中考英语语法复习现在完成进行时课件(共19张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语现在正在进行时 中考英语语法复习现在完成进行时课件(共19张PPT)


2023-07-04 07:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共19张PPT)现在完成进行时定义:1.表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去。2.表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。现在完成进行时由“have/has + been + 现在分词v.-ing”构成。The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.中国人造纸已有2000年历史了。I have been telling him to study hard.我一直告诉他学习要更加刻苦才是。现在完成进行时的句型结构肯定句:主语 + have/has + been + 现在分词...否定句:主语 + have/has + not + been + 现在分词...疑问句:Have/Has + 主语 + been + 现在分词... 特殊疑问句:疑问词 + have/has + 主语 + been + 现在分词... We have been working.We have not been working.Have you been working Yes,we have. No,we haven't.He has been working.He has not been working.Has he been working Yes,he has. No,he hasn't.用所给词的正确形式填空1. You know, I ________________ (look) for a job for three months, and this is my first formal interview.2. My sister ________________ (stay) in Beijing for three months.3. The little boy is dirty all over because he ________________ (play) in the mud all the morning.4.Here he is! We ________________ (wait) anxiously for him since last night.have been lookinghas been stayinghas been playinghave been waiting现在完成进行时的用法(1)表示一个动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到说话时候刚结束。I have been waiting you for about one hour.我等你大约一个小时了。(说话时"等"的动作刚结束)She has been working all night long.她工作了一夜。(2)表示从过去某时开始的动作一直延续到说话时还在继续进行,并有可能延续下去的动作。常和for,since引导的时间状语连用。They have been living here for 10 years.他们住在这里十年了。It has been raining for 3 days.雨下了三天了。(3)表示一个过去的动作对现在的影响或造成的结果(相当于现在完成时) She has been doing too much work.他做的工作太多了。(Now he is tired out.) Who’s been insulting you 谁欺负你了?4)表示重复(只断断续续,而非一直不停) We’ve been discussing the matter several times this year.我们今年已数次讨论那件事。 I have been saying goodbye to some friends today.我今天同好几个朋友告了别。有些现在完成进行时的句子等同于现在完成时的句子。They have been living in this city for ten years.They have lived in this city for ten years.他们在这个城市已经住了10年了。I have been working here for five years.I have worked here for five years.我在这里已经工作五年了。大多数现在完成进行时的句子不等同于现在完成时的句子。I have been writing a book.(动作还将继续下去)我一直在写一本书。I have written a book.(动作已经完成)我已经写了一本书。They have been building a bridge.他们一直在造一座桥。They have built a bridge.他们造了一座桥。表示状态的动词不能用于现在完成进行时。I have known him for years.我认识他已经好几年了。*注意: I have been knowing...这类不能用于现在完成进行时的动词还有:love爱,like喜欢,hate讨厌,等。现在完成时和现在完成进行时态的区别:1、现在完成进行时和现在完成时皆可表示动作对现在产生的结果,但前者所表示的结果是直接的,而后者所表示的则是最后的结果。如:We have been cleaning the classroom.(a)We have cleaned the classroom.(b)(a)句可译为“我们打扫教室来着。”其直接结果可能是:我们身上都是灰。(b)句可以译为“我们把教室打扫过了。”其结果是:现在教室很清洁,可以用了。Be careful! John has been painting the door.(a)John has painted the door.(b)(a)句表示约翰刚刚把门油漆过,现在油漆还未干,所以你要小心。(b)句则无此含义,油漆可能已干了。2、现在完成进行时有时有延续性,现在完成时往往没有。如:They have been widening the road.(a)They have widened the road.(b)(a)句的意思是他们在加宽马路,但尚未完工。(b)句的意思则是已完工了。3、现在完成进行时往往表示动作在重复,现在完成时则常常不带重复性。如:Have you been meeting her lately?(a)Have you met her lately?(b)(a)句有“经常相会”之意,(b)句则没有。(b)句如与often,every day等时间状语连用,当然也表示动作在重复。1. — I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.— I think so. He ________ for it for months.A. is preparing B. was preparingC. had been preparing D. has been preparing2. By the time he realizes he _________ into a trap, it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.A. walks B. walked C. has walked D. had walked3. So far this year we _______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.A. saw B. see C. had seen D. have seen4. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she ______ English for a year.A. studies B. studied C. is studying D. has been studyingDCDD5. Danny _________ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.A. works B. is working C. has worked D. had worked6. —I have got a headache.—No wonder. You_________ in front of that computer too long.A. work B. are working C. have been working D. worked7. The unemployment rate in this district_______ from 6% to 5% in the past two years.A. has fallen B. had fallen C. is falling D. was falling8. Now that she is out of job, Lucy ___ going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet.A. had considered B. has been consideringC. has considered D. is going to considerCCABThanks For LISTENING








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