电水壶英语,请英语高手帮忙翻译一封信!!汉译英!!!(不要机译) 您所在的位置:网站首页 英译的英语 电水壶英语,请英语高手帮忙翻译一封信!!汉译英!!!(不要机译)


2023-03-28 23:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,请英语高手帮忙翻译一封信!!汉译英!!!(不要机译) 2,请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子(汉译英) 3,我需要烧开水的热水壶用英语怎么说 4,烧水用的电热水壶,英语怎么说 5,商品分类表中,衣架和晾衣架在不同类别,这里的衣架是不是指像商场或者家里衣橱里挂衣服的衣架,而 6,英语词组翻译,帮下忙,急用,在线等 1,请英语高手帮忙翻译一封信!!汉译英!!!(不要机译)

我与***认识是2007年的夏天,他来我的公司应聘,刚见面的时候我对他的能力产生怀疑,一个刚毕业的高中生会做些什么。 I and * * * know is in the summer of 2007, he came to my company, just meet for when I doubt on his ability, a graduate high school students will do something.

于是我问他:你能为我公司带来什么利益? So I asked him, you can bring the company? What interests me

他说:我很勤奋好学,只要您给我学习的机会,我相信我一定能给你们公司带来利益。 He says: I'm diligent &hard-working, as long as you give me the opportunity to learn, I believe that I can give you bring company interests.

我愿意无偿为您工作,直到您肯定我的能力为止。 I are willing to work for you until you sure my ability so far.

当时我感到很诧异,也因为他诚恳的态度,我雇用了他。 At that time I feel very surprised, because his sincere attitude, I hired him.

一开始我只是给他一些简单的工作,比如帮公司汇款,邮寄信件,整理文件,卫生管理等。 At first I just give him some simple work, such as help company remit money, mail letters, texting, health management, etc.

每天他赶在别的员工来前开门上班,认真地处理这些繁琐的小事,然后又待大家都下班了检查一切后才下班。 Every day he cast in other employees to front door is work, carefully deal with these trival things, then stay everyone off work all finished work after check.

于是我开始注意到他并对他产生兴趣。 So I began to notice that his interest in and told him.

在接下来的观察中,我发现他乐于与公司员工学习并讨教业务,与同事相处融洽。 In the next observation, I found him willing to learn and with company employees for business, and colleagues.

有一件事情让我印象深刻。 There is one thing that impresses me.

有一个星期五的下午下班后,我突然被通知公司有一份资料需要周末加班整理,但大部分员工已经不在了,***却主动接过资料,利用周末的时间,他一个人完成了任务,赶在下周一之前交给了我。 One Friday afternoon after work, I was suddenly notify the company have a material need tidy, but most of the work on weekends staff have gone, * * * but active took the material, use my time at the weekend, he a person to complete a task that drive until Monday to me.

另我更惊讶的是,他还总结了资料里面他认为不足的地方,询问我的意见。 Another I more surprise, he summed up the material inside he thinks the insufficient place, ask my opinion.

他的社交能力、细心、勤奋和上进心得到了我的肯定,于是我给了他一份更能发挥他的潜能的工作——业务员。 His social skills, careful, diligence and ambition got my affirmation, so I gave him a more can fulfill his potential job - salesman.





1.让我们共同迎接2010年的到来. Let us jointly greet the advent of the Year 2010.

2.今天与节目表演同步进行的还有我校2009年度新闻揭晓. Today,the performance is accompanied by the Disclosure Ceremony of 2009 School News.

Today,along with the performance, we will unveil the Top 10 School News 2009.

3.揭晓2009年度十大新闻之一:五周年庆典活动成功举办. Announcement of a Top 10 School News 2009 --- The 5th Anniversary Celebration is successfully held.

4.校园面貌日新月异. The school campus is taking on an ever-bright look.

5.精彩的广场演出、多姿的集体娱乐项目、成功的第三届校运动会. Fabulous square performance, rich and varied entertainments, success in holding the 3rd School Sports Game.

6.我校被**省教育厅评为依法办学先进单位. We are honored the Excellent Teaching Units in Comply with Laws by the Education Department of xxxx Province.

7.教学改革新思路,自主学习、培养全优生计划. Innovation in education, self-directed learning and the Plan for Instructing Straight-A Students.

8.我校的校本课程编辑成册. The campus-based textbooks are compiled into volums.

9.承担教育部“十一五”规划课题研究. Our school shouldered the subject study under the 11th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Education.

10.与**学校结为友好学校,并送课到校. Establishing friendly relationship with *** School and sending our teachers to their school to help teaching.

11.学校党支部成立了. The School Party Branch has set up.

12.众志成城,抗击甲流. We are making a concerted effort to combat the H1N1.

13.在新的一年里让我们共同祝愿,明天会更好. At the dawn of the new year, let's make this wish -- Tomorrow will be even better.

14.祝老师们身体健康,阖家欢乐。祝同学们学习进步,万事如意. We wish the teachers good health and happy families. We wish the students a better achievement in their study and a life of happiness and prosperity.


一、“我需要烧开水的热水壶”用英文的说法是:“I need a kettle of boiling water.” 二、本句话有两个重点单词,具体如下: 1、need:英 [niːd],美 [nid]; n. 需要,要求;缺乏;必要之物; vt. 需要;vi. 需要 ; 网络短语:social need 社会需要,社会需求,社群需要;basic need 基本需要,基本需求,音形义。 2、kettle:英 ['ket(ə)l],美 ['kɛtl]; n. 壶;[化工] 釜;罐;鼓;水壶,水壶,锅穴; n. (Kettle)人名;(英)凯特尔; 网络短语:kettle drum 定音鼓,定音鼓;Infusion kettle 浸渍锅,浸渍锅。


英语表达是Electric kettle She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle 她把他们俩的杯子倒空,烧上了电水壶。 电热水壶的工作原理为,水沸腾时产生的水蒸汽使蒸汽感温元件的双金属片变形,这种变形通过杠杆原理推动电源开关断电。其断电是不可自复位的,故断电后水壶不会自动再加热。 电水壶在1891年诞生于芝加哥。随着科技的发展,快捷、安全、便利、充分利用能源日渐成为了水壶的主要特点,嗜茶的英国人从此便爱上它了。到了二十一世纪便成为全球的畅销品。电水壶采用的是蒸气智能感应控温,具有水沸腾后自动断电、防干烧断电的功能。随着生活的需要,现在的电水壶也正在向多功能方向发展,如防漏、防烫、锁水等。电水壶具有加热速度快,保温效果好,过滤功能强,式样多等优点。


分类表是国际标准,在翻译的时候可能有些生硬,不好理解,建议看看英文原文。 20 衣架——《尼斯分类》原版英文指:Coat hangers。 hangers指的就是那种直接挂衣服的架子。简单点说就是超市8块钱可以买10只的那种架子。 21 洗衣用晾衣架——《尼斯分类》原版英文指:Drying racks for laundry。 racks:n.行李架( rack的名词复数 ); 支架。这样就好理解了,这个就不是上面说的衣架了。[资政知识产权]


sit on that pile of newspapers 坐在那堆报纸上 ask me to write a composition on newspapers 让我写篇关于报纸的文章 soon after the term started 学期开始不久 some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School 一些曼菲尔德学校的八年级学生 publish a newspaper 发行一份报纸 hold a meeting 开一场会 elect Joyce to be the chief editor 选举乔伊斯做主编 ought to elect a secretary 应该选举一位秘书 ask for suggestions 询求建议 have experience 拥有经验 start taking notes 开始做笔记






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