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2024-06-29 14:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、One tablet each time, three times a day after meals每日三次,每次一片,饭后服。

2、The new tablet computer also lacks a proximity sensor.这种新款的平板电脑也没有接近传感器。

3、"According to what we knew, that tablet should not have been there," the University of Missouri-St.根据我们现在所掌握的资料,这块碑文不应该出现在这里。

4、A hinged writing tablet consisting of three leaves, used in ancient Rome三联书写板古罗马人日常写字用的以铰链联结、由三张书面组成的书写板

5、This tablet must be in commemoration of him.那么这块石碑就是纪念他的。

6、I was thinking about maybe getting one of those tablet PCs.我在考虑买一台平板电脑。

7、Take one tablet every four hours.隔四小时服一片。

8、A Kindle tablet to rival the iPad?一台与iPad匹敌的Kindle平板?

9、Determination of Pirenzepine and Its Tablet by HPLCHPLC法测定盐酸哌吡?酮及其片剂的含量

10、They build a tablet as a memorial.他们建了一座碑作为纪念。

11、OBJECTIVE To determine the contents of total flavonoids in Guanxinkang tablet by spectrophotometry.目的采用分光光度法测定冠心康片中总黄酮的含量。

12、The tablet will likely have a beefed-up version of the iPhone OS with all the newest features.平板将会是搭载最新功能的iPhoneOS的增强版。

13、The tablet fuses business needs with entertainment and runs Android version 3.1 Honeycomb.这几款平板电脑都采用Android 3.1“蜂巢”系统,将商业需要与娱乐结合起来。

14、Set a spirit tablet to mourn a just losted rmb100 bank note.设一个灵位祭拜一下刚刚丢失的100元人民币。

15、A flat tablet of rice paper or dried flour paste encasing a powdered drug糯米纸包粉状药物用的平的糯米纸片或干面糊

16、Occurs on the application UI thread when the user lifts the tablet pen from the digitizer.当触笔移到数字化仪上时,在应用程序ui(用户界面)线程上发生。

17、On our smartphone and tablet apps, the Top News section will remain free of charge.在我们的智能手机和平板电脑的应用程序里,“头条新闻”部分将继续免费阅读。

18、Notebook and Tablet PC batteries are usually the Smart Lithium-Ion type.笔记本及掌上电脑的电池通常属于智能电池。

19、The tablet eventually disappeared from shelves after a massive price cut.平板电脑也在大幅度的价格降低后,最终从货架上消失。

20、One-in-five Americans will use a tablet or smartphone.五分之一的美国人将使用平板电脑或智能手机。

21、And Apple has jumped out to a commanding lead in the tablet wars.苹果也在平板电脑之战中占据了主导的领先地位。

22、They put up a marble tablet in memory of his father.他们建了一座大理石碑来纪念他的父亲。

23、CONCLUSION: It show that Kaiyin tablet can markedly improve the pinna microcirculation of mice.结论:开音片能明显改善小鼠耳廓微循环状况。

24、An engraved slab or tablet bearing an inscription or a device.匾,碑上面刻有铭文或图案的一块石板或匾

25、Conclusion The dispersible tablet dissolved faster and dispersed uniformly.结论所选处方合理,分散均匀性好。

26、My mother usually took a sleeping tablet every night so she needed a lot of tablets.妈妈通常每晚都要服一片安眠药,所以她要许多药片。

27、Each tablet provides children with 55% of the daily recommended requirement of Vitamin C.每片提供儿童与55 %的每日维生素C建议需求量。

28、Our Xinfu can manufacture red yeast rice powder and process capsule and tablet as you order.我们的幸福能生产红曲粉和进程胶囊和片剂的,因为你秩序。

29、They venerate the Ventari Tablet as their most sacred artifact and testament.希尔瓦·里人尊凡特里石碑为他们最重要的神器和圣约。

30、A dark green, round biconvex tablet with opaque coating.深绿色,圆形不透明涂层双凸片。

tablet翻译n. 平板, 门牌, 笔记簿, 碑, 匾, 药片【化】 片剂【医】 片剂 详情






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