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2024-03-28 18:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


参考例句:A relay from Radio Hamburg汉堡广播之声的转播.Yeah. The baseball game will be on the air in a few seconds.有啊。马上就要转播棒球比赛了。The church was crowded, so electrical machinery was used to relay the service out to the people教堂里挤满了人,所以就用电机设备把礼拜仪式向外面的人转播。Mobile television unit; OB van新闻摄影转播车broadcast the event on a closed - circuit TV linkup.在闭路电视系统上转播这次事件Modern society cannot reject the broadcast of information.现代社会不能拒绝信息的转播。I will get up in the middle of the night to watch live coverage of baseball.我会在半夜起来看棒球转播。A telecast originating outside a studio.场外转播在录音棚之外录制的电视节目CNN televised the presidential election to the world. 美国有线电视向全球转播总统竞选。The pop festival was relayed all round the world.流行音乐会的实况向全世界转播。relay是什么意思:v. 传达;转播,传送;(使)接替n. 接力赛;替班;中继设备;转播,传送She relayed the message, then frowned.她把消息带到了,然后皱紧了眉头。To relay any customer complaints to supervis.处理并向主管汇报客人的投诉。A new relay of horses was harnessed to the cart.用作轮换的马都已套到了那辆马车上。And since the variable costs to the Relay Division would be only $10 for the new relay as compared to $12 for the old relay.同时扩音器部门的新扩音器的变动成本为10美元,比旧扩音器每单位成本12美元节省。Rescuers worked in relays to save the trapped miners.救援人员轮班营救受困的矿工。broadcast是什么意思:v. 广播,播出;传播;参加节目演出adj. 广播的;广为传播的;散播的n. 广播,广播节目;散播,传播;播种adv. 经广播;四散地They have broadcast their malcontent.他们已经发泄了他们的不满。This program is being broadcast in stereo.这个节目正用立体声播放。When are the telecastings broadcast?什么时候播放电视广播?The senator broadcasts regularly.这位参议员经常发表电视讲话。It is broadcast time now.现在是广播时间。








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