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Friends Season 1 Episode 19 : The one with the Evil Orthodontist.老友记第1季第19集: 风流牙医。

Chandler: I can't believe you would actually say that. I would much rather be Mr. Peanut than Mr. Salty.我真不敢相信你会这么说,我是花生先生而非咸味先生。Joey: No way! Mr. Salty is a sailor, all right, he's got to be, like, the toughest snack there is.才怪,盐先生是个水手,他应该是最顽强的点心。Ross: I don't know, you don't wanna mess with corn nuts. They're crazy!我不知道,你不会想和谷物坚果作对的。他们是疯子。Monica: Oh my God. You guys! You gotta come see this! There's some creep out there with a telescope!上帝呀!你们快看!有一个讨厌鬼拿着望远镜。Ross: I can't believe it! He's looking right at us!我真不敢相信他在看我们。Rachel: Oh, that is so sick.真呕心。Chandler: I feel violated. And not in a good way.我感觉被冒犯了,而且是以很不爽的方式。Phoebe: How can people do that? Oh, you guys, look! Ugly Naked Guy got gravity boots!怎会有人这样?你们看,丑陋裸男有双重力鞋。Chandler: I am telling you, years from now, schoolchildren will study it as one of the greatest first dates of all time.告诉你们,几年后学童将会把它奉为第一次约会的经♥典加以研读。Phoebe: Yeah.是的。Chandler: I'll say yeah. It was unbelievable! We could totally be ourselves; we didn't have to play any games.要我说,是的。它太令人无法置信,我们可以完全作自己,无须再玩任何游戏。Monica: So have you called her yet?你打过电话给她没?Chandler: Let her know I like her? What are you, insane?让她知道我喜欢她?你这是怎么了?疯了?All: Guys. It's gross.男人啊,这太恶心了。Chandler: It's the next day! How needy do I want to seem? I'm right, right?这才第二天你要我显得有多饥渴?我没错,对吧?Joey and Ross: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Let her dangle.对,让她慢慢等吧。Monica: I can't believe my parents are actually pressuring me to find one of you people.我无法相信我爸妈强迫我找你们这种男人。Phoebe: Oh, God, come on, just do it! Call her! Stop being so testosteroney!注释:testosteroney:testosterone睾酮; 睾丸素(男性荷尔蒙的一种)。Phoebe 是用很形象的方式告诉 Chandler 别老那么大男子主义。哦,天呐,赶紧行动!打电话给她,别摆出一付臭男人的样子。Chandler: Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco treat. I got her machine.这个,顺便说一下,旧金山真有这道菜。是她的电话答录机。Joey: Her answer machine?她的答录机?Chandler: No, interestingly enough her leaf blower picked up.不,真有意思,是落叶清扫机。Phoebe: So, uh, why didn't you say anything?你为何不说话?Chandler: Oh, nononono. Last time I left a spontaneous message I ended up using the phrase "Yes indeedo."噢,不不不不,上次我想给她留个自然的留言时,结果说了“是的,的确滴哦”。Monica: Look! It's Rachel and Barry. No, don't everybody look at once!看,是Rachel和Barry不,别一起看。Ross: Okay, okay, what's going on?好的,好的,怎么了?Phoebe: Okay, they're just talking.他们只是在讲话。Ross: Yeah, well, does he look upset? Does he look like he was just told to shove anything?注释:shove:猛推。是吗?他是否神情落寞?他是否像要推开一切的样子?Phoebe: No, no actually, he's smiling...And... Oh my God, don't do that! !没有,实际上他正在微笑。我的老天,不要那样干!Ross: What? What? What? !怎么了?怎么了?怎么啦!Phoebe: That man across the street just kicked that pigeon!对街的男人踢了一只鸽子。Chandler: And basically, that's how a bill becomes a law.这就是法案成为法律的原因。Chandler: Hey Rach!你好,Rach。Monica: How did it go?情况如何?Rachel: You know, it was, uh... it was actually really great.你知道,实际上非常好。Rachel: He took me to lunch at the Russian Tea Room, and I had that chicken, where you know you poke it and all the butter squirts out...他带我到俄国茶室吃饭,我点了那种鸡肉,一刺就有奶油啧出来的那种。Phoebe: Not a good day for birds...今天真不是鸟儿的好日子。Rachel: Then we took a walk down to Bendall's, and I told him not to, but he got me a little bottle of Chanel.然后我们去精品店,我告诉他不要,他还是买了一小瓶香奈儿给我。Ross: That's nice...now, was that before or after you told him to stop calling, stop sending you flowers and to generally leave you alone, hmm?真体贴。是在你跟他说之前还是之后送的,叫他别再打电话来,别再送你花,别再来烦你,嗯?Rachel: Right, well, we never actually got to that... Oh, it was just so nice to see him again, you know? It was comfortable, it was familiar...it was just nice!