外贸业务员离职了怎么交接?内附交接信模板! 您所在的位置:网站首页 离职发邮件有效吗怎么发 外贸业务员离职了怎么交接?内附交接信模板!


2024-06-30 16:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1.假如是离职的同事亲自与客户告别 那么交接信可以从这个思路写:①简单带过自己因为个人原因离职;②后续工作由xxx交接,TA是个工作xx年/在这个行业xx年/在我们公司xxx年;③我们内部信息已经转达清晰,不会给您带来影响,有啥疑问也可以随时找我;④带来不便,深表歉意等。


Dear xxx team, Good evening. I inform you that following internal changes : I'll leave XXX(公司名)by the end of the month for my personal plans. My colleague xxx will now be taking the lead on xxx category. We have been working together these past months to ensure a smooth handover. Of course I feel a great emotion, as we always had a special and unique relationship, professional & friendly. I was delighted to work with you all, and the last time I came to visit you is a great memory. Wishing you,xxx(新负责人)is a very positive collaboration, as we always had ! Have a nice weekend.



Dear XXX,

How are you?

What I want to tell you today is that I have decided to study abroad. I have thought about this decision for a long time. I have discussed it with my parents and they are very supportive of me. Because I am still very young, after this year's work, I find that I still need to improve a lot, so I think I need to continue to study for another year.

I am very lucky to be able to serve you. Our cooperation is very smooth, and our company is a good company with good products and colleagues. My colleague xxx will continue to serve you now. I learned a lot from her. Thank you again for your support to our company. I wish you a smooth work and a happy life.



3.告别后新负责人再联系客户 老业务员发完之后,新负责人用自己的邮箱后续跟进或者直接用离职同事的邮箱跟客户打招呼,但是要介绍自己时要有针对性,要表述清楚,比如你是某公司的谁谁谁,来接替之前的谁谁谁,希望后期合作愉快之类的,在邮件里不要讲之前同事的不好,语气也要尽可能的和善。

Dear xxx,

This is xxx writing from XXX company.

Sorry to tell you that xxx(离职员工)has left our company, I will take over his job in the company and service you for our business. I have been with our company for about 5 years, so I am confident I can deal everything well for you.

Please feel free to let me know if we can be further assistance for the business. Thank you very much.







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