如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮 您所在的位置:网站首页 电源按钮和睡眠按钮是啥 如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

2024-07-04 03:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

如果您已经工作了很长时间并且想要休息一下,那么您可能想要休息一下。你会想要关闭你的笔记本电脑而不丢失你的工作。因此,您可以将计算机置于睡眠模式。如果您不确定什么是睡眠按钮以及在哪里可以找到它,那么本文将帮助您在Windows 10上找到睡眠按钮。

如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮(How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10)

当您合上盖子或按下(lid or press)电源按钮(Power button)时,您的笔记本电脑将进入睡眠模式(sleep mode)。当笔记本电脑或台式机(laptop or desktop)进入睡眠模式(sleep mode)时,

该系统使用较少的电力(uses lesser power)。 此外,您可以准确地从上次中断的地方继续(resume exactly where you left off)。 如果电池电量不足, Windows 将自动保存您的工作(save your work automatically)并关闭 PC。


只需按(pressing any key)键盘上的任意键或 单击鼠标按钮。( clicking the mouse button. ) 打开(opening the lid)笔记本电脑的盖子。

按照(Follow)以下任何一种方法在Windows 10上找到睡眠按钮。

方法一:使用开始菜单(Method 1: Using Start Menu)

这是在Windows 10(Windows 10)上找到睡眠按钮的最简单方法。

1. 按Windows 键(key)。

2. 单击电源(Power)图标,如图所示。

按 Windows 键。 单击电源图标

3. 选择突出显示的睡眠(Sleep)选项,使您的Windows PC进入睡眠模式(Sleep mode)。

选择睡眠选项。 如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 睡眠模式(Sleep Mode)不起作用

Method 2: Using Alt + F4 Shortcut

您还可以使用Alt + F4快捷方式让您的系统从Windows 10的(Windows 10)桌面屏幕(Desktop screen)进入睡眠状态。


1. 同时按Alt + F4 键(keys)。这将打开一个关闭 Windows(Shut Down Windows)弹出窗口。


按 Alt + F4 键。 这将打开关闭 Windows 弹出窗口。 在下拉列表中选择睡眠,然后单击确定。 如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

方法 3:使用键盘组合(Method 3: Using Keyboard Combinations)

组合键的使用因系统制造商和型号(system manufacturer and model)而异。某些键盘在功能键或专用键上提供新月图标或 ZZ(crescent moon icon or ZZ on a function key or a dedicated key ),您可以按下该键来启用睡眠模式。


专业提示:流行品牌的键盘快捷键(Pro Tip: Keyboard Shortcuts for Popular Brands) 戴尔:(Dell:)在戴尔 Inspiron 灵越 15 系列中,Function + Insert key组合键会使笔记本电脑进入睡眠状态。 Lenovo:Function key + F1或Function key + 4的组合将根据型号起作用。 华硕:(Asus:)您应该按Function + F1 键(key)来访问睡眠功能。 惠普:(HP:)大多数惠普笔记本电脑都有一个带有新月(crescent moon)的钥匙。按Function + crescent moon key使计算机进入睡眠状态。 Acer: Acer 笔记本电脑的F4 键(F4 key)上有 Z Z(symbol ZZ)符号。您必须按Function key + F4才能访问睡眠功能

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix)当前没有可用的电源选项(Are Currently No Power Options Available)

方法 4:使用自定义睡眠选项(Method 4: Using Customized Sleep Options)

如果您不想使用键盘组合让笔记本电脑进入睡眠状态,您可以自定义一些选项来查找和访问Windows 10上的睡眠按钮,如下所示:

1. 按Windows键并单击设置(Settings)图标。

按 Windows 键。 单击设置图标



3. 单击左侧窗格中的电源和睡眠(Power & Sleep)。

单击左侧窗格中的电源和睡眠。 如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

4. 单击相关设置(Related settings)下的其他电源设置(Additional power settings),如突出显示的那样。


5. 单击左侧窗格中的选择电源按钮的功能。(Choose what the power buttons do)

注意:(Note:)在某些系统中,此选项的标题可能是选择电源按钮的功能。(Choose what the power button does.)

