dining. Instead, use the chopsticks to pick up the desired portion gently. This will prevent food from scattering and maintain the presentation of the dish.

八: Show appreciation when toasting. Translation: 应对敬酒表示感谢。

Toasting plays an important role in social gatherings in China. When someone raises their glass for a toast, it's polite to reciprocate and express gratitude before taking a sip. Make sure to maintain eye contact and clink glasses gently.

九: Pay attention to proper behavior and etiquette. Translation: 注意言行举止得体。

During a meal, it's essential to conduct yourself with good behavior. This includes using polite language, refraining from discussing sensitive topics, and showing respect to others. Remember to be courteous and mindful of your actions.

十: Thank the host and bid farewell at the end. Translation: 结束时感谢主人并道别。

At the conclusion of the meal, it is customary to express appreciation to the host for their hospitality. Thank them personally and bid farewell to all the guests present. This gesture shows gratitude and leaves a positive impression.

Conclusion: Chinese table manners play a significant role in social interactions. By familiarizing yourself with these ten commonly used English phrases and understanding their cultural significance, you can better integrate into Chinese table etiquette. Whether you are a visitor or a host, displaying good table manners showcases your refinement and respect. When enjoying delicious food, remember to also focus on cultural exchange and mutual respect to foster friendships.


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