【matplotlib】 之 清理、清除 axes 和 figure (plt.cla、plt.clf、plt.close) 您所在的位置:网站首页 画布怎么清理内存 【matplotlib】 之 清理、清除 axes 和 figure (plt.cla、plt.clf、plt.close)

【matplotlib】 之 清理、清除 axes 和 figure (plt.cla、plt.clf、plt.close)

2024-06-30 05:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

figure 的重复利用能大大节约时间,但是 matplotlib 维护的 figure 有数量上限(RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened.)。并且,不断的创建新的 figure 实例,很容易造成内存泄漏,而应合理的复用,能大大的提高运行速度。此外,在某些情况下,不清理 figure 将有可能造成在第一幅中 plot 的线再次出现在第二幅图中。

以下包括: plt.cla() # 清除axes,即当前 figure 中的活动的axes,但其他axes保持不变。 plt.clf() # 清除当前 figure 的所有axes,但是不关闭这个 window,所以能继续复用于其他的 plot。 plt.close() # 关闭 window,如果没有指定,则指当前 window。


plt.cla() # 清除axes,即当前 figure 中的活动的axes,但其他axes保持不变。

pyplot.py 源码

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py. Do not edit as # changes will be lost @docstring.copy_dedent(Axes.cla) def cla(): ret = gca().cla() return ret

axes/_base.py 源码

def cla(self): """Clear the current axes.""" # Note: this is called by Axes.__init__() # stash the current visibility state ...... ...... ...... plt.clf()

plt.clf() # 清除当前 figure 的所有axes,但是不关闭这个 window,所以能继续复用于其他的 plot。

pyplot.py 源码

def clf(): """ Clear the current figure. """ gcf().clf()

figure.py 源码

def clf(self, keep_observers=False): """ Clear the figure. Set *keep_observers* to True if, for example, a gui widget is tracking the axes in the figure. """ self.suppressComposite = None self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry() for ax in tuple(self.axes): # Iterate over the copy. ax.cla() self.delaxes(ax) # removes ax from self._axstack toolbar = getattr(self.canvas, 'toolbar', None) if toolbar is not None: toolbar.update() self._axstack.clear() self.artists = [] self.lines = [] self.patches = [] self.texts = [] self.images = [] self.legends = [] if not keep_observers: self._axobservers = [] self._suptitle = None self.stale = True plt.close()

plt.close() # 关闭 window,如果没有指定,则指当前 window。

pyplot.py 源码

def close(*args): """ Close a figure window. ``close()`` by itself closes the current figure ``close(fig)`` closes the `~.Figure` instance *fig* ``close(num)`` closes the figure number *num* ``close(name)`` where *name* is a string, closes figure with that label ``close('all')`` closes all the figure windows """ if len(args) == 0: figManager = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active() if figManager is None: return else: _pylab_helpers.Gcf.destroy(figManager.num) elif len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] if arg == 'all': _pylab_helpers.Gcf.destroy_all() elif isinstance(arg, six.integer_types): _pylab_helpers.Gcf.destroy(arg) elif hasattr(arg, 'int'): # if we are dealing with a type UUID, we # can use its integer representation _pylab_helpers.Gcf.destroy(arg.int) elif isinstance(arg, six.string_types): allLabels = get_figlabels() if arg in allLabels: num = get_fignums()[allLabels.index(arg)] _pylab_helpers.Gcf.destroy(num) elif isinstance(arg, Figure): _pylab_helpers.Gcf.destroy_fig(arg) else: raise TypeError('Unrecognized argument type %s to close' % type(arg)) else: raise TypeError('close takes 0 or 1 arguments')


fig = plt.gcf() #获取当前figure plt.close(fig) #关闭传入的 figure 对象


plt.close('all') #关闭所有 figure windows



warning-about-too-many-open-figuresmatplotlib 之 RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened.






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