初诊及常见疾病的医务英语口语会话 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语问诊对话感冒 初诊及常见疾病的医务英语口语会话


2024-07-09 14:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

First Visit 初诊医务英语会话  WOMAN, AGED 29  女性,29岁  Doctor: I see from your notes you were in hospital ten years ago with thyroid trouble.  医生:我从你的病历中得知,你10年前曾因甲状腺功能混乱住过院。  Patient: Yes, that's right. And now I've got stomach trouble and my doctor sent me here.  病人:对,是这样的。现在我有犯了胃病,我的医生介绍我到您这里来看病。  Doctor: What has actually been happening since the thyroid trouble?  医生:自从得了甲状腺疾病以来,有过那些症状?  Patient: All sorts of things. I've been feeling very depressed for a year.  病人:症状可多呢。一年来,我精神非常不好。  Doctor: Did you go to your doctor?  医生:看过医生吧?  Patient: Yes, when it got bad. He gave me some Valium tablets to slow me down but they slowed me to a halt. I didn't do anything but sleep.  病人:难受时看过。他让我服用安定药片,使我镇静。我整天昏昏欲睡,除了睡觉外,我什么事也干不了。  Doctor: Did they affect you in any other way?  医生:还有其他症状吗?  Patient: Yes. I got indigestion.  病人:有,我最近消化不良。  Doctor: Did he give you anything for that?  医生:医生给你吃过什么药吗?  Patient: Yes. He gave me some medicine and then it was all right.  病人:给了,他给我开点药,我吃了就好了。  Doctor: How does the indigestion affect you?  医生:消化系统怎么不好受?  Patient: All the food stays up here (indicating chest.)  病人:吃进的东西都停在这里(指胸部)。  Doctor: When do you get it?  医生:什么时候觉得难受  Patient: Two to three hours after food.  病人:饭后两三个小时。  Doctor: What is it like? A pain?  医生:怎么不好?疼痛吗?  Patient: Yes, a pain.  病人:是的,很痛。  Doctor: What kind? Burning, stabbing?  医生:怎么个痛法?烧痛还是刺痛?  Patient: It feels like some wind there and I want to get rid of it.  病人:肠胃里胀气,我想把气排掉。  Doctor: Do you belch?  医生:打嗝吗?  Patient: Not much.  病人不常打嗝。  Doctor: Does it bother you at night?  医生:夜间犯病吗?  Patient: No.  病人不。  Doctor: It comes on when you are hungry?  医生饥饿时发作吗?  Patient: Yes, I have a terrible pain in my stomach and I feel I'll collapse if I don't eat straight away.  病人:对,饥饿时胃部特别疼痛,如果不马上吃些东西,我就支持不住。  Doctor: How is your appetite?  医生胃口怎么样?  Patient: Very poor.  病人:很差。  Doctor: Did you always have a bad one?  医生:胃口一向不好吗?  Patient: No, it started to deteriorate ten years ago.  病人:不,10年前才开始疼的。  Doctor: Has it changed much in the last few months?   医生:近几个月变化大吗?  Patient: I think the medicine must push the food down and then I fell hungry?  病人:服药后,食物能够往下走了,我也感觉到饿了?  Doctor: What about your weight?  医生:你体重怎么样?  Patient: I'm losing weight.  病人:体重在下降。  Doctor: How much do you weight now?  医生:现在体重是多少?  Patient: 8st1lb.  病人:113磅  (1st  =  14lb  lb=磅)  Doctor: And how much did you weigh a year ago?  医生:一年前体重是多少?  Patient: 9st  病人:126磅  Doctor: What about your bowels?  医生:大便情况如何?  Patient Terrible.  病人:很不好。  Doctor: In what way?  医生:怎么不好?  Patient: I'm constipated.  病人常常便秘。  Doctor:: How often do you have them opened?  医生:几天大便一次?  Patient: Only when I take medicine.  病人:只有吃了药才能大便。  Doctor: Every day?  医生:每天都解大便吗?  Patient: No, every other day.  病人:不,隔一天一次。  Doctor: Does warm weather affect you?  医生:天气暖和时,你难受吗?  Patient: No. I prefer warm weather. I sweat less.  病人:不,我喜欢温暖气候, 我出汗不多。  Doctor: Do you always sweat?  医生:你经常出汗吗?  Patient: Yes, but more recently.  病人:是的,最近出汗更多了。  Doctor: All over your body?  医生:是全身出汗吗?  Patient: Yes, all over.  病人:是的  Doctor: Do you feel depressed, nervous, edgy, and irritable?  医生:你觉得抑郁、不安、急躁和爱激动吗?  Patient: I was worse before I got my job.  病人:是的,找到工作以前,我的病情更重。  Doctor: When did you start that?  医生:这样多久了?  Patient: A month ago.  病人:1个月前。  Doctor: Have you been fidgety, have your hands been shaky?  医生:你一直坐立不安、双手颤抖吗?  Patient: When I was coming here.  病人:我到这里时就是这样。  Doctor: At times of stress?  医生:是在精神紧张的时候发作吗?  