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  时尚的英语作文 篇1

  The European idea of fashion as a personal statement rather than a cultural expression begins in the 16th century: ten portraits of German or Italian gentlemen may show ten entirely different hats. But the local culture still set the bounds, as Albrecht Dürer recorded in his actual or composite contrast of Nuremberg and Venetian fashions at the close of the 15th century (illustration, right).

  Fashions among upper-class Europeans began to move in synchronicity in the 18th century; though colors and patterns of textiles changed from year to year, (Thornton), the cut of a gentleman’s coat and the length of his waistcoat, or the pattern to which a lady’s dress was cut changed more slowly. Men’s fashions derived from military models, and changes in a European male silhouette are galvanized in theatres of European war, where gentleman officers had opportunities to make notes of foreign styles: an example is the “Steinkirk” cravat (a necktie) (see Cravat). The pace of change picked up in the 1780s with the publication of French engravings that showed the latest Paris styles. By 1800, all Western Europeans were dressing alike: local variation became first a sign of provincial culture, and then a badge of the conservative peasant (James Laver; Fernand Braudel). Fashion in clothes has allowed wearers to express emotion or solidarity with other people for millennia.

  Modern Westerners have a wide choice available in the selection of their clothes. What a person chooses to wear can reflect that person’s personality or llikes. When people who have cultural status start to wear new or different clothes a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect them may start to wear clothes of a similar style. Fashions may vary significantly within a society according to age, social class, generation, occupation and geography as well as over time. If, for example, an older person dresses according to the fashion of young people, he or she may look ridiculous in the eyes of both young and older people. The term “fashion victim” refers to someone who slavishly follows the current fashions (implementations of fashion).

  One can regard the system of sporting various fashions as a fashion language incorporating various fashion statements using a grammar of fashion. (Compare some of the work of Roland Barthes.) Thornton, Peter. Baroque and Rococo Silks. This is an example list of some of the fads and trends of the 21st century: Capri pants, handbags, sport suits and sports jackets, ripped jeans, designer jeans, blazer jackets, and high-heeled shoes.





  时尚的英语作文 篇2

  View on The Pursuit of Fashion

  Fashion is the style and custom prevalent at a given time, and is most commonly used to describe the popular clothing style. For the purpose of beauty, people like to chase fashion, we can find the company promote different styles in different season. On my opinion, the pursuit of fashion has positive significance, while we should not over the limitation.

  On the one hand, fashion promotes the development of economy. When the company promotes the new style, people will be longing for the products, so they are willing to spend money on them. This also gives the company motivation to develop the new products.

  On the other hand, the pursuit of the fashion should be controlled in the certain limitation. Some people pursue the fashion just for the purpose of showing off, so they buy the newly products as more as possible. It is known to all that the newly style is very expensive, not everyone can afford them. Some even borrow money to buy the products. These are unwise consumption.

  Chasing the fashion is acceptable, everyone wants to look beautiful, but we should spend money at the certain level.





  时尚的英语作文 篇3

  Fashion is the style and custom popular at a certain period, and is most commonly used to describe the popular clothing style. There are so many fashions promoted every year, even every season. Therefore, it's difficult for the general people to follow all the time. In my opinion, we can pursueof fashion, but it should be followed with appropriate means.

  First of all, people always try their best to look good, and the standards of beauty are different in various periods. People pursueof fashions can make them look better and well accepted by others. With the pursuit of fashions, people may try new activities and experience new products, which have enormously beneficial effects on social civilization and the development of science and technology.

  However, the pursuit of fashion should be reasonable and practical. When we blindly follow the trend only to show off, the pursuit of fashion will become the pursuit of luxury and waste. It's easy for the fashion followers to be sucked into commercial traps and lead them far away from their original objectives and values. The meaningless fashions may cause great wastes of our social resources. Besides, some people think that the pursuit of fashion is the pursuit of expensive things. It's a wrong understanding of fashion, and it will do harm to the fashion itself.

  Fashion is a good thing if we pursuit in appropriate means. It will help us to make a good image and build confidence. But we must remember that what suits ourselves best is unique for everyone and will never be out of date.





  时尚的英语作文 篇4

  It's not that easy to answer the question,"what is fashion?" because it means different things to different people.Fashion is an art.It's a religion.It's a job.It's a peek into a personality.It's playfulness.It's an escape or a disguise.It is a feast for the eyes.But ultimately,fashion is an individual statement of expression for each of us.

