蝙蝠侠(1989)Batman、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载 您所在的位置:网站首页 蝙蝠侠语录英文翻译 蝙蝠侠(1989)Batman、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载


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蝙蝠侠高谭市谢谢你 嗨 我要去亚道夫大饭店Thank you. Hi. I'd like to go to the Adelphi Hotel.-抱歉 -对不起 车子是我叫的- Excuse me. - I'm sorry. This is my cab.我先来的呀!I was here first!天呀Oh, God.计程车!Taxi!计程车!Taxi!走路过街吧Let's go across. Come on.到那边去叫 走We'll get one down the road. Hurry.拜托 哈洛 快叫车呀?For God's sake, Harold, can we please just get a taxi?我正在叫...计程车!I'm trying to get a...Taxi!方向错了!We're going the wrong way!吉米 收起来 像土观光客似的Put that away. We'll look like tourists.嗨 甜心Hi, honey.在这我们永远叫不到车 我们到第7街再说We'll never get a cab. Let's cut over to Seventh.-第7街在那边 -我知道方向!- Seventh is that way. - I know where we are!先生 赏一块钱吧Hey, mister. Give me a dollar.-快走 -怎么样? 一块钱而已- Come on. - How about it? One dollar.你聋了吗? 不会说英语? Are you deaf? You don't speak English?快呀! 到这里Come on! Up here.女士...Hey, lady...看小孩的份上 不要叫do the kid a favor. Don't scream.收获不少Hey, all right.美国运通信♥用♥卡♥American Express card."出门别忘此卡""Don't leave home without it."滚远点Get out of here.说实话 伙计 我不喜欢这里Let's beat it, man. I don't like it up here.怎么 你有恐高症?What, are you scared of heights?不知道 强尼的下场使我害怕...I don't know. After what happened to Johnny Gobs...强尼是喝醉酒从屋顶掉下去摔死的 没什么好伤心的Look, man, Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof. No big loss.错了 伙计 我听说的不是这样No, man, that ain't what I heard at all.听说被蝙蝠侠抓走的I heard that the Bat got him.蝙蝠侠? 得了吧?The Bat? Give me a break, will you?从5楼摔下去 身体里一点血也没有Five stories. Straight down. There wasn't no blood in the body.胡扯 人行道上一片红No shit. It was all over the pavement.-我要走了 -闭嘴 听我说- I'm getting out of here, man. - Shut up, man. Listen to me.根本没有蝙蝠侠There ain't no Bat.你不该用枪打那个孩子的You shouldn't have turned the gun on that kid.你究竟要不要你的钱? 大嘴给我闭上! 闭嘴You want your cut of this money or not? Now shut up! Shut up.别杀我!Don't kill me!别杀我! 兄弟Don't kill me! man.别杀我!Don't kill me!我不杀你 有事请你帮忙I'm not going to kill you. I want you to do me a favor.带个话给你所有朋友I want you to tell all your friends about me.你是什么东西? What are you?我是蝙蝠侠I'm Batman.对全美国人而言...Across this nation...高谭市就是犯罪的代名词the words "Gotham City" are synonymous with crime.街头暴♥力♥充斥 政♥府♥官员束手无策Our streets are overrun, our public officials are helpless.身为市长 我保证扫清犯罪的根源...As mayor, I promise to root out the source of this corruption...包斯卡尔格里森Boss Carl Grissom.并由新任地方检查官...Now, our new District Attorney, Harvey Dent...哈维丹特执行will carry out that promise.哈维Harvey谢谢Thank you.谢谢 布格市长 谢谢Thank you, Mayor Borg. Thank you.高谭市民们...People of Gotham City...我一向言简意赅I'm a man of few words.不过却一言九鼎 言出必行But those words will count, and so will my actions.高登局长说...Police Commissioner Gordon has informed me...他已经找出那些...that he has targeted those businesses...为黑社会的非法营业suspected of fronting for the syndicate in this city.这星期之内...Before the week is out...我们将全面大扫荡...we are going to knock down their doors...直捣魔窟and shed the light of the law on that nest of vipers.只要大家团结 便可以建设成一个理性高尚的城市Together, we can make this city safe for decent people.高尚的人不该住本市Decent people shouldn't live here.换个地方会更快乐They'd be happier someplace else.听说卡尔是个铁腕硬汉Pretty tough talk about Carl.