“和为贵”用英语怎么说? 您所在的位置:网站首页 补仓英语怎么说 “和为贵”用英语怎么说?


2023-06-02 06:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




Harmony Is Most Precious

以和谐为贵。“和”,和谐、恰当,是在尊重事物差异性、多样性基础上 的和谐共存。本指“礼”的作用就是使不同等级的人既保持一定差别又彼 此和谐共存,各得其所,各安其位,相得益彰,从而实现全社会的“和而 不同”,为儒家处理人际关系的重要伦理原则。

Make harmony a top priority. He (和) indicates congruity and appropriateness. It is a state of congenial co-existence on the basis of due respect for differences and diversity. At first, this phrase referred to the role of li (礼 rites / social norms) which is to keep citizens of distinct social status co-existing in a harmonious way, with everybody having his or her own place and staying there contentedly for mutual benefits, resulting in a “harmonious yet diverse” society. It is an important moral concept of the Confucian school in managing inter-personal relations. 


有子曰:“礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美,小大由之。有所不行, 知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不可行也。” (《论语·学而》)

Youzi said, “Make harmony a top priority in the application of rites. That is a key feature that characterizes governance by sovereign rulers in ancient past. Always act upon the rule of harmony, no matter whether the issue at hand is minor or major. Sometimes, however, this rule may fail to work. If one insists on seeking harmony just for the sake of harmony instead of qualifying it with rites, then there will be no hope to succeed.” (The Analects)


Friendly and Kind

友好亲近,和善共处。“友”的古字形象方向相同的两只手,引申为志 趣相同,互为援手;“善”本义美善、和善。两字联用,用来形容超越血缘的人与人之间亲密和善的关系状态。

This term means to be friendly and kind to each other in peaceful co-existence. You (友) in its ancient ideographic form consists of two hands extending in the same direction, metaphorically indicating common interest and offering a helping hand to each other. Shan (善) means to be gracious and kind. When these two Chinese characters are used together as in the current term, they denote a close and harmonious relationship among people, a bond that transcends blood ties.


友者,所以相有也。道不同,何以相有也?……取友善人,不可不慎,是德之基也。 (《荀子·大略》)

Friends are those who support each other if necessary. If they differ in principle, what can they depend on to help each other? ... Choosing friends should therefore be done with great care. That is the starting point for moral cultivation.(Xunzi)


To Be Benevolent and Friendly Towards Neighboring Countries

亲近仁德而与邻国友善。这一思想最早见于《左传》, 中国古人用它作为处理与相邻国家关系的重要指导原则,即邻国之间应当相互尊重、相互友好,共同构筑祥和安定的周边环境,它符合国家和民众的根本利益。它体现了原则性和务实性相统一的 国际关系理念以及中华民族崇尚“仁”与“协和万邦”的基本精神。

To be benevolent and friendly towards neighboring countries was first mentioned in Zuo’s Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals. The ancient Chinese used this notion as an important guiding principle in handling relations with neighboring countries: Countries should respect and be friendly to each other, and jointly foster a benign and stable environment. This is in the fundamental interests of all countries and their people.  The concept, as applied to international relations, is one of both principle and pragmatism. It embodies the Chinese nation’s pursuit of harmonious relations with other nations based on moral values.



To be benevolent and friendly towards neighboring countries is fundamental policy a country should pursue. (Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals)


All the People Within the Four Seas Are Brothers.


This saying means that all the people in the world are as close as brothers. The ancient Chinese believed that heaven was round and the earth was square, with China in the middle of the earth, which was surrounded on all four sides by the Four Seas. “Within the Four Seas” refers to the world inhabited by humans, which was also called “all under heaven,” referring to the whole country or the whole world. This saying shows the inclusive and broad mind of the Chinese and their compassion, love and friendship towards other human beings.



A man of virtue always does things conscientiously without making any mistakes and treats people respectfully and appropriately. Then all within the Four Seas will be his brothers. (The Analects) 


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