十句简单的英语句子(31)个 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语简单造句句子 十句简单的英语句子(31)个


2023-06-12 02:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: 31个,关于”十句简单的句子“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Ten simple sentences。以下是关于十句简单的句子的小学英语句子。

关于”十句简单的句子“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Ten simple sentences。以下是关于十句简单的句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ten simple sentences

1、Less than a month from graduation day, Theresa Smith of Northwestern University in Evanston , Illinois, had yet to find the right job. (para. 1 还有不到一个月就要毕业了,特里萨·卡塞比尔还没找到合适的工作,她就读于位于伊利诺州埃文斯顿的西北大学。(简单句)

2、In other words, they buy some of their inventory outright from people. 换句话说就是他们当场买下他们存货清单中的一些东西。

3、Lester:In other words, you only need a budget increase for the first order. 莱司特:换句话说,你只需要增加第一批定单的预算。

4、The above quote is from a story I read last weekend in The Simple Life. 这是我上周末在《简朴的生活》一书看到的一个故事中的一句话。

5、The structure of the combined plan is nearly identical to that of the UPDATE statement alone. 这个组合的计划在结构上与单独的 UPDATE 语句几乎一样。

6、The c3p0.properties file specifies the size of the statement cache as shown in Listing 9. properties 文件指定语句缓存的大小,如清单 15 所示。

7、Outside-part structure can simplify the complexity and distinguish the layers of inner relationship of the original material. 外位语结构可以理清原句内在层次关系,化繁为简。

8、A few others are playing, but have the words “expiring contract” affixed to their résumés. 其他的一些人也在打,只是他们的简历上会被贴上一句话:即将到期的合同。

9、Mt. 18:16 But if he does not hear you, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 太十八16 他若不听,你就另带一两个人同去,要凭两三个见证人的口,句句都可定准。

10、In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters. 换句话说,当风速为每小时一百二十公里时大部分波浪高约为十二米。

11、It's easy to simplify roll microfilm storage and retrieval in your office. 要简化办公室缩微胶卷的存储及检索十分简单。

12、Linguistic indices contain the ratio of error-free T-unit (REFT) and subordinate clauses per T-unit (SCT). 语言指标包括无错误T-单位与全部T-单位之比(REFT)和全部从句与全部T-单位之比(SCT)。

13、In other words, for simplicityâ ™s sake we ume that the home is not being heated or cooled or has any special lighting that is necessary for the employee to perform their job functions. 换句话说,为了保持简单,我们假设住所没有雇员完成工作所需的照明或空调设备。

14、Realigning them manually every time a new statement is added can be tedious 在每次添加新语句时手动重新对齐它们将十分费力

15、History textbooks have been dumbed down over the past decade. 过去xx年间,历史教材已被修改得过于简单。

16、You should be familiar with the clearing process … 排除这种故障方法十分简单,只需打开机盖…

17、The service returns a file handle, as you can see in Listing 12. 服务返回一个文件句柄,正如在清单 12 中所看到的。

18、Should I write out my speech word for word, or work from note cards? 我应该把演讲稿逐字逐句写下来吗?还是简要写在便笺上?

19、The move to a single forward, in other words, was attacking in origin. 换句话说,这一向单前锋的转变最早是为了进攻考虑。

20、An old Chinese saying goes, “It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people”. 中国有句古话: “xx年树木,百年树人。”

21、Generally speaking, from quantity research to quality research and then to the combination of the two methods is the development tendency of school education research paradigms. 从量的研究到质的研究再到量与质相结合的研究,这句话简单地概括了中小学教育科研范式的发展路向。

22、The c3p0.properties file specifies the size of the statement cache as shown in Listing 15. properties 文件指定语句缓存的大小,如清单 15 所示。

23、The Receive statement labelled Initiation: this is the target of our unit test initiation. 标记为 Initiation 的 Receive 语句:这是我们单元测试启动的目标。

24、The ability to run single or multiple DDL/DML statements and view results in single or multiple grids 能够运行单个或多个 DDL/DML 语句,并在单个或多个网格中查看结果

25、But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram. 但总的来说格言的简洁凝炼是与现代格言警句相类似的。


26、A cell consists of a cell header followed by the body of the cell itself. The body of the cell is the area of memory which is considered allocated. 内存单元包括一个跟随在单元体后的单元句柄。单元体可以认为是已经分配出去的内存区。

27、Altogether the program contains just thirty lines of code (some of which are just end 该程序总共包含三十行代码(一些仅仅是 end 语句)。依我看来,它还是十分易读的。

28、I had been meditating fairly intensely for around twenty years when I came across that line from Ramana. 我听到拉玛那尊者的那句话时,已经认真坐禅xx年了。

29、So goes an old saying, "Once bitten twice shy." 有句俗话说:“一朝被蛇咬,xx年怕草绳。”

30、In other words, consumer is right this year the biggest characteristic of integral ambry demand is contracted acme . 换句话说,今年消费者对整体橱柜需求的最大特点就是简约极致。

31、Two madams said a few polite remarkses and sent to the doorway to 11 Niangs. 二夫人说了几句客气话,把十一娘送到了门口。

32、You know not, you can scarcely conceive, how they have tortured me; -- though it was some time, I confess, before I was reasonable enough to allow their justice. 你不知道你这句话使我多么的痛苦,你简直无从想象;不过,说老实话,我也还是过了好久才明白过来,承认你那句话骂得对。

33、So that's the Federal Reserve System. Incidentally there are twelve banks and there are twelve districts. 所以,这就是联邦储备金系统,顺便提一句,这里说道有十二个银行和十二个区域。

34、The test was fairly easy and almost every test-taker could p that exam. 考试十分简单,几乎所有参加考试的人都能通过。

35、Only a small talk, Alan said: "You had nothing to the broken unit nostalgia!" 才聊了几句,安澜说道:“你原来那破单位有什么值得留恋的!

