辨析表示 “仪式” 的四个词:ceremony、ceremonial、rite、ritual 您所在的位置:网站首页 结婚名词翻译 辨析表示 “仪式” 的四个词:ceremony、ceremonial、rite、ritual

辨析表示 “仪式” 的四个词:ceremony、ceremonial、rite、ritual

2024-06-14 10:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



辨析表示 “仪式” 的四个词:ceremony、ceremonial、rite、ritual


一位听众来信询问 “ceremony、ceremonial、rite” 和 “ritual” 之间的区别。这四个词语都和 “仪式” 有关,但它们指的 “仪式” 类型不同。“Ceremony” 和 “ceremonial” 都指 “在公众场合举办的隆重典礼”;“rite” 和 “ritual” 都指与文化和传统有关的 “仪式”。听节目,学习这四个词的具体用法。


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PhilHello, this is Question and Answer of the week. I'm Phil. 

JiayingAnd I'm Jiaying. 本期节目要回答的问题来自一位听众。问题由我来代读。 

QuestionI would like to know the difference between 'ceremony' and 'ceremonial', as well as 'rite' and 'ritual', which are more or less synonymous. Thank you.

PhilThis is a tricky question, so it's a great one to ask! There's quite a lot of overlap between these words, so let's look at how they can vary. The simplest one to talk about is probably 'ceremony', so let's start there.

JiayingOK! 名词 “ceremony” 的意思是 “典礼,仪式”,通常指 “在公众场合举办的、正式而隆重的仪式”。比如:wedding ceremony(婚礼)、graduation ceremony(毕业典礼)、awards ceremony(颁奖典礼)。听两个例句。 

ExamplesI loved your wedding. It was such a beautiful ceremony.(我很喜欢你的婚礼,多么美满的仪式啊!) 

We will hold a small ceremony to officially open the new library building.(我们将举行一场小型仪式,正式启用新的图书馆大楼。) 

Jiaying“Ceremonial” 既可以作名词,也可以作形容词使用。作名词时,它同样指 “典礼,仪式”,但它比 “ceremony” 更正式,也没有那么常用,听一个例句。 

ExampleThese grand buildings are sometimes used for elaborate ceremonials, celebrating important social occasions.(这些宏伟的建筑有时会被用作盛大仪式的场所,庆祝重大的社交场合。) 

PhilNow, as an adjective, 'ceremonial' has got two main meanings – one is just as the adjective formed from 'ceremony'. Used in this way, it refers to things related to ceremonies. 

Jiaying没错,形容词 “ceremonial” 有两个主要的用法:第一个是名词 “ceremony” 的形容词形式,意思是 “与典礼有关的,仪式的”;第二个含义是 “职位、功能等是象征性的,礼节性的,并不涉及任何实质权力的”。听两个例句。 

ExamplesAt the graduation, the professors wore their ceremonial robes.(在毕业典礼上,教授们身着礼服。) 

The chancellor of the university is a ceremonial role. It's the vice-chancellor who makes the decisions.(这所大学的校长是一个礼仪性的职务。副校长才是做决定的人。) 

PhilSo, let's look at 'rite' and 'ritual' now. They can have a similar meaning to 'ceremony', but they're often used more generally to refer to any set, formal behaviours. 

Jiaying是的,名词 “rite” 和 “ritual” 都可以指 “与特定文化或传统有关的、庄重的仪式”,常以同一种方式举行,但在表达这个含义的时候,“rite” 的使用频率没有 “ritual” 高。听两个例句。 

ExamplesThese pottery fragments tell us about the rites carried out by ancient civilisations.(这些陶器碎片让我们了解了古代文明社会举行的仪式。) 

Studies into this civilisation found that specific rituals were performed to mark the coming of each season.(对这一文明的研究发现,人们会举行特定的仪式来庆祝每个季节的到来。) 

PhilAnother difference is that we can use 'ritual' to talk about more general customs and habits. 

Jiaying名词 “ritual” 还可以指 “风俗;习惯,惯例”,而问题中的其它三个词则没有这个用法。来听两个例句。 

ExamplesThe giving of specific gifts is an ancient ritual that has been maintained for centuries.(向他人送礼是一种千古流传至今的风俗惯例。) 

She always puts her left boot on first before a match. It's become a ritual for her.(比赛前,她总是先穿左脚的鞋。这对她来说已经成为了一种习惯。) 

Jiaying好了,归纳一下:名词 “ceremony” 和 “ceremonial” 都指 “正式的典礼或仪式”,形容词 “ceremonial” 的意思是 “与仪式有关的” 或 “(职位是)象征性的”;名词 “rite” 和 “ritual” 都指 “与特定文化或传统有关的、庄重的仪式”,而 “ritual” 还可以指 “风俗;习惯”。 

PhilRemember that if you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us too, at: [email protected]

Jiaying你也可以通过微博私信的方式发送你的问题,我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。谢谢收听本期 “你问我答” 节目。Bye, everyone.







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