好吧,实际上我们没有到那一步……能再见到他的感觉真好,你们知道吗?感觉是那么自在而熟悉,感觉很好!Ross: That's, that's nice twice!你已讲了两遍很好!Monica: Rachel, what's going on? I mean isn't this the same Barry who you left at the altar?Rachel,你是怎么了?他不是在圣坛前被你甩掉的Barry吗?Joey: Duh, where have you been?废话,你上哪儿去了?Rachel: Yeah, but it was different with him today! I mean he wasn't, like, Orthodontist Guy, you know? I mean, we had fun! Is there anything wrong with that?是啊,但是今天和他在一起感觉不同,我的意思是他今天不像是牙医,我们玩得很开心,这样有什么不对吗?Chandler: Yes!是的!Rachel: Why?为什么?Chandler: I have my reasons.我有我的理由。Monica: Okay, how about the fact that he's engaged to another woman, who just happens to be your ex-best friend?好吧,这个事实怎么样:他跟另一个女人订婚了,而这个人正好是你的前好友?Rachel: All right. All right, all right, all right, all right, I know it's stupid! I will go see him this afternoon, and I will just put an end to it!好吧,好吧,好吧,好吧,我知道这样做很傻。我下午去找他,把这事了结了。Rachel: Wow...Wow!喔!Barry: Yeah.耶。Rachel: I'm not crazy, right? I mean, it was never like that.我不疯狂吧?我的意思是,我从未像这样过。Barry: No, it wasn't.是的,没有。Rachel: Ooh, and it's so nice having this little sink here...这儿有个小水槽真好。Chandler: Then with authority, hang up.带着权威,挂断电话。Ross: Will you just leave her the message already?你赶快给她留言好不?Chandler: OK, all right, fine. Oh, Danielle! I wasn't expecting the machine... Give me a call when you get a chance. Bye bye. Oh God! Oh, God.好的,好的。哦,丹妮尔,没想到是答录机接的,有空请回电……再见。哦,天呐,天呐!Monica: That's what you've been working on for the past two hours? !过去两小时你就在忙这个?Chandler: Hey, I've been honing!注释:hone:用磨刀石磨。喂,我一直在演练好不!Ross: What was with the dishes?和盘子有何关系?Chandler: Oh, uh... I want her to think I might be in a restaurant... You know? I might have some kind of life, like I haven't been sitting around here honing for the past few hours.我要她以为我在餐厅……我过着不错的生活,不是只在这儿演练数小时的样子。Monica: Look look! He's doing it again, the guy with the telescope!看,又是那个拿望远镜的人。Phoebe: Oh my God! Go away! Stop looking in here!拜托,走开,别再往这儿看。Monica: Great, now he's waving back.这下可好,他也挥手了。Joey: Man, we gotta do something about that guy. This morning, I caught him looking into our apartment. It creeps me out! I feel like I can't do stuff!我们得想办法阻止他。我们得想办法阻止他,早上我逮到他往这儿看,真是令我毛骨惊然,我感觉自己无法办事。Monica: What kind of stuff?什么样的事情呀?Joey: Will you grow up? I'm not talking about sexy stuff, but, like, when I'm cooking naked.成熟点行吗?我不是指性,我只是光着屁♥股做饭。Phoebe: You cook naked?你光着屁♥股做饭?Joey: Yeah, toast, oatmeal...nothing that spatters.是啊,烤面包,泡燕麦粥,都是不会溅出来的。Chandler: What are you looking at me for? I didn't know that.看我♥干嘛?我毫不知情。Barry: What's the matter?怎么了?Rachel: Oh, it's just...Oh, Barry, this was not good.巴瑞,这样不好。Barry: No, it was. It was very very good.不,不,是非常非常好。Rachel: Well, what about Mindy?明蒂怎么样?Barry: Oh, way, way better than Mindy.我们干得比明蒂好太多了。Rachel: No, not that, I mean, what about you and Mindy?不,不是那事,我的意思是,你和明蒂怎么办?Barry: Well, if you want, I'll just—I'll just break it off with her.如果你愿意,我就和她分手。Rachel: No. No no no no, no. I mean, don't do that. Not, I mean not for me.不,不,万万不行,别那样做,我的意思是,别为我那样做。Bernice: Dr. Farber, Bobby Rush is here for his adjustment.法大夫,鲍比来做调整。Barry: Thanks, Bernice. Let's go away this weekend.谢谢柏妮丝。我们这周末去渡假。Rachel: Oh, Barry! Come on, this is all way too...巴瑞,拜托,这样太……Barry: But wait, wait, we can, go to Aruba! When I went there on what would have been our honeymoon, it was, uh...it was really nice. You would've liked it.但是,等等,等等,我们可以去阿鲁巳。我在本属于我们的蜜月期去过了,那里很好,你一定会喜欢。Rachel: I had a bra.我本来有穿胸罩的。

老友记.本章节注释注释:testosteroney:testosterone睾酮; 睾丸素(男性荷尔蒙的一种)。Phoebe 是用很形象的方式告诉 Chandler 别老那么大男子主义。注释:shove:猛推。注释:hone:用磨刀石磨。






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