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WebXR 设备 接口参考

2023-06-24 07:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

As a new and still in development API, WebXR support is limited to specific devices and browsers; and even on those, it may not be enabled by default. There may be options available to allow you to experiment with WebXR even if you don't have a compatible system, however.

WebXR polyfill

The team designing the WebXR specification has published a WebXR polyfill which you can use to simulate WebXR on browsers which don't have support for the WebXR APIs. If the browser supports the older WebVR API, that is used. Otherwise, the polyfill falls back to an implementation which uses Google's Cardboard VR API.

The polyfill is maintained alongside the specification, and is kept up to date with the specification. Additionally, it is updated to maintain compatiblity with browsers as their support for WebXR and other technologies related to it and to the implementation of the polyfill change over time.

Be sure to read the readme carefully; the polyfill comes in several versions depending on what degree of compatibility with newer JavaScript features your target browsers include.

WebXR API Emulator extension

The Mozilla WebXR team has created a WebXR API Emulator browser extension, compatible with both Firefox and Chrome, which emulates the WebXR API, simulating a variety of compatible devices such as the HTC Vive, the Oculus Go and Oculus Quest, Samsung Gear, and Google Cardboard. With the extension in place, you can open up a developer tools panel that lets you control the position and orientation of the headset and any hand controllers, as well as button presses on the controllers.

While somewhat awkward compared to using an actual headset, this makes it possible to experiment with and developer WebXR code on a desktop computer, where WebXR isn't normally available. It also lets you perform some basic testing before taking your code to a real device. Be aware, however, that the emulator does not yet completely emulate all of the WebXR API, so you may run into problems you're not expecting. Again, carefully read the readme file and make sure you're aware of the limitations before you begin.

备注: Important: You should always test your code on actual AR and/or VR hardware before releasing or shipping a product! Emulated, simulated, or polyfilled environments are not an adequate substitute for actual testing on physical devices.

Download the WebXR API Emulator for your supported browser below:

Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox

The source code for the extension is also available on GitHub.






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