Apple A6X vs Apple A7:有何不同? 您所在的位置:网站首页 苹果a7性能 Apple A6X vs Apple A7:有何不同?

Apple A6X vs Apple A7:有何不同?

2024-06-24 21:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I am writing this review based upon my iPad 4th generation and I'm surprised that it can still do certain tasks even in 2022 (I have a new device so I rarely use this device). The a6x is slow by today's standards but still handles iOS 10 rather well. The problem is that there is lag (in either small or large amounts) even in basic operations such as typing in Safari search bar, opening up documents in pages, switching apps through app switcher, etc. Gaming is out of the question, even games that still support such certain supercell games such as clash Royale still work, but are pretty laggy to the point its almost unplayable. Thermals are surprisingly decent but this could be because I didn't really use intensive apps that actually work with this chip. Light apps such as books work well, but is still sluggish Overall, this chip surprisingly does 'bare minimum tasks' decently, but struggles easily when pushed slightly. Battery conservation is pretty good, considering I can get a few hours out of my iPad 4 even with its max battery capacity at 66%. It has certainly served me well, being the chip in the first ever iPad, let alone tablet, I've ever used.






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