  French fashion designer Coco Chanel once said,"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.Fashion is in the sky,in the street,fashion has to do with ideas,the way we live,what is happening."

  It's true.Fashion isn't defined solely by our clothing choices,but is also conveyed through the way we carry ourselves,our personalities and our views of the world.

  At its most fundamental (and straight from the dictionary),fashion is simply the prevailing style or custom,as in dress or behavior.

  So,who exactly answers the question "what is fashion"?Who decides what's fashionable and what isn't?What's in or what's out?

  时尚的英语作文 篇5

  Nowadays, more and more undergraduates are pursuing fashion. Some of them even cut down the expenditure on books and meals to satisfy their desire for fashionable items.

  The blind following of fashion has had a great influence on college students. First of all, the pursuit of fashion has made many college students get lost. Some of them even fail to focus on their study. Secondly, it is a costly hobby to follow the tide, which will impose great financial burden on their parents.

  时尚的英语作文 篇6

  When summer comes, for girls, it is time to take off the thick clothes and put on the beautiful dress to show their youth.

  It is so amazing to dress what they want for youth is the their advantage. Many girls feel annoyed before they go out of their houses. They don’t know what to dress, even there are all kinds of clothes in their wardrobe. To follow the fashion means there are never enough clothes to put on. In my opinion, the simple, the better, so the best fashion belongs to the T shirt and jeans, which will never be out of date. So many celebrities have set the example to the public. They dress the the T shirts and jeans to walk in the street, so simple and so fashionable.

  So if girls don’t know what to wear, then choose white T shirt.




  时尚的英语作文 篇7

  There is a special woman who lives next to my house. She has two children and she looks much younger than her real age. My mother feels envious about her, and always speaks highly of her.

  I talk to the woman one time and I find that the way she talks just like a girl. She has a young heart, which is the way makes her special.



  时尚的英语作文 篇8

  In the picture, we can see that some young ladies are dressed in fashionable clothes. They are joyfully showing some latest sorts of the garment . With the steady growth in the country’s economy as well as the people’s living standard, fashion has become big buisness and has influenced a lot of people’s daily life. However, traditionally, some people take negative attitudes towards the pursuit of fashion. Whether one should follow the fashion trend is a constant topic of debate.

  In my opinion, the love of beauty is a nature of human beings. Everyone wants to be beautifully dressed so that he or she can display the best self in front of others. Fashion changes are the inevitable result of the advance of human civilization and are also a mirror of social progress. Fashion now has already become a flourishing industry, which contributes a lot to the economy and the society. Besides, fashion gives expression to new ideas and originality and offers an unlimited scope for talented artists.

  However, it cannot be denied that there are some disadvantages to the pursuit of fashion. If everyone is overindulged in the pursuit of fashion, individuality and uniqueness will get lost to the public. Also, it is a costly hobby to follow the fashion, leading to extravagance of time,energy and money. What's worse, To follow the fashion blindly will make one get addicted to faddism, which will probably lead to superficiality of one’s intellect and thinking. Therefore, we should take a serious attitude towards the poursuit fashion.

  时尚的英语作文 篇9

  Every girl wants to look beautiful, because it means that they are the shining stars and catch other people's attention. Chasing fashion is the common way for them to be beautiful.

  Fashion helps a homely looking girl to find confidence. In most movies, the heroines at first are nobodies, who dresses in the horrible way and nobody cares about them. But as they grow up and start to make themselves look different. People around them began to notice them and made friends with them. It is the confidence that makes these girls find the new ones and make a difference.

  Though people say the real beauty is from inside instead of outside, it is indeed of great importance for people to dress tidy, because appearance is other's first impression. So there is no need to refuse to chase fashion, if we are positive to life, why not follow it.




  时尚的英语作文 篇10

  In today's rapid economic development of the society, many people pursuit of fashion and forgotten classics. For example, now many young people like listening to pop music rarely go to listen to some classical music, buy trendy clothing and paid little attention to the classic traditional costumes.http://www.wenku1.com/view/D8C69B778FC26FE3.htmlDifferent people have different opinions to this topic. On the one hand, some people think that some classic is obsolete, no longer the fresh things, so they stopped to listen to and

  attention. On the other hand, some people think that the classic is classic, because they stand the test of time, they represent the wisdom of the past. Therefore, no matter in which era, we should treasure them and continue to go down, our generation is no exception.

