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2024-06-14 08:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

盘古开天辟地的故事(The Story of Pangu Creating the World)


Once upon a time, in a chaotic world, there was no sky, no earth, and no living beings. At this time, a giant named Pangu embarked on his great journey of creation.


Pangu lay in the chaos, his body suppressed and unable to move. He was determined to break free from all constraints and restore order to the world. So, he exerted all his strength and made a loud noise.


With the noise, the heavens and the earth began to take shape! Pangu's head turned into the blue sky, his eyes became the bright sun and moon. His limbs transformed into the earth, his blood turned into flowing rivers, lakes, and seas. His voice became the wind and thunder, while his body hair became the green grass, towering mountains, and beautiful flowers. His bones transformed into precious minerals that people could mine for wealth.


The story of Pangu creating the world tells us how the universe was born. Pangu used his power to create the heavens, the earth, and all living things, making our world rich and colorful. His creative power and courage have always been an example for us to learn from.


So, whenever you see the blue sky, the sun, the earth, rivers, and beautiful flowers, remember to be grateful for Pangu's hard work. He has brought us this beautiful world!






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