你放心好了Don't worry about it.那个小丑敢碰格里森一下 早就被我吊死了If this clown could touch Grissom, I'd have handed him his lungs by now.格里森要知道你我的事...If Grissom knew about us...你也不会好过的he might hand you something.你别往脸上贴金了Don't flatter yourself, angel.他已年迈花甲 缺了我 他控制不了本市He's a tired old man. He can't run this city without me.再说嘛... And besides...他也不知道he doesn't know.你真的毫不在乎? 杰克You don't worry about anything, do you, Jack?帅哥You look fine.我没问你I didn't ask.对 好好保重Yeah. Hanging on.你别说 让我猜No. Let me guess.一只巨大 超级动物 像只蝙蝠Giant, menacing, supernatural form. Kind of like a bat.没错 上面怎么回事? That's it. What are they seeing up there?喝了通乐They're drinking Drano.有点怪异 警官It's a little weird, Lieutenant.谢谢你的情报Thanks for the tip.要命 又是诺克Christ. Knox.你好 艾哈特警官 听说蝙蝠攻击人类Hello, Lt. Eckhardt, I hear we just had us another Bat attack.一个月之内连续八起?That's what, eight sightings now in just under a month?听说局长下令彻查 是真的吗?I hear the Commissioner's even opened a file. True?抱歉 诺克 这两个人踩香蕉皮跌死的Sorry, Knox. These two slipped on a banana peel.我没骗你 是只巨大的蝙蝠!I'm telling you, man, a giant bat!继续走Keep move.最后别登在报上 诺克Don't be writing this stuff in the newspaper, Knox.以免毁了报社的声名It'll ruin your already useless reputation.警官 全镇的游民都吓得魂不守舍的Lieutenant, every punk in this town is scared stiff.知道他们怎么说吗? 说他刀枪不入Do you know what they say? They say he can't be killed.专喝人血They say he drinks blood.-还说... -我说你满嘴狗臭屁 诺克- They say... - I say you're full of shit, Knox.这句话可以引述You can quote me on that.高谭市真的有只6尺蝙蝠吗?Is there a 6-foot bat in Gotham City?他是领警♥察♥薪水的吗? And if so, is he on the police payroll?扣了税以后 年薪多少?And if so, what's he pulling down, after taxes?带给你的小点心 艾哈特Brought you a little snack, Eckhardt.-干嘛不去广播? -闭嘴听我说- Why don't you broadcast it? - Shut up and listen.哈维丹特盯上了咱们一家前卫公♥司♥Harvey Dent has been sniffing around one of our front companies.我的地盘 任何问题我会处理That's my territory. If there's a problem, I deal with it.你的问题也是我们的Your problems are our problems.我只对格里森负责 不对神经病I answer to Grissom, not to psychos.为什么 艾哈特 你该为未来想想Why, Eckhardt, you ought to think about the future.你以为你能接管? 你最好别做梦 杰克You mean when you run the show? You ain't got no future, Jack.你是神经加三♥级♥ 格里森心里有数You're an A-1 nut-boy, and Grissom knows it.考虑清楚哟Better be sure.瞧吧? See?愿意的话是可以做出明智的决定You can make a good decision when you try.你在哪过夜的? Where you been spending your nights?我不管预算如何 我要举办游♥行♥I don't care how deeply in debt this festival is, I want a parade.有热狗 汽球 整个策划I want hot dogs, balloons, the whole schemer.热热闹闹地庆祝2百周年纪念日We're gonna celebrate this 200th anniversary proudly and publicly.还是庆祝破产吧We may be celebrating in bankruptcy court.债务已经25万 还没看见半个汽球This festival's $250,000 in the red and we haven't seen one balloon.只要把人找来 生意自然会有You fill this square with people, and the businesses will come back here.很多人会怕的躲起来 市长I think a lot of people might stay away, Mayor. They're scared.有了格里森干地方检察官 就不用怕了They won't be scared when you get Grissom in that courthouse.我承诺过 记得吗? I promised that, remember?欢迎吸血爵士光临Welcome, Count Dracula.-最近有没大脚的消息? -嘿 诺克...- Had any sightings of Bigfoot lately? - Hey, Knox...-你的连载已被蝙蝠侠取代了 -垃圾就该如此处理- they buried your story on the Batman. - That's what they do to garbage.可以得普立兹新闻奖的This is Pulitzer Prize stuff, guys.






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