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2024-05-10 18:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

If you’re in a big tourist destination like New York City, chances are someone will come up to you to ask for help. It’s important to give the right directions because you don’t want other people to get (more) lost, do you?如果你在像纽约这样的旅游胜地,很有可能会有人来找你求助。指出正确的路是很重要的,因为你不想让别人迷路,对吧?

That means you’ll need to use the right spatial prepositions (which describe where things are) and not get confused between “right” and “left.” Make sure to use imperative sentences to sound confident when telling someone where to go.这就意味着你需要使用方位介词(用来描述东西在哪),同时你要有清楚的方向感。当为别人指路时要使用祈使句,这样听起来比较自信。

You start with a simple verb to give clear instructions and add in spatial prepositions. Use landmarks like churches or parks so that people know they’re headed in the right direction. (In other words, learn nouns.) 你的回答以一个简单的动词开始,给出清晰的说明并添加空间介词。使用类似于教堂或者是公园的地标,这样人们就会知道他们是朝着正确的方向前进的。(换句话说,就是要学习名词)


1.Walk along/walk straight down沿着…走/沿着…直走

Walk along 6th Avenue until you find the Rockefeller Center Station.沿着第六大街直走,直到你找到洛克菲勒中心车站。

2.Turn left/right向左/右转

Turn left at the intersection and the building is on the right.在十字路口左转,大楼就在右边。

3.Go around/over/under绕着…走/走过/从…下面走

Go over the bridge and turn left at the next stoplight.过桥,在下一个红绿灯左转。

4.Make a left/right turn左转/右转

Make a left turn when you see the Hard Rock Cafe.当你看到Hard Rock咖啡厅的时候左转。

5.Head to朝…方向走去

Head to Hudson Theatre and you’ll see the restaurant on the right. 朝哈德逊剧院的方向走,你会看到右边的餐厅。

6.Take the first/second left/right turn在第一个/第二个路口左转/右转

Take the second right turn and the museum will be on the left.在第二个路口右转,博物馆就在左边。

7.Continue down/Follow继续沿着…走

Continue down West 45th Street until you get to the bus stop. 沿着西45街继续走,直到到公交站为止。

Follow this street for 10 minutes before turning left at West 41st Street. 沿着这条街走10分钟然后再西41街左转。

Spatial Prepositions方位介词

Spatial prepositions tell where a thing is located in relation to something else.方位介词是指就某一个参照物而言,某个东西放置在哪个位置。


Meaning: on the side of something else意义:在某物的旁边

The Imperial Theatre is beside the New York Marriott Marquis hotel.皇家剧院在纽约万豪酒店的旁边。

2.Next to紧挨着

Meaning: to the side of, similar to “beside” but can be used if there’s nothing in between意义:在…一侧,和“beside”意义很像,但是用来表示两者之间无间隙。

The New York Marriott Marquis hotel is next to the Richard Rodgers Theatre. 纽约万豪马奎斯酒店紧邻理查德·罗杰斯剧院。


Meaning: close, not far 意义:近的,不远

The Rockefeller Center Station is near West 46th Street.洛克菲勒中心站在西46街附近。

4.To the left/right of在...左边/右边

Meaning: as long as you don’t get confused between left or right (or get political) this one is straightforward. If you stand in the middle of an avenue facing north, buildings to the east are on the right and the buildings to the west are on the left. 意义:只要你能分得清左右,这种表达就很清楚。如果你面朝北站在大街中间,东边的建筑就在你的右边,西边的建筑就在你的左边。

The post office is to the right of the corner store.邮局在街角商店的右边。


Meaning: to have someone or something on each side意义:在两个人或者两个食物中间

The Broadhurst Theatre is between two theatres.布罗德赫斯特剧院位于两个剧院之间。

6.Behind 在…后边

Meaning: being at someone or something’s back 意义:在某人或者某物的后边。

The restaurant is just behind the metro station.餐厅就在地铁站的后面。

7.In front of在…的前面

Meaning: if something is in front of you, it’s in a position where you can see it if you look forwards意义:如果某物在你前面,你向前看,他就在你能够看到的位置。

When you turn a corner, you’ll find yourself in front of the church. 当你转弯时,你会发现自己在教堂前面。

8.Across from 在…对面

Meaning: on the other side of a road, river, etc.意义:在路/河…的另一边

The New York Marriott Marquis hotel is across from the Disney Store.纽约万豪酒店就在迪斯尼商店的对面。

9.Around the corner 在拐角处

Meaning: you’ll find something when you turn a corner (a place where two streets meet)意义:转弯后,你会发现某物(两条街道的交汇处)

If you’re in front of the Disney Store on 7th Avenue, then the Saint Mary The Virgin Church is around the corner.如果你在第七大街迪士尼商店的前面,那么圣母玛利亚教堂就在拐角处。

10.On the…street/avenue在…大街上

Meaning: to be situated (located)意义:座落在…

The Disney Store and the New York Marriott Marquis are both on 7th Avenue. 迪士尼商店和纽约圣母玛利亚教堂都在第七大街。

11.At the crossroads/intersection在十字路口/十字路口

Meaning: a place where two roads meet 意义:两条路交汇的地方

You’ll see a big mall at the intersection of 6th Avenue and West 51st Street.你会在第六大街和西51街的交汇处看到一个大的购物市场。


Using landmarks when giving directions makes it easier for an inquirer to find what he or she is looking for.指路时使用地标会帮助问路者比较容易的找到路。


Cross the bridge and the hotel is on the first street on the left.过桥后,旅馆就在第一大街的左边。


Walk past the park, and keep going straight until you see the sign for the museum. 走过公园,一直走,直到你看到博物馆的标志。


McDonald’s is past the church on West 51st Street. 麦当劳在西51街教堂的后面。

4.Squares 广场

Times Square begins at the intersection of Broadway and 7th Avenue. 泰晤士广场在百老汇和第七大街的交汇处。

It’s also useful to know the names of more common things you find in most big cities, like blocks, malls, coffee shops.在大城市里,知道一些常见的事物的名字也很有用,如街区,市场,咖啡店等。

If you’re giving directions in the countryside or on a walking trail, you’ll probably need nouns like big trees, a fast-running river, hills, etc. 如果你在乡村或在步行道上指路,你可能需要知道一些名词,如大树、湍急的河流、山丘等。

Now you have some vocabulary to start giving directions! 现在你知道了一些词汇来开始指路。

Asking and giving directions are important components of basic conversational language. We hope words in this article will enlarge your travel vocabulary and make you comfortable enough to ask and give directions. 问路和问路是基本会话语言的重要组成部分。我们希望这篇文章的文字会扩大你旅行的词汇量并且能够使你顺畅地去指路和问路。






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