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2024-02-02 16:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

时间线图 ​

英Timeline Diagram


英Timeline: This is an experimental diagram for now. The syntax and properties can change in future releases. The syntax is stable except for the icon integration which is the experimental part.


英"A timeline is a type of diagram used to illustrate a chronology of events, dates, or periods of time. It is usually presented graphically to indicate the passing of time, and it is usually organized chronologically. A basic timeline presents a list of events in chronological order, usually using dates as markers. A timeline can also be used to show the relationship between events, such as the relationship between the events of a person's life." Wikipedia

时间线的示例。 ​

英An example of a timeline.

Code:mermaidtimeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter语法 ​


创建时间线图的语法很简单。你始终以 timeline 关键字开头,让 mermaid 知道你想要创建时间线图。

英The syntax for creating Timeline diagram is simple. You always start with the timeline keyword to let mermaid know that you want to create a timeline diagram.

之后,可以向时间线添加标题。这是通过添加一行带有关键字 title 后跟标题文本来完成的。

英After that there is a possibility to add a title to the timeline. This is done by adding a line with the keyword title followed by the title text.


英Then you add the timeline data, where you always start with a time period, followed by a colon and then the text for the event. Optionally you can add a second colon and then the text for the event. So, you can have one or more events per time period.

json{time period} : {event}


json{time period} : {event} : {event}


json{time period} : {event} : {event} : {event}


英NOTE: Both time period and event are simple text, and not limited to numbers.


英Let us look at the syntax for the example above.

Code:mermaidtimeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter


英In this way we can use a text outline to generate a timeline diagram. The sequence of time period and events is important, as it will be used to draw the timeline. The first time period will be placed at the left side of the timeline, and the last time period will be placed at the right side of the timeline.


英Similarly, the first event will be placed at the top for that specific time period, and the last event will be placed at the bottom.

按章节/年龄对时间段进行分组 ​

英Grouping of time periods in sections/ages

你可以按部分/年龄对时间段进行分组。这是通过添加一行包含关键字 section 和后跟部分名称来完成的。

英You can group time periods in sections/ages. This is done by adding a line with the keyword section followed by the section name.


英All subsequent time periods will be placed in this section until a new section is defined.


英If no section is defined, all time periods will be placed in the default section.


英Let us look at an example, where we have grouped the time periods in sections.

Code:mermaidtimeline title Timeline of Industrial Revolution section 17th-20th century Industry 1.0 : Machinery, Water power, Steam power Industry 2.0 : Electricity, Internal combustion engine, Mass production Industry 3.0 : Electronics, Computers, Automation section 21st century Industry 4.0 : Internet, Robotics, Internet of Things Industry 5.0 : Artificial intelligence, Big data,3D printing


英As you can see, the time periods are placed in the sections, and the sections are placed in the order they are defined.


英All time periods and events under a given section follow a similar color scheme. This is done to make it easier to see the relationship between time periods and events.

长时间或事件的文本换行 ​

英Wrapping of text for long time-periods or events


英By default, the text for time-periods and events will be wrapped if it is too long. This is done to avoid that the text is drawn outside the diagram.

你还可以使用 强制换行。

英You can also use to force a line break.


英Let us look at another example, where we have a long time period, and a long event.

Code:mermaidtimeline title England's History Timeline section Stone Age 7600 BC : Britain's oldest known house was built in Orkney, Scotland 6000 BC : Sea levels rise and Britain becomes an island. The people who live here are hunter-gatherers. section Bronze Age 2300 BC : People arrive from Europe and settle in Britain. They bring farming and metalworking. : New styles of pottery and ways of burying the dead appear. 2200 BC : The last major building works are completed at Stonehenge. People now bury their dead in stone circles. : The first metal objects are made in Britain.Some other nice things happen. it is a good time to be alive.Code:mermaidtimeline title MermaidChart 2023 Timeline section 2023 Q1 Release Personal Tier Buttet 1 : sub-point 1a : sub-point 1b : sub-point 1c Bullet 2 : sub-point 2a : sub-point 2b section 2023 Q2 Release XYZ Tier Buttet 3 : sub-point 3a : sub-point 3b : sub-point 3c Bullet 4 : sub-point 4a : sub-point 4b时间段和事件的样式 ​

英Styling of time periods and events


英As explained earlier, each section has a color scheme, and each time period and event under a section follow the similar color scheme.


英However, if there is no section defined, then we have two possibilities:


英Style time periods individually, i.e. each time period(and its coressponding events) will have its own color scheme. This is the DEFAULT behavior.

Code:mermaid timeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter


英Note that there are no sections defined, and each time period and its corresponding events will have its own color scheme.

