绝望的主妇第二季中英对照剧本出炉 您所在的位置:网站首页 绝望的主妇英语原版 绝望的主妇第二季中英对照剧本出炉


2024-05-06 01:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Get a load of it! After 2 months’ dedication and endeavor, the first edition of the script of Desperate Housewives Season 02 is now ready for use. This season includes approximately 7000 vocabularies, plus the 6500 vocabularies in Season 01, which adds up to more than 13 thousand vocabularies, not to mention there’re tons of idiomatic expressions and a dozen of practical sentences structures that will come in handy when it comes to compiling an effective essay and delivering an inspirational speech.


Through my introduction of a comprehensive learning system regarding how to take advantage of a TV-show as well as my detailed explanation of the words, phrases, and sentence structures, I’m sure that most of the members have learned the ropes of making the most of the materials and resources that I sorted out for you. I’m positively confident that if you take a deep dive into the key knowledge points that I highlighted for you based on different scenarios and specified components, you would be able to equip yourself with the essential skills which will surely enable you standing out of the crowd, especially for those who’re at the band-4 or pre-Intermediate level.


It is such a single-minded decision that I opted for an inclusive, dynamic yet arduous way in this information-exploded era, which is to embrace technological advancement and traditional legacy, infuse business gain with a strong sense of affection and dedication, mixing education with recreation and pleasure. Luckily for me, I’m awfully blessed to have so many well-educated soul and highly-developed minds to back me up! So, let’s kick off the heel and rock the world!


As promised, I will remain true to my original aspiration, and continue to offer beloved VIP members with meticulously documented study notes, in which covering the most original, practical, and insightful ideas that I could come up with. Hopefully, these ideas could facilitate us figure out what’s get in our way and serve as a lighthouse to indicate how much further you need to plough ahead.


Linda(上海), Ivy, Shunan(北京), 大象(上海), Sophia(安徽), Cathy(佛山), 谦牧羊人, Wendy, Lahong, focuswan

After the completion of my live streaming of Desperate Housewives S01, I’m very grateful that I got to make acquaintance with like-mined friends from all over the world, without their commitment and support, it would be much tougher to get this copy printed out. Here I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following members who contributed a lot during the process of adding up the cast name of each episode, they are:

Linda(Shanghai), Ivy, Shunan(Beijing), 大象(Shanghai), Sophia(Anhui), Cathy(Foshan), 谦牧羊人, Wendy, Lahong, focuswan


And finally I’d like to extend my warmest welcome to the readers who recognised, acknowledged and appreciated the efforts that I put into this project, and my finest wishes to all the iron fans of Desperate Housewives who’re on their way of pursuiting English profiency!

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