我想当一名篮球运动员英文作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 蓝球运动员的英浯 我想当一名篮球运动员英文作文


2024-06-26 12:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”我想当一名篮球运动员“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:I want to be a basketball player。以下是关于我想当一名篮球运动员xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I want to be a basketball player

I want to be a pfessional basketball player. I hope to play on the Chinese national basketball team one day, becse it can keep me healthy. I will be famous and ryone will know me.

But I know that as a basketball player, I have to practice to become good at it. I have to be tall. I will practice as much as possible.

One day I want to play in the Chinese national basketball team, I think it's good to be a basketball player becse it can keep me healthy. I think playing basketball is a popular sport. It's a sport of entertainment and exercise.

But it has some difficulties in basketball. To become a basketball player, becse I want to practice well, it's dangeus to hit a player and fall down. I like playing basketball and I want to be a basketball player My dream is to be a famous basketball player, but it's very difficult to be a basketball player becse it can keep you healthy.

Basketball has become a popular sport. But it is very difficult to be a basketball player becse you have to practice it regularly. Sometimes it is very difficult for players not to hit the ball You are willing to play basketball in China's national basketball team one day.

To be honest, I want this dynamic sport to be enjoyed by many people. For entertainment and exercise, it's good to be a basketball player becse it can keep you healthy. The populaty of basketball in the world is increasing.

But becoming a basketball player is also becse you have to practice a lot to become good at basketball 。 I like playing for the Chinese national team one day. It's good to be a basketball player becse it can keep me healthy. I can play basketball.

For entertainment and exercise, it's very difficult for me to become a basketball player becse I have to practice regularly to become an excellent basketball player. When I gw up, I have to study hard. I will face many challenges.

Although I will face these difficulties, I will stick to my dream.




(I want to be a basketball player) I want to be a pfessional basketball player. I hope to join the Chinese national basketball team one day becse it can keep me healthy. I will be famous and ryone will know me.

But I know that as a basketball player, I have to practice a lot to become good at it. I have to be high. I will practice as much as possible.

I will not succeed.




I want to be a basketball player, is a good basketball player, becse it can keep you healthy and happy. Basketball is a national sport, but it is very difficult to be a basketball player, becse you have to practice regularly to become good at basketball, and in basketball s, it is dangeus to knock down players. You are willing to go to China national basketball team one day Ball.



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