使用 disableMultiColor 选项禁用多色选项。这将使所有时间段和事件遵循相同的配色方案。

英Disable the multiColor option using the disableMultiColor option. This will make all time periods and events follow the same color scheme.

你需要通过 mermaid.initialize 函数或指令添加此选项。

英You will need to add this option either via mermaid.initialize function or directives.

javascriptmermaid.initialize({ theme: 'base', startOnLoad: true, logLevel: 0, timeline: { disableMulticolor: false, }, ... ...


英let us look at same example, where we have disabled the multiColor option.

Code:mermaid %%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'base', 'timeline': {'disableMulticolor': true}}}%% timeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter自定义配色方案 ​

英Customizing Color scheme

你可以使用 cScale0 到 cScale11 主题变量自定义配色方案,这将更改背景颜色。Mermaid 允许你为最多 12 个部分设置独特的颜色,其中 cScale0 变量将驱动第一个部分或时间段的值,cScale1 将驱动第二个部分的值,依此类推。如果你的部分超过 12 个,配色方案将开始重复。

英You can customize the color scheme using the cScale0 to cScale11 theme variables, which will change the background colors. Mermaid allows you to set unique colors for up-to 12 sections, where cScale0 variable will drive the value of the first section or time-period, cScale1 will drive the value of the second section and so on. In case you have more than 12 sections, the color scheme will start to repeat.

如果你还想更改某个部分的前景色,可以使用与 cScaleLabel0 到 cScaleLabel11 变量相对应的主题变量。

英If you also want to change the foreground color of a section, you can do so use theme variables corresponding cScaleLabel0 to cScaleLabel11 variables.

注意:这些主题变量的默认值是从选定的主题中选取的。如果你想覆盖默认值,可以使用 initialize 调用来添加自定义主题变量值。

英NOTE: Default values for these theme variables are picked from the selected theme. If you want to override the default values, you can use the initialize call to add your custom theme variable values.



现在让我们覆盖 cScale0 到 cScale2 变量的默认值:

英Now let's override the default values for the cScale0 to cScale2 variables:

Code:mermaid %%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'default' , 'themeVariables': { 'cScale0': '#ff0000', 'cScaleLabel0': '#ffffff', 'cScale1': '#00ff00', 'cScale2': '#0000ff', 'cScaleLabel2': '#ffffff' } } }%% timeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter 2007 : Tumblr 2008 : Instagram 2010 : Pinterest


英See how the colors are changed to the values specified in the theme variables.

主题 ​


Mermaid 支持一系列预定义的主题,你可以使用它们来找到适合你的主题。附:你实际上可以覆盖现有主题的变量来运行你自己的自定义主题。了解有关图表主题化的更多信息 此处。

英Mermaid supports a bunch of pre-defined themes which you can use to find the right one for you. PS: you can actually override an existing theme's variable to get your own custom theme going. Learn more about theming your diagram here.


英The following are the different pre-defined theme options:






注意:要更改主题,你可以使用 initialize 调用或指令。了解有关 directives 的更多信息让我们使用它们,并看看我们的示例图在不同主题中的外观:

英NOTE: To change theme you can either use the initialize call or directives. Learn more about directives Let's put them to use, and see how our sample diagram looks in different themes:

基础主题 ​

英Base Theme

Code:mermaid%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'base' } }%% timeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter 2007 : Tumblr 2008 : Instagram 2010 : Pinterest森林主题 ​

英Forest Theme

Code:mermaid%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'forest' } }%% timeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter 2007 : Tumblr 2008 : Instagram 2010 : Pinterest黑暗主题 ​

英Dark Theme

Code:mermaid%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'dark' } }%% timeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter 2007 : Tumblr 2008 : Instagram 2010 : Pinterest默认主题 ​

英Default Theme

Code:mermaid%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'default' } }%% timeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter 2007 : Tumblr 2008 : Instagram 2010 : Pinterest中性主题 ​

英Neutral Theme

Code:mermaid%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'neutral' } }%% timeline title History of Social Media Platform 2002 : LinkedIn 2004 : Facebook : Google 2005 : Youtube 2006 : Twitter 2007 : Tumblr 2008 : Instagram 2010 : Pinterest与你的库/网站集成。 ​

英Integrating with your library/website.


英Timeline uses experimental lazy loading & async rendering features which could change in the future.The lazy loading is important in order to be able to add additional diagrams going forward.

你可以使用此方法将包括时间线图的 Mermaid 添加到网页中:

英You can use this method to add mermaid including the timeline diagram to a web page:

html import mermaid from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid@10/dist/mermaid.esm.min.mjs';

你还可以参考在线编辑器 此处 中的实现来查看异步加载是如何完成的。

英You can also refer the implementation in the live editor here to see how the async loading is done.






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