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英语配图作文_七年级高分英语作文2篇 作者:骷髅头 • 2024-04-22 12:34:11 • 阅读 504

关于”配图“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Picture-attached text。以下是关于配图的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”配图“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Picture-attached text。以下是关于配图的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Picture-attached text

English Ilrated Writing - Full Collection of Pictures

英语配图作文 - 图片大全

English ilrated writing is a great way to express oneself in a creative and interesting way. Here are some pictures that can inspire you to write a great piece of English writing.


1. A beautiful sunset on the beach.


The sunset on the beach was one of the most breathtaking things I have ever seen. The sky was painted in shades of pink, orange, and purple, and the ocean was reflecting the colors like a mirror.


2. A busy street in a big city.


The streets of the city were busy as always. Cars and buses were honking their horns, people were walking fast to get to their destinations, and the buildings around were towering and imposing.


3. A family having a picnic in the park.


The family was sitting on a picnic blanket, enjoying their food and the company of each other. The children were playing around, chasing each other and laughing, while the parents were relaxing and talking about their day.


4. A majestic mountain landscape.


The mountain was towering over the landscape, with its snow-capped peak shining in the sun. The trees and bushes around were swaying in the wind, and the river below was flowing peacefully.


5. A breathtaking view of a watell.


The watell was cascading down the rocks, creating a mesmerizing sound and a magnificent view. The mist around was refreshing, and the sun rays were playing with the water, creating rainbows.


In conclusion, writing in English can be a fun and creative way to express oneself. With the help of pictures, one can be inspired to write about anything and everything. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is one's own imagination.



一、A Busy Street

There are always lots of people and cars on the street during rush hours. Pedestrians hurry to work or school, while drivers honk their horns impatiently. The street is noisy and crowded, and it's easy to get stuck in traffic. Despite this chaos, the street is full of energy and vitality.


二、A Quiet Beach

The sun is setting on the tranquil beach, casting a golden glow over the sand and the sea. The waves gently lap against the s, creating a soothing soundtrack to the scenery. The beach is deserted, except for a few seagulls and a lone figure walking in the distance. It's a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.


三、A Crowded Mall

The mall is packed with shoppers, who are browsing through the latest fashions and electronics. The sales assistants are busy attending to the customers, while the cashiers are ringing up purchases at lightning speed. The air is filled with the scent of perfumes and the sound of chatter. It's a hectic and exciting atmosphere, but also a little overwhelming.



1. A person holding a book and sitting under a tree in a peaceful park. The caption reads: "Reading is a window to the world." 照片中有一位人正在公园里坐在树下阅读一本书,照片下方的字幕写道:“阅读是通向世界的窗户。”

2. A group of children playing soccer on a sunny day in a grassy field. The caption says: "Sports bring people together." 照片中有一群孩子在阳光明媚的草地上踢足球,照片下方的字幕说:“运动使人们团结在一起。”

3. A close-up of a person's hands holding soil and planting a seedling. The caption reads: "Taking care of nature starts with small actions." 照片是一位人的双手拿着泥土并种植树苗的近景,照片下方的字幕写道:“爱护大自然从小事做起。”

4. A colorful ilration of different people from various cultures holding hands and forming a circle. The caption says: "Embracing diversity, celebrating unity." 照片是一幅色彩斑斓的插图,插图中不同文化的人们手拉手,形成一个圆圈,照片下方的字幕说:“拥抱多样性,庆祝团结。”

5. A picture of a group of students volunteering at a local community center, helping elderly people and children. The caption reads: "Making a difference through kindness." 照片是一群学生在当地社区中心做志愿者,帮助老人和儿童,照片下方的字幕写道:“用善良创造改变。”


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