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中国传统故事 英文版 《小蝌蚪找妈妈》

2024-04-07 01:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Tadpoles Looking For Their Mother

By Chris Leeson

Warm spring had arrived.温暖的春天已经到来In the pond, Mother Frog laid eggs.青蛙妈妈在池塘里下了卵She was really tired and hungry 她又累又饿and went to look for food.就去找吃的了Then the eggs hatched and 卵破了然后out came a group of tadpoles.孵出来了一群小蝌蚪They had long tails and swam 他们有长长的尾巴然后together happily in the small pond.开心的在池塘里游啊游They met two chicks他们遇到了两只小鸡and the chicks had a mother.可是小鸡有妈妈Where is our mother?那我们的妈妈在哪儿呢Let's go find her.我们去找她They swam and swam.他们游啊游Is she here?她在这里吗No, she isn't.没有,不在They couldn't find her anywhere.他们到处都找不到妈妈Look! Grandpa Shrimps!看!虾公公来了!The tadpoles approached the shrimps.蝌蚪们赶紧上前问虾公公Grandpa Shrimp, do you know 虾公公,您知道where our mother is?我们的妈妈在哪里吗What does she look like?她长得什么样子啊Your mother, hmmm......你们的妈妈,嗯......She has two big eyes.她有一双大眼睛I just met her a while ago, that way.我刚刚还碰到她,在那边The tadpoles thanked the shrimps 蝌蚪们谢谢虾公公and swam away.然后就游走了Mother Frog returned home.青蛙妈妈回到家"Oh no, where have they gone?"不,我的宝贝都跑去哪里了Mother Frog looked here and there.青蛙妈妈到处找But the tadpoles were nowhere to be seen. 但是怎么都找不到小蝌蚪们The tadpoles swam and swam.小蝌蚪们游啊游Seeing a goldfish, they cried out,看到了一直金鱼,他们叫起来"Mum! Mum!".妈妈!妈妈!"No, no, no. I am not your mother.哦不不不,我可不是你们的妈妈Your mother has a white belly."你们的妈妈啊有一个白色的肚皮And the tadpoles swam away.然后小蝌蚪们就游走了Now they remembered two things, 现在他们知道了两件事情了their mother had two big eyes 他们的妈妈有两个大眼睛and a white belly.还有一个白色的肚皮Seeing a crab with a white belly,看到了螃蟹有个白肚皮 they immediately shouted "Mum! Mum!".他们赶紧大喊起来“妈妈!妈妈!”"No, no, no. I am not your mother.哦不不不,我可不是你们的妈妈Your mum has only four legs".你们的妈妈只有四条腿And the tadpoles swam away.小蝌蚪们就游走了Now they kept three things in mind.现在他们谨记住三件事情One, their mother had two big eyes, 第一,他们的妈妈有两只大眼睛She also has a white belly and four legs.还有白肚皮和四条腿The tadpoles swam and swam.蝌蚪们游啊游Seeing a tortoise, they shouted, "Mum! Mum!"看到一只乌龟,他们大喊“妈妈!妈妈!”"No! She is my mother, not yours", 不对!她是我妈妈,不是你们妈妈said Baby Tortoise.乌龟宝宝说。"All children look like their mothers. 孩子们都会长得像妈妈的You don't look like my mother at all".你们长得一点都不像我妈妈And the tadpoles swam away again.小蝌蚪们再次游走。The tadpoles swam and swam.蝌蚪们游啊游。They swam to the bottom of the pond 游到了池塘底and saw a catfish sleeping.看到了鲶鱼在睡觉She must be our mother.这一定是我们的妈妈She has a white belly 她有白肚皮and a long tail, just like us.还有一个长尾巴,跟我们一样There is our mother.这就是我们的妈妈啦Mum! Mum!妈妈!妈妈!The catfish was annoyed and shouted,鲶鱼恼怒了,大吼起来who are these naughty children?哪里来的调皮孩子?I need to teach them a lesson!我需要教训他们一下!The tadpoles were all scared and hid away.蝌蚪们吓得都躲藏了起来。Just then, Mother Frog came to the rescue.就在这时,青蛙妈妈及时来救场。They are my children. 他们是我的孩子。I'm sorry they disturbed you.不好意思他们吵到你了。They were just looking for me.他们只是在寻找我。Come on, my children. Let's all go back home.来吧我的孩子们。我们都回家吧。But the tadpoles were hesitating.蝌蚪们去犹豫了。Let's see. She's got two big eyes, 我们来看一下。她有两只大眼睛a white belly and 1 2 3 4, exactly 4 legs.白肚皮和1 2 3 4,正好4条腿But how come we don't look like her at all?但是为什我们跟她长得一点儿都不像Haha, that's because you haven't grown up yet.哈哈,那是因为你们还没有长大。Mum!Mum!Mum! 妈妈!妈妈!妈妈!All the tadpoles rushed to their mother.蝌蚪们都冲向妈妈怀抱。After a few days, they grew their back legs.几天后,他们长出了后腿And a few days later, their tails began to shrink.又几天后,他们的尾巴慢慢褪去,And they grew their front legs.再然后他们长出了前腿,Now they looked exactly like their mother.现在他们看起来跟妈妈一模一样。They were not tadpoles any more.他们已经不再是蝌蚪了。They were frogs.他们是青蛙啦。







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