36、BTW , Pls. fax your banks slip to me asap. 顺便说一句请尽快传银行水单给我。

37、Listing 1 shows the xev.c file with the fflush(stdout); statement added on line 164. 清单 1 显示了在第 164 行添加了 fflush(stdout); 语句的 xev.c 文件。

38、I use new English words in a sentence so I can remember them. 为了记住新学的英语单字,我会试著用这些生字来造句。( )

39、There's something reuring in its self-pitying simplicity—as if the three-word absence explains who I am and wins me sympathy-so I carry it with me, like a label on my back. 这句有点自怜的简单话语听起来颇有些自我安慰的味道——仿佛这三个字的缺失就为我为什么成为现在的我提供了借口,还为我赢得了同情——于是,我总是把这句话挂在嘴边,就像把它贴在背上当标签一样。

40、A clinician must balance these provider-centered goals with patient-centered goals. 该段主题句的大意是:在与患者交谈之前,明确问诊的目的十分重要。

41、In this file we replaced the include for the members.css, as seen in Listing 1, to members_alt.css. 在这个文件中,将 members.css 的包含语句(见 清单 1)替换为 members_alt.css。

42、Snapshot administration is easy and quickly performable. 快照管理十分简单和快速。

43、It seems too simplistic that just repeating a persuasive message should increase its effect, but that's exactly what psychological research finds (again and again). 重复几句说辞就可以增加其(说辞)影响,这未免太简单了吧? 但是,这恰恰是心理学研究屡屡证实的事实。

44、Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhereto turn except to the nearest cabin or settlement. 一个人独自旅行的时候,如果饿了、受伤了或生病了,除了最近的小屋或者村落就无处可以投靠了。[结构剖析] 这是一个简单句。

45、Article 77 A contract may be amended if the parties have so agreed. 例句第七十七条当事人协商一致,可以变更合同。

46、Without the preceding slash, the period alone means any character. 如果前面没有反斜杠,单独一个句点代表任意字符。

47、It's easy to add microdata support to a field formatter. 给字段格式器添加微数据支持十分简单。

48、Of course my father is not going to let me off the hook easily. “我爸爸当然不会这麽简当就放过我”这句怎麽翻成英文呢。

49、This can be used to combine the synchronization point for multiple file handles into a single object. 对于多个文件句柄来说,就可以把这些多个文件句柄合并成一个单独的对象,这个可以被用来结合同步点?

50、A symphony concert will debut in the Water Cube during the National Day holiday. 例句十一时期,水立方将举行交响音乐会的首演。


51、InAfrica, they say "a single tree alone cannot make a forest". 在非洲有句格言“一株树单独不会成为森林”。

52、Chapter one is the introduction in which the definition of ergativity and the purpose of writing this thesis are presented. 第二章对以往有关作格句的研究进行了简要回顾。

53、Thinking Simple and complex seems to be enemy: when I was trying to think simply, the issues I faced always becomes complex. 想复杂和简单好象冤家对头,每当我头脑简单时,面临的问题总是十分复杂.。

54、April 27 This is our affirmation for you: "My heart and mind are now filled with joy." xx月二十七 这是你的肯定句:「我的心灵现在满满的喜乐。

55、If you are new to Cross-Stitch, try this free Simple … 如果您是新的交叉十字绣,试试这个免费的简单…

56、Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. —James 1:22 金句: 「只是你们要行道,不要单单听道,自己欺哄自己。」(雅各书1章22节)

57、I must have said it 20 or 30 times, pointing to my armband. 我指着自己的袖标,将这句话说了不下二三十次。

58、When I got to EF, I stopped translating words and phrases from Chinese to English and started to just think in English. That was a huge step. 通过在EF的学习,我从简单的逐字逐句的中翻英转变成开始用英语的语法角度思考问题,那对我来说是一个巨大的进步。

59、Days of Living Simply} Day 4 ~ Make The Time 三十一天的简单生活——第四天:挤时间

60、In Listing 14, a condition statement is used to display this extra expiration information. 在 清单 14 中,使用一个条件语句显示这些额外的过期信息。

61、The grandpa's few words wiped away decades of resentment. 阿公轻轻一句话,把所有几xx年的怨都抹消掉了。

62、So the search is really easy. 因此查找过程也就十分的简单。

63、Many of us will have studied a language for years in school and are barely able to string a sentence together, so this idea might sound nothing short of arrogant. 鉴于大多数人在学校学了多年的外语之后往往还只会简单的拼出一句话,我的这个观点可能会显得有点自夸。

64、In other words, marriage here is sometimes still about more than simply two people falling in love.It's about the merging of families and adding a certain patina to their social status as a result. 换句话说,在中国,结婚有时并不简单代表两人相爱,而是两个家族的结合,进而带来社会地位的提高。

65、Well, sister of mine, " said Tom, "When you say that, you are near my thoughts. " “对,我的姐姐,”汤姆说,“你这句话,简直说到我的心坎里去了。”

66、It's a nap. Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. 简单得很。明天早上十点。







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