  In my opinion, I think that as the generation of the 21st century we can't forget the classics, because it is the soul of our Chinese nation and essence. For example, the ancient Confucian culture, traditional etiquette, festivals and customs, even the name of the classic songs, etc. , they are all we should

  inheritance and carry forward the classic. It focus on the ancestors wisdom and

  experience of the predecessors, these are our generation and the children

  should learn. At the same time, we should also reflect on, why can

  As we all know, classic the cultural spirit of wealth, of course, not only is a kind of

  knowledge about the past experience, classic is not rigid, it needs to inject new vitality. So, classic to keep vitality, deeply contemporary social life, it also must be taken to the

  contemporary form of full of vitality. Should we need to do today is, as far as possible in a wide variety of cultural and artistic means and manner, in the form of the spirit of innovation,

  innovation, to interpret the classic, classic, perhaps in so doing, the classic can be eternal and immortality, and makes the classical heritage.

  时尚的英语作文 篇11

  Nowadays, more and more undergraduates are pursing fashion. Some of them even cut down the expenditure on books and meals to satisfy their desire for fashionable items.

  The blind following of fashion has had a great influence on college students. First of all, the pursuit of fashion has made many college students get lost. Some of them even fail to focus on their stuffy. Secondly, it is a costly hobby to follow the tide, which will impose great financial burden on their parents.

  As far as I am concerned, college students should cherish ambitions rather than become slaves of fashion. As for them, the main task on campus is not to pursue fashion but to study. All in all, undergraduates should adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the pursuit of fashion.

  时尚的英语作文 篇12

  The true meaning of the bumper sticker, which says, “Live long enough to embarrass your kids” has new meaning once you have a teenager. My daughter just turned 15 and suddenly I am now the most embarrassing person she can be seen with. Rather than take this personally I have decided to revel in the power it gives me.

  Of course many of you have had the “You aren’t wearing that” argument but I turned the tables on my daughter. She was wanting to wear midriff tops and tanks with bra straps showing … both of which I had been carefully taught were fashion no-no’s. The other day I picked her up from school and stopped at the grocery store. “Mom! You can’t go in dressed like that!” “I am staying in the car!”

  Imagine ... a 50-year-old dressed just like her 15-year-old, and she does not want to be seen with me. Well ... I admit the embarrassment was worth every moment...she has now dressed a bit more conservatively. She had to go in the store with me as it was too hot to sit in the car. It was a priceless moment that also was a bit cheeky of me to enjoy so much.

  Recently she wanted to dye her beautiful auburn hair black. Yes she has naturally beautiful auburn hair but wants it to be black because she states, “Auburn is so boring!” Of course my reply, “Oh my gosh … women all over the world for die for your hair!” was ineffective, however, as I plopped the box of purple hair dye onto the counter and said “Sure, just as soon as I am finished dying mine purple.”

  Yep, the purple dye sat on the counter ... I had called her bluff. “Perhaps if we both wait a couple weeks and you still insist on dying your hair black, mine will be purple just in time for me to chaperon your next school dance. That is coming up in two weeks, right? I bet your friends will think I am the coolest mom there!” She is visibly cringing. I can see thoughts racing through her mind. Her mom with purple hair at her school dance.

  I am praying, please, please don’t dare me to go with purple hair, but I stand firm. “Yes, I think I’d be pretty with purple hair. It is Dad’s favorite color.” She knows it really is his favorite color. Finally she shrugs and says “Nevermind.” Whew ... she changed her mind. I am so relieved but I keep rambling on about purple hair as she leaves the room.

  She knows I would do it. I have done sillier things to prove a point. I am not sure how long I can keep this up. I am praying she does not ask about piercing next, but I have already asked my husband to pick up a pamphlet from our nearest piercing place, just so I can whip it out and show her which one “Mom” might get, too. Of course she may never go that far. I am hoping ... praying ... and a bit nervous. When “Mom” wants to do it too―suddenly it just isn’t that cool.

  Yep ... I can be pretty silly. Looking at life with humor makes it bearable sometimes. It isn’t all fun and games.
















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