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2024-07-08 17:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


本人英语专业,保证正确,得体 subjec:(主题) From: To: cc:(摘抄,如果没有可以不写) bcc:(暗送,如果没有可以不写) Dear +Miss/Mr.+ 人名 (如果不确定那人叫什么,就写Sir,这是比较正式的格式) 正文(注意要简单明了) Sincerely yours, 名字


  如何用英文写一封信给报社呢?下面我整理了给报社一封英文信,供你参考。   给报社一封英文信篇一   Dear Editor,

  I’d like to tell you something about the effect of television. I’m sure that this is not the opinion of mine at all. When we open the TV, a lot of violence showings will appear on TV. I think this is not good for children, because many children will copy what they see.

  Today, many children were asked to play the roles of advertisements, singing the songs varied from the children’s songs or doing something else. So many viewers, especially children, asked their parents to buy only what they see on TV, such as candies, toys and so on.

  Are these helpful for children in the course of their growing? Shouldn’t we, grown-ups, do something against these?

  Your reader,

  A Worried Mothe   给报社一封英文信篇二   Dear Editor,

  I’d like to tell you something about the effect of television. Nowadays, there are many violence programmes on TV. Many children do the same as they see on TV. In addition, many children appeared in the advertisements. After children watched such kind of ads, they simply wanted their parents to get the things they see on TV, like candies and toys. More ever, some popular children’s songs were changed to advertising words.

  In my opinion, all these are not helpful for children’s growing. Please save our children!

  A Worried Mother   给报社一封英文信篇三   Dear Editor,

  I’m a senior high school student. Now many students use mobile phones. They think it’s a fashion to use mobile phones. Besides, it’s very convenient to get in touch with their families and friends by using mobile phones. But now some students bring their mobile phones to the classroom. We are often disturbed by the ring of mobile phones when having classes. What’s worse, some of them even waste precious time sending text messages in class.

  In my opinion, a classroom is a place for us students to gain knowledge. We are supposed to focus on our studies. Meanwhile, students should be forbidden to use mobile phones in the classroom.

  Your sincerely,

  Li Hua

给报社一封英文信相关 文章 :

1. 给报社编辑的一封信英文

2. 给报社的一封信

3. 给报社编辑的一封信

4. 书信作文大全

5. 给报社编辑一封信

6. 无锡市中考英语试卷

7. 报社介绍信范文

8. 报社感谢信范文
















首先,要写得清楚明白,使对方一看就懂。写信是单方面谈话,不像当面拉家常那样,对方听不懂时,还可以解释说明,直至弄懂为 止。因此,写信时,要告诉对方什么事情,要求对方办什么事情,或者回答对方什么问题,都要写得清楚明白,一目了然。要做到这一 点,其实并不难。这就是:仍照日常说话一样,话怎么说,信就怎么 写,朴实无华,本色本香。如果装模作样,堆炮辞藻,反而会显得不 亲切,不诚恳,影响双方感情的交流;甚或因咬文嚼字,弄巧成拙, 闹出笑话。

其次,要写得简洁利索,使对方一看就能抓住要领。本来么,书 信的目的是最为明确的,或是相互问好,或是交流思想,或是传递信 息,或是研讨问题,或是有事相托,等等。写信时,若不兜圈子,不 说车轱辘话,而是开门见山,直抒胸臆,自然就会收到句无虚发,经 济明快的效果。而且这种书信,自己写起来,一定是得心应手;对方 一看也准能心领神会。如果信的内容,涉及面广,谈的问题也较多, 像交流思想、研讨问题等,那么就要和写文章一样,动笔之前,要想 好先写什么,后写什么,并做出通篇的安排与布局,切不可语无伦 次,信笔写来。

再次,要写得优美得体,使对方一看就深感真挚可亲。书信多是 亲朋或同志之间的谈话。因此,书信的语言除简洁利索之外,还要注 意道德风尚,讲究文明礼貌,能够通过书信的往来,反映出我国人民 的精神面貌和整个社会风貌来。这就要求我们在写信时所用的语言、 语气要视不同对象、用途和内容而异。就对象而言,对长辈要谦恭, 对平辈要尊重,对晚辈也要避免用教训的口吻,即使对犯有错误的人,也只能以理服人,而不能盛气凌人,更不能出口伤人。就内容而 言,表示问候,要亲切热情;报喜祝贺,要热烈欢快;研讨问题,要心平气和;请教求助,要谦虚诚恳;规劝教育,要以心换心,喻之以 理,等等。同时,还要注意称呼、问候和致敬语的选用。

最后,还想谈谈写字的问题。字是书信这一特殊交际工具的辅助性的工具。字写得正确工整与否,必直接关系到这封信能否发挥其交 际效能。写信应该用行书,也可以用楷书,一般情况下不提倡用草 书,更不应该龙飞凤舞,笔走龙蛇,潦草得叫人辨认不出是什么字来,以致耽误了事情。我国有个优良传统,给别人写信,特别是给长辈写信,必须每个字都写得端端正正,工工整整,否则不够礼貌。有时写得匆忙,字写得不够规矩,还要在最后写上一句:“草草不恭。 敬希原宥!”我们应该继承并发扬这一优良传统。

另外,不少的书信,往往是一气呵成。这就很有必要在写完之 后,逐字逐句地再检查一遍,看是否由于遗字掉句,或由于写了错别字,而使语意有不够清楚的地方。



Dear Li Hua, Thank you for your trusting on told me in your letter that your old friends didn't like the new ones you have just ly,this is quite common in the society,there are so many kind people in theworld,but everyone on earth has his own character,I think all of your friends are kind to you,so,in my opinion,you should communicate with your old friend and tell them the advatages of your new ones,try your best to reduce the misunderstanding between them,I believe after a period of knowing each other,they may be as good friend as you. Yours XXXX






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