美国人最爱这20部电影,你看过几部呢? 您所在的位置:网站首页 男生一般看什么电影 美国人最爱这20部电影,你看过几部呢?


2024-06-02 04:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Also ranked high on the list of winners were Back to the Future and The Lord of the Rings.




And proving that the original is sometimes unbeatable, the original Star Wars trilogy received twice the number of votes compared to the prequel Star Wars trilogy.



As for the best standalone movies in a trilogy, US movie-lovers revealed their appreciation for the first Jurassic Park, which won first place with 38 percent of the votes.


Following closely behind were the first Back to the Future, which received 37 percent, and The Godfather at 34 percent.


Respondents didn’t hold back when it came to rating the worst standalone films in a trilogy, with 20 percent voting Men in Black 3 as the unfortunate winner.


Alien 3 and Back to the Future III also placed on the list of worst standalones.


Interestingly, despite the possibility of disappointment, the survey revealed that most people, 67 percent, feel excitement when they hear a movie they really enjoyed is getting a sequel - and only 15 percent worry about a sequel not living up to the original.


Of the findings, Vudu director of marketing Amit Balan said: “It’s not surprising that the top trilogies are separated by such small margins - they’ve all got great stories, likeable characters, and themes that are pretty timeless. Which is what makes them, and trilogies in general, so powerful.


When it came to movie-villain preferences, The Silence of the Lamb’s Hannibal Lecter was the clear winner - while James Bond was voted the best hero.



The survey also found that movie compatibility is an important factor in a relationship - with one in ten people revealing they’d ended things with a partner because they didn’t like their favorite movie.



1. Indiana Jones - 39 percent 《夺宝奇兵》三部曲(39%)

2. Jurassic Park - 37 percent 《侏罗纪公园》三部曲(37%)

3. The Godfather Trilogy - 35 percent 《教父》三部曲(35%)

4. Back to the Future - 34 percent 《回到未来》三部曲(34%)

5. The Lord of the Rings - 33 percent 《指环王》三部曲(33%)

6. Die Hard - 33 percent《虎胆龙威》系列(33%)

7. Pirates of the Caribbean - 31 percent 《加勒比海盗》系列(31%)

8. Original Star Wars Trilogy - 31 percent 原《星球大战》三部曲(31%)

9. The Terminator - 30 percent 《终结者》系列(30%)

10. Toy Story - 29 percent 《玩具总动员》三部曲(29%)

11. Home Alone - 28 percent《小鬼当家》系列(28%)

12. The Bourne - 26 percent《谍影重重》系列(26%)

13. Iron Man - 24 percent 《钢铁侠》三部曲(24%)

14. X-Men - 24 percent 《X战警》系列(24%)

15. The Matrix - 22 percent 《黑客帝国》三部曲(22%)

16. The Hobbit - 20 percent《霍比特人》三部曲(20%)

17. Alien - 20 percent 《异形》系列(20%)

18. Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy - 19 percent 克里斯托弗?诺兰执导的《蝙蝠侠》三部曲

19. Captain America - 17 percent 《美国队长》三部曲(17%)

20. Mad Max - 17 percent 《疯狂的麦克斯》系列(17%)









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