Patient: Yes. And when something riles me.  病人:对,或者惹我生气时。  Doctor: Any trouble with your eyes?  医生:眼睛有什么毛病吗?  Patient: No  病人:没有。  Doctor: Periods regular?  医生:月经规律吗?  Patient: Every month since I had my baby.  病人:有了孩子后,每月都有。  Doctor: When was that?  医生:那是什么时候?  Patient: Five years ago.  病人:5年以前。  Doctor: Do you feel restless?  医生:你感到躁动不安吗?  Patient: I couldn't concentrate till I got my job but now I have to,  病人:未找到工作以前,我精力一直集中不起来,如今不得不专心工作  Doctor: Is there anything else you've noticed?  医生:你还有别的感觉吗?  Patient: No  病人没有  Doctor: Has anyone in your family had thyroid trouble?  医生:家中还有别人有过甲状腺疾病吗?   Patient: No. I have one sister and two brothers.  病人:没有。我有一个姐姐和两个兄弟。  Doctor: Are they well?  医生:他们都好吗?  Patient: Yes.  病人是的。{nextpage}  Myocardial Infarction 心肌梗死  Intern: Have you ever had any heart trouble that you know about?  实习医师:你知道你得过心脏病吗?  Patient: None.  病人:没有  Intern: Did you ever have rheumatic or scarlet fever as a child?  实习医师:你小时候得过风湿热或猩红热吗?  Patient: No.  病人:没有得过。  Intern: I see here in your previous history that you've never been short of breath on exertion, have slept on one pillow all of your life, never bad swelling of the ankles, nor had to get up during the night to pass your water. Is that all correct?  实习医师:从你的既往病史中。我了解到你在用力时从来没有气短,一直是枕一个枕头睡觉,踝部从来没有肿过,晚上也不起来小便。以上说的全对吗?  Patient: Yes  病人:对。  Intern: Have you noticed any of these symptoms recently?  实习医师:最近你注意到这些症状了吗?  Patient: No. I haven't.  病人:没有,我没有注意到有这些症状。  Intern: Have you ever had any chest pain before?  实习医师:以前你有过胸痛吗?  Patient: No, this is the first time.  病人:没有,这是第一次。  Intern: Is there any history of heart disease in your family?  实习医师:你的家庭成员中有心脏病史吗?  Patient: Yes, my father died of a heart attack, and so did my uncle.  病人:是的我父亲死于心脏病,我的叔父也是死于心脏病。  Intern: You said you felt light-headed. Is that right?  实习医师:你说过你觉得头晕,对吗?  Patient: Yes, it is.  病人:对是这样的。  Intern: Then you didn't actually experience unconsciousness?  实习医师:那么你实际上没有过不省人事吧?  Patient: That's correct.  病人:对的。  Intern: I'll be back in a few minutes, and we'll examine you then.  实习医师:我一会儿就回来,然后我们给你检查。{nextpage}Pulmonary Tuberculosis 肺结核医务英语会话  Patient:  I have had a cough for about two years. I paid no attention to it because I thought it was from smoking. Two weeks ago I caught a cold. Since then I have felt very weak and feverish. My temperature is always a little higher in the afternoon.  病人:  我已经咳嗽两年了。我没有重视它而认为是和吸烟有关。两周前我得了一次感冒,从此以后我感到疲乏无力而且有发热感。我的提问在下午总是高一些。  Doctor:  When you cough do you bring up any phlegm?  医生:  你的咳嗽带痰吗?  Patient:  Just a small amount, usually whitish. Occasionally I noticed some blood. This worried me .so I came to consult you.   病人:  只有少量白痰。偶尔我发现有少量血。这使我害怕了,所以我来找你。  Doctor:  Blood in the sputum strongly indicates tuberculosis. We must take a chest X-ray.  医生:  痰中带血表明很可能是结核病。我认为需要照一张胸片。  Doctor:  The X-ray suggests the likelihood of tuberculosis.  医生:  胸片提示可能是结核。  Patient:  Is it serious? Can I be cured?  病人:  病情严重吗?能治好吗?  Doctor:  Don't worry. Nowadays, even those advanced cases with proper treatment can be cured within six months. Drug treatment should be continued for two years, however.  医生:  不必焦虑。目前即使是重症肺结核,在正确治疗下,半年内也可以恢复健康。当然药物治疗应持续两年。  Doctor:  Please send a fresh specimen of your sputum for testing. I'll prescribe rimifon 0.1g three times a day and injections of streptomycin 1gm once a day. By the way, you need also a good rest and good food.  医生:  请你送一个新鲜的痰标本来作检查。我给你开药。雷米封0.1克一天3次,链霉素注射1克一天1次。另外,你需要彻底休息和好的营养。  Patient:  When should I return?  病人:  我什么时候来复诊?  Doctor:  In about two months.  医生:  两个月以后。


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