单击左侧窗格中的选择电源按钮的功能。 如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

6. 选择On battery and Plugged下的(Plugged in)Sleep选项,当我按下电源按钮(When I press the power button)动作时,如下图所示。

在按下电源按钮时选择电池和插入旁边的睡眠选项。 单击保存更改。

7. 同样,在关闭盖子时选择(When I close the lid)电池(On battery)和插入(Plugged in)旁边的睡眠(Sleep)选项。然后,单击保存更改(Save Changes)。

在我合上盖子时选择电池和插入旁边的睡眠选项。 单击保存更改。

8. 现在,转到步骤 5中显示的(Step 5)电源选项(Power options)窗口。

9. 这一次,点击更改计算机睡眠(Change when the computer sleeps)时间选项,如图所示。

单击计算机睡眠时的更改|如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮

10. 选择所需的持续时间(desired duration)在On battery和Plugged(Plugged in)下Put the computer to sleep选项,如下图所示。如果系统在指定的持续时间内不活动,这将自动使您的系统进入睡眠状态。

在使计算机进入睡眠状态旁边的使用电池和插入电源下选择所需的持续时间。 单击保存更改。

11. 单击保存更改(Save changes )按钮并退出。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Windows 10 中设置警报

常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))

Q1。有什么选项可以在不丢失数据的情况下关闭我的系统更长时间?(Q1. What is the option to close my system for a longer duration without losing my data?)

答。(Ans.)在这种情况下,您可以将 PC 置于休眠模式(hibernate mode)。此选项将比睡眠模式消耗更少的电量。但是,此休眠选项(hibernate option)并非在所有 PC 上都可用。

Q2。将系统从睡眠状态唤醒后,如何解决打印机无法工作的问题?(Q2. How do I fix the printer not working issue after waking the system from sleep?)

答。(Ans.)如果任何外部设备(例如扫描仪、显示器或打印机)在将系统从睡眠状态唤醒后没有响应,请断开并重新连接设备( disconnect and reconnect the device)。如果重新连接后仍无法正常工作,请尝试重新启动系统(try restarting the system)。

Q3。是否有任何工具可以自定义系统中的睡眠模式?(Q3. Are there any tools to customize sleep mode in the system?)

答。(Ans.) SleepTimer Ultimate和Adios是市场上定制睡眠模式的最佳工具。其中包括设置计时器以关闭您的 PC 或让您的系统进入睡眠状态、在特定时间和日期(time and date)下载程序以及在计时器上运行程序。您可以阅读我们关于如何(How)在您的 PC 上创建 Windows 10 睡眠定时器的指南以了解相同的内容(Create Windows 10) 。(Sleep Timer)

Q4。哪个更好:睡觉还是关机?(Q4. Which is better: sleep or shut down?)

答。(Ans.)如果你想休息一下,那么你可以让你的笔记本电脑进入睡眠状态。如果您暂时不保存工作,建议您使用休眠模式。(Hibernation)但是,偶尔关闭您的系统(always good to shut down your system)以获得新鲜和持久的性能总是好的。


修复 Windows 更新安装错误 0x8007012a(Fix Windows Update Install Error 0x8007012a) 如何在Windows 10上创建(Windows 10)极简主义桌面(Minimalist Desktop) 如何在Windows 11中启用(Windows 11)休眠模式(Hibernate Mode) 如何在Windows 11中更改(Windows 11)开盖动作(Lid Open Action)

我们希望本文能帮助您了解什么是睡眠按钮(what is the sleep button)以及如何在 Windows 10 上找到睡眠按钮(how to find Sleep button on Windows 10)并对其进行自定义。请(Feel)随时在下面的评论部分(comment section)中提出您的建议和疑问。

How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10

If you havе been working for a long period of time and want to take a short break, then you might want to take a break. You would want to close your laрtop and not lоse your work. Thus, you can put your computer into slеep mode. If you are not sure what iѕ the sleeр bυtton and where to find it, then this articlе will help you find sleep button on Windows 10.

How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10

How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10

Your laptop goes into sleep mode when you close the lid or press the Power button. When a laptop or desktop is put in sleep mode,

The system uses lesser power. Moreover, you can resume exactly where you left off. Windows will save your work automatically and turn off the PC if the battery is low.

You can wake up your device by:

simply pressing any key on the keyboard or clicking the mouse button. opening the lid of the laptop.

Follow any of the below-mentioned methods to find the sleep button on Windows 10.

Method 1: Using Start Menu

This is the easiest method to find sleep button on Windows 10.

1. Press the Windows key.

2. Click on the Power icon as shown.

Press the Windows key. Click Power icon

3. Select Sleep option shown highlighted to put your Windows PC in Sleep mode.

Select Sleep option. How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10

Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Sleep Mode Not Working

Method 2: Using Alt + F4 Shortcut

You can also use the Alt + F4 shortcut to put your system to sleep from Desktop screen on Windows 10.

Note: To use this, ensure that none of the programs are selected and minimized.

1. Press Alt + F4 keys simultaneously. This will open a Shut Down Windows pop-up.

2. Select Sleep from the drop-down menu and click OK as shown highlighted.

Press Alt + F4 keys. This will open Shut Down Windows pop-up. Select Sleep in the drop-down and click OK. How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10

Method 3: Using Keyboard Combinations

The usage of key combinations varies with the system manufacturer and model. Some keyboards provide a crescent moon icon or ZZ on a function key or a dedicated key which you can press to enable sleep mode.

sleep key in keyboard

Pro Tip: Keyboard Shortcuts for Popular Brands Dell: In the Dell Inspiron 15 series, Function + Insert key combination would put the laptop to sleep. Lenovo: The combination of Function key + F1 or Function key + 4 would work depending on the model. Asus: You should press the Function + F1 key to access the sleep feature. HP: Most HP laptops have a key with a crescent moon on it. Press the Function + crescent moon key to put the computer to sleep. Acer: Acer laptops have the symbol ZZ on the F4 key. You have to press the Function key + F4 to access the sleep feature

Also Read: Fix There Are Currently No Power Options Available

Method 4: Using Customized Sleep Options

If you don’t want to use keyboard combinations to put your laptop to sleep, you can customize a few options to find and access sleep button on Windows 10 as follows:

1. Press the Windows key and click the Settings icon.

Press the Windows key. Click Settings icon

2. Select System as shown.

Select System.

3. Click Power & Sleep in the left pane.

Click Power and Sleep in the left pane. How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10

4. Click on Additional power settings under Related settings as shown highlighted.

Click Additional power settings under Related settings.

5. Click Choose what the power buttons do in the left pane.

Note: In some systems, this option might be titled Choose what the power button does.

Click Choose what the power buttons do in the left pane. How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10

6. Select the Sleep option under On battery and Plugged in for When I press the power button action as illustrated below.

Select the Sleep option under On battery and Plugged in next to When I press the power button. Click Save changes.

7. Similarly, select the Sleep option under On battery and Plugged in next to When I close the lid. Then, click Save Changes.

Select the Sleep option under On battery and Plugged in next to When I close the lid. Click Save Changes.

8. Now, go to the Power options window shown in Step 5.

9. This time, click Change when the computer sleeps option as shown.

Click Change when the computer sleeps |How to Find Sleep Button on Windows 10

10. Select the desired duration under On battery and Plugged in next to Put the computer to sleep option as depicted below. This will automatically put your system to sleep if it is inactive for the specified duration.

Select the desired duration under On battery and Plugged in next to Put the computer to sleep. Click Save changes.

11. Click Save changes button and exit.

Also Read: How to Set Alarms in Windows 10

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the option to close my system for a longer duration without losing my data?

Ans. In this case, you can put your PC in hibernate mode. This option will consume lesser power than the sleep mode. However, this hibernate option is not available on all PCs.

Q2. How do I fix the printer not working issue after waking the system from sleep?

Ans. If any of the external devices such as scanners, monitors, or printers did not respond after waking up the system from sleep, disconnect and reconnect the device. If it does not work even after reconnecting it then, try restarting the system instead.

Q3. Are there any tools to customize sleep mode in the system?

Ans. SleepTimer Ultimate and Adios are the best tools available in the market to customize sleep mode. These include setting a timer to shut down your PC or putting your system to sleep, downloading a program during a particular time and date, and running a program on a timer. You can read our guide on How to Create Windows 10 Sleep Timer on your PC to learn the same.

Q4. Which is better: sleep or shut down?

Ans. If you want to take a short break, then you can put your laptop to sleep. Hibernation is recommended if you’re going without saving your work for a while. But it is always good to shut down your system once in a while for fresh and long-lasting performance.


Fix Windows Update Install Error 0x8007012a How to Create Minimalist Desktop on Windows 10 How to Enable Hibernate Mode in Windows 11 How to Change Lid Open Action in Windows 11

We hope that this article helped you understand what is the sleep button and how to find Sleep button on Windows 10 and customize it. Feel free to drop your suggestions and queries in the comment section below.






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