【端午節英文】粽子、香包、立蛋 等習俗英文怎麼說? – 英文庫 您所在的位置:网站首页 粽子英语怎么说 【端午節英文】粽子、香包、立蛋 等習俗英文怎麼說? – 英文庫

【端午節英文】粽子、香包、立蛋 等習俗英文怎麼說? – 英文庫

#【端午節英文】粽子、香包、立蛋 等習俗英文怎麼說? – 英文庫| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,端午節保留世代特殊文化與傳統,包含吃粽子、戴香包、立蛋等等,與農曆新年和中秋節並列為三個最重要的節慶,相當受到外國朋友的歡迎,但你知道它的相關的活動和習俗英文要怎麼說,又要怎麼向他們介紹這麼重要的節日嗎?

今天就來好好認識端午節,未來的國民外交就交給你啦! 😎


端午節最精彩的活動之一就是划龍舟了,因此在英文中以龍舟命名,稱為 Dragon Boat Festival,也因為在農曆五月五日舉行,又可叫作 Double Fifth Festival,或以端午的羅馬拼音直接譯為 Duanwu,也就是 Duanwu Festival。


Dragon Boat Festival is also called Double Fifth Festival. It is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. This holiday comes from a story revolving around the ancient poet Qu Yuan.

In modern days, people celebrate this holiday mainly by watching dragon boat races and eating rice dumplings. The holiday is also seen as a kind of protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year.


接著,馬上來看看端午節的傳統和習俗英文要怎麼說吧! 😉

龍舟賽 dragon boat race

dragon boat 指「 龍舟」,race 代表「比賽」,看龍舟比賽是 watch dragon boat races,而划龍舟可使用動詞 row(划船),也就是 row the dragon boat。

Dragon boat racing is the most popular activity on Dragon Boat Festival. After Qu Yuan jumped the river, people paddled out on boats to search for his body. Therefore, it became the custom of dragon boat racing.


粽子 sticky rice dumplings

粽子也可直接按照中文的音譯翻為 Zongzi。Sticky rice dumpling 中的 sticky 是形容詞「黏的」,sticky rice 就是指「糯米」,dumpling 一般有「 餃子」的意思,不少中式料理的主食或點心都會以它表示。

Qu Yuan jumped into the Milo River to commit suicide. To protect his body from being eaten by fish, people would feed the fish sticky rice dumplings instead.

How are they made? Glutinous rice is stuffed with different fillings such as egg yolk, pork and mushroom, and then wrapped in bamboo leaves and cooked in boiling water.


香包 perfume pouches

perfume 是「香水、香味」,pouch 近似 sachet,有「小袋、小包」的意思,香包也可以翻譯為 perfumed medicine bag,戴香包的動詞則使用 wear。


The perfume pouches are said to protect the kids from evil spirits and prevent diseases. 香包據說是用來保護孩子遠離邪靈和疾病。

菖蒲 calamus / 艾草 Chinese mugwort

Calamus 和 Mugwort 皆為植物的學名,分別是象徵除穢氣的菖蒲和代表招百福的艾草,而艾草也可翻作 moxa 或 wormwood,一般都會在前面加上動詞 hang(掛)表達在端午節掛出菖蒲或艾草的習俗。

People hang calamus and Chinese mugwort on doors to avoid bad luck and diseases. 人們在門上掛上菖蒲或艾草來驅除厄運和疾病。

雄黃酒 realgar alcohol

除 realgar alcohol,也有人將雄黃酒譯為 realgar wine,realgar 指「雄黃」,alcohol 是「酒、酒精」,wine 則是「葡萄酒、果酒」。

雖然民間習俗流傳著端午節要喝雄黃酒來避邪,但據說酒裡頭含有劇毒,最好沒事還是別亂喝啦。 😕

Realgar wine is a Chinese alcoholic drink consisting of fermented cereals and powdered realgar. In ancient times, people believed that realgar the drink could drive away evil spirits and get rid of toxins in the body.


立蛋 egg balancing / egg standing

balance 指「平衡」,stand 是「站立」,立蛋從意義上看就是讓蛋保持平衝或站立,如需改成動詞用法,則改為 balance an egg / stand an egg on its end 或 stand an egg upright 即可。傳聞在端午節當天中午 12 點將蛋成功立起,該年會成為一個幸運的人。

It is said that if people can stand an egg at noon during Dragon Boat Festival, they will have good luck the whole year. 傳說在端午節的中午,可以將蛋立起的人,這一整年都會有好運。



陽曆的六月二十五日 June 25th of the solar calendar 粽子 sticky rice dumplings 看龍舟比賽 watching dragon boat races 吃粽子 eating sticky rice dumplings 掛出菖蒲或艾草 hanging calamus and Chinese mugwort 喝雄黃酒 drinking realgar wine 戴香包 wearing perfume pouches 在正午時分立蛋 balancing eggs at noon 端午節快樂! Happy Dragon Boat Festival! That’s All for Today

看完這篇文章,是不是對於端午節的相關重要英文字彙有更深刻的了解了呢?下次和外國人一起享用粽子的時候,就能好好介紹端午節一番啦! 😉

想知道更多其他節日的英文嗎?快來看看這篇文章: 👉【節日中英對照表】中秋節、清明節、中元節、七夕 等英文翻譯!






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