大数据利与弊英文作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 生物入侵的利与弊英语作文 大数据利与弊英文作文


2024-07-09 07:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”大数据利与弊“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of big data。以下是关于大数据利与弊初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of big data

In recent years, the Internet has been populazed at an alarming speed. Some people think that the Internet has bught us many benefits. But on the other hand, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? The answer is: in recent years, the Internet has been populazed at an alarming speed.

Some people think that the Internet has bught us a lot of benefits, but on the other hand, many people stngly advocate that its disadvantages should not be iored. It is understandable that people fm different backgunds have different interpretations of the same pblem. Those who agree that the Internet has many advantages first give their reasons.

The Internet has bught us great convenience and efficiency. For example, we can send e-mail to o fends in other countes in a few minutes, while it takes us at least a week to send a traditional letter, and the cost is very high; secondly, we can communicate with the people fm all over the world People make fends. It overcomes the geographical barers and makes the world aller.

The Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all parts of the world. We can easily and quickly get the la information fm all over the world. Howr, the other side of the coin stngly opposes that the Internet has many weaknesses.

On the one hand, it can easily lead to psychological pblems. An internet lover tends to be isolated, self-centered and uncommunicative. The number of cyber cmes has sen sharply.

More and financial cmes, such as money lndeng, also have negative effects, becse there are many obscene and violent contents on the Internet There may be some truth in all of these views. I fully agree with the latter view, that is, the Internet does harm than good. It bngs psychological pblems to people, leads to vaous comr cmes, and is harmful to the gwth of agers.

Meases should be taken as soon as possible to ptect people fm the negative impact of the Internet.





With the dlopment of science and technolo, the Internet has become an important part of o life, and people use the Internet ry day. The Internet has bught us a lot of convenience, o life easy and colorful. We can search information on the Internet, download music and movies, listen to music online and so on.

It makes it easy for us to communicate with each other, for example, chat online, send and receive e-mail. Moreover, many people use the Internet to work. Every coin has o sides.

The Internet has its disadvantages. If you spend too much time on it, it will do harm to yo health. Cheating on the Internet is very common, so we should use the Internet correctly.





The pblem that we should learn English online has sed widespread concern. The views on this hot topic vary fm person to person. Howr, most people think that we should learn English online.

There are o factors that affect their attitude. First, second, we can see a lot of knowledge about English on the Internet. It can also baden my vision and baden my vision.

Howr, different people have different views. Some people think that we should not Learning English on the Internet, on the one hand, it is not very formal, on the other hand, we will be attracted by other things, so it is self-evident that we should not learn English online, we should learn English online, we should not only maintain the speed of o world, but also we must learn new knowledge. The you learn, the better yo fute will be.

Do yo best today and you will tