英语国家概况 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语国家概况chapter11翻译 英语国家概况


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I 国际通用语:英语的故事 (Lingua Franca: The Story of English)

1.0 引言 英语:世界通用语(English: a global lingua franca)

1.1 英语的传奇:起源与发展 (The Origin and Development of the English Language)

1.2 现代英语:向世界语言起航 (Modern English: a voyage to be a global language)

1.3 莎士比亚—伟大的英语作家(Shakespeare: the greatest writer in the English language)

1.4 英式英语与美式英语(British English and American English)

1.5 新英语变体:英语的国际化 (New English varieties under Globalization)

Unit 1 单元测试

II 浮光掠影:英伦风情(A Glance at the British Landscape)

2.0 引言 (Prelude)

2.1 多彩的英国大地(Splendid landscape in Britain)

2.2 不列颠明珠—英格兰(England: Jewel of Britain)

2.3 自由之歌—苏格兰(the Song of Freedom—Scotland)

2.4 凯尔特的遗产—威尔士和北爱尔兰 (Celts’ Heritage—Wales and Northern Ireland)

2.5 英国皇室一瞥 (A glimpse of British Royal Family)

Unit 2 单元测试

III 穿越美国:印象之旅(Transamerica: A First Impression)

3.0 引言(Prelude)

3.1 初识美国: 走进美利坚(A Panoramic View of America: ABC of America)

3.2 美国地标:符号与缩影(United States Landmarks: Iconic Encapsulation)

3.3 美国城市缩影:往昔与今朝(Snapshot of American Cities: the past and present)

3.4 公路文化:车轮上的国家(Culture of Road: A Nation on Wheels)

3.5 结束语(Conclusion)

Unit 3 单元测试

IV 美国梦:传奇往事(American Dream: A History of Legend)

4.0 引言(Prelude)

4.1 殖民与反抗(Colonization and Rebellion)

4.2 革命与新国家的诞生 (Revolution and Birth of A New Nation)

4.3 西进与版图形成(Westward Movement and Territory Expansion)

4.4 分裂与统一(Division and Reunion)

4.5 结束语(Conclusion)

Unit 4 单元测试

V 大学巡礼:英美教育一览(An Overview of British and American Education Systems)

5.1 英美教育制度一览(Education Systems in the UK and USA)

5.2 英美知名高校巡礼(Prestigious Higher Institutions in Britain and America)

5.3 如何申请国外高校?(How to Apply to Universities Overseas?)

5.4 重要的国际化考试介绍(An Introduction to Important International Tests)

Unit 5 单元测试

Ⅵ 品味文化:英美美食之旅(Food Tour in Britain and America: A Taste of Culture)

6.0 引言 (Prelude)

6.1 传统美食—最美味的文化遗产(Traditional Food: Most Delectable Cultural Heritage)

6.2 快餐,是福是祸?(American Fast Food: A Blessing or A Curse)

6.3 茶,英国的国饮 (Tea: A National Drink in Britain)

6.4 咖啡,让美国人为之疯狂 (Coffee: A Real Obsession for Americans)

6.5 醉人的酒文化 (Wine Culture: British Pub and American Bar)

Unit 6 单元测试

Ⅶ 英美传媒:传播文化之音(Mass Media in Britain and America: Spreading Culture Worldwide )

7.0 引言(Prelude)

7.1 印刷媒体 (Publishing Media or Print Media)

7.2 广播媒体(Broadcast Media)

7.3 电影 (Film)

7.4 数字媒体 (Digital Media)

Unit 7 单元测试

Ⅷ 文学的魅力:绚丽的英美文学瑰宝(Treasures of British and American Literature )

8.1 奥斯丁与英国现实主义小说(Jane Austen and British Romanticism Literature)

8.2 美国浪漫主义文学(American Romanticism Literature)

8.3 英国现实主义文学 (Charles Dickens and British Realism Literature)

8.4 美国现实主义文学 (American Realism Literature)

8.5 哈利波特小说介绍 (The English Popular Literature: Harry Porter)

Unit 8 单元测试

Ⅸ 生活在英美:礼仪与风俗(Living in the UK and the USA: Etiquettes and Customs)

9.0 引言 (Etiquettes and Customs)

9.1 会面和问候礼节 (Western Greeting Etiquettes)

9.2 餐桌上的礼仪文化 (British and American Dining Cultures and Etiquettes)

9.3 最浪漫的事—英美婚礼礼俗(British and American Wedding Customs)

9.4 如何给小费?如何送礼物?及其他礼仪(Tipping, Sending Gifts and Other Etiquettes)

Ⅹ 聆听时代音符,感受文化魅力(Listen to the Notes of the Times, Feel the Charm of Culture)

10.0 引言 (Prelude)

10.1 叮砰巷和百老汇 (The Pan Alley and Broadway)

10.2 蓝调和爵士乐 (Blues and Jazz: Indigenous Music in America)

10.3 摇滚:城市之音 (Rock and Roll: the Sound of City)

10.4 乡村音乐和流行乐 (Country and Pop)

Ⅺ 视觉盛宴:神奇的英美艺术之旅(A Journey of Fine arts in the UK and USA)

11.1 哥特式与巴洛克式建筑风格 (Baroque and Gothic Architectures in Britain)

11.2 美国现代建筑风格 (American Modern Architecture)

11.3 都铎王朝的英国绘画风格 (English Visual Art During Tudor Monarchy and American Frontier Paintings)

11.4 英美的戏剧发展史 (English Theatre and American Cinema)

Ⅻ 庆祝和缅怀:英美节日一览(Celebrations and Commemorations: Special Occasions in the UK and USA)

12.0 引言 (Prelude)

12.1 节日概要 (Basic Facts of Holidays in the US and UK)

12.2 英美共同的节日(Holidays Shared by Britain and America)

12.3 美国特有的节日(Uniquely Celebrated American Holidays)

12.4 英国特有的节日(Uniquely Celebrated British Holidays)

12.5 英美共同的非公众节日(Non Public Holidays Shared by Britain and America)













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