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2024-07-18 06:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The 25 year old singer and songwriter has become the youngest woman ever to be included on the Forbes list of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women. 这位25岁的年轻歌手及创作人成为登上“福布斯全球最有影响力百位女性”榜单的最年轻的女性。

She's included at number 64 inthe list released on Tuesday because, Forbes says, she 'has not only broken record sales and captivated the world with her fantastically honest lyrics, but she has proven herself as an impressive businesswoman.' 在26日公布的榜单中,她位列第64位,福布斯方面表示:“她不仅打破了唱片销售的纪录,独特且坦诚的歌词风靡全球,还成功证明了自己是位优秀的女商人。”

Taylor, who's 1989 album was her third consecutive release to sell one million copies in its first week, is described by the business bible as a 'bona fide cross-genre, global megastar.' 泰勒的《1989》是她的第三张发行首周就突破一百万张销量的专辑,她被福布斯称为“最真诚的跨流派的全球超级巨星。”

Forbes said she has changed the nature of celebrity by posting personally on Twitter and Instagram and making time to engage with her fans or 'Swifties'. 福布斯表示,她通过在Twitter和Instagram等社交网络上袒露真我,并与粉丝(或称为斯威夫特粉)互动,重新定义了“名人”这个词。

It also cited her controversial decision to pull her music from the streaming service Spotify. 福布斯还提到了她有争议性的决定:把她的音乐作品从流服务Spotify中撤出。

'There’s no denying that she’s one of the most significant cultural influencers of our time,' Forbes said. 福布斯表示:“不可否认,她是我们这个时代最具有文化影响力的人物之一。”

Joining Tayloron the Forbes list are fellow celebrities Oprah Winfrey, the most powerful woman in entertainment ranking 12, Beyonce at 21 and Ellen DeGeneres at number 50. 同泰勒一样荣登榜单的名人还有奥普拉•温弗瑞,位列最有影响力女性榜单第12位,碧昂斯位列第21位,艾伦•德杰尼勒斯位列第50位。

Also making the cut are Angelina Jolie at number 54 on the list and Sofia Vergara at number 57. 同时还有分别位列第54位和第57位的安吉丽娜•朱莉和索菲亚•维加拉。

The world's most powerful woman remains German Chancellor Angela Merkel followed in second place by Hilary Clinton.First Lady Michelle Obama is in tenth place on the list and Queen Elizabeth II is at 41. 世界最有影响力的女性依然是德国总理默克尔,其次是希拉里•克林顿。美国第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马位列榜单第10位,而英国女王伊丽莎白二世则位列第41位。

There are 15 billionaires with a net worth of 73.3 billion dollars (£47bn) which does not include Melinda Gates, 24 chief executives and 19 newcomers in this year's power list. 今年的榜单中有15名亿万富翁,净资产达733亿美元,但不包括梅琳达•盖茨。榜单中有24位女首席执行官,有19位是首次上榜。

Vocabulary bona fide 有诚意的 make the cut 达到标准

(译者:余妍琳scnu 编辑:彭娜)






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