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2024-06-30 23:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Introduction to Zhijin Cave


Zhijin Cave, located in Zhijin County, Guizhou Province, is a national 5A-level scenic spot and famous karst cave. The cave has a total length of 12.18 kilometers, with the main cave stretching for more than 7 kilometers. In addition, it is also known as the "underground palace" due to its unique natural scenery.


The cave has a rich variety of stalagmites, stalactites, stone pillars, and stone curtains, all of which are formed by the precipitation of carbonates over millions of years. Visitors entering the cave can marvel at the thousands of shapes of different stone formations, including some that resemble human beings, animals and plants, and even natural landscapes.


One of the most famous attractions of Zhijin Cave is the "Underground Grand Canyon," a vast underground river that stretches for tens of kilometers. The huge waterfalls in the cave are breathtaking, and visitors can even take a boat ride on the river to experience the grandeur of the underground canyon.


In addition to its magnificent natural scenery, Zhijin Cave also has a rich cultural heritage. The ancient Miaozhai people lived in the cave during the Tang Dynasty, and there are still some remains of their dwellings and cultural relics in the cave. Visitors to the cave can learn about the history and culture of the Miaozhai people and experience the unique ethnic customs of the area.


In recent years, the government has invested heavily in the development and protection of Zhijin Cave, making it not only a popular tourist destination but also an important site for scientific research and the study of karst landforms.


In conclusion, Zhijin Cave is a rare natural wonder that combines magnificent scenery, rich cultural heritage, and scientific significance. It is a must-visit location for anyone traveling to Guizhou or looking for a unique and fascinating experience.



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