电子产品对学生的影响英文作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 禁止使用电子产品用英语怎么说 电子产品对学生的影响英文作文


2023-10-08 20:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”电子产品对学生的影响“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The influence of electronic products on Students。以下是关于电子产品对学生的影响的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of electronic products on Students

Explanation: in this section, you can write a short article entitled "the damage of e-waste" in a few minutes. You should at least write down the word "damage from e-waste" according to the outline given below. With more and more electronic items being discarded in landfills, e-waste has become a serious concern of the public.

Many consumers do not know that computers and mobile phones contain toxins, which can penetrate into the soil and damage the environment. First of all, when electronic products are exposed to thermal environment, their components will release toxic smoke and gas, which is harmful to the environment and human beings, pollute the air and cause global environmental problems. When the circuit breaker deteriorates, they release toxins, such as mercury, which will not only cause damage to the environment, but also pollute groundwater.

In my opinion, researchers have already put electronic gas into practice Linked to the adverse effects on human health, it is time to make the public aware of the harm of waste and measures should be taken to deal with it. One idea is to put greater responsibility on companies that produce goods, and they should force them to take back discarded items and dispose of them in an environmentally friendly way.





With the development of science and technology, it is very common for middle school students to take MP3 or MP4 to school. Of course, there are some advantages. First of all, these electronic products can make students feel relaxed.

If they are tired, second, students can also use them to listen to English. Finally, these electronic products can make our life lively. However, there are also some shortcomings, students spend too much time in their Learning will fall behind others.

What's worse is that listening for too long will definitely affect students' listening. Students should use it correctly.




With more and more electronic products being discarded in landfills, many consumers do not know that electronic products such as computers and mobile phones actually contain toxins, which will penetrate into the soil and destroy the environment. The compounds of electronic waste will also do harm to the environment. When human beings begin to contact with high temperature, the components of electronic gas will release toxic smoke and gas, which will pollute the air and cause global environmental problems.

When circuit breakers are damaged, they will release toxins, such as mercury. In addition to the destructive impact on the environment, they will also pollute groundwater. In my opinion, now researchers have linked electronic waste with adverse effects on human health.

It is time for the public to realize the harm of electronic waste, and measures should be taken to deal with this problem. One idea is for companies that produce products to take greater responsibility, which should be mandatory, requiring them to take the items back and deal with them in an environmentally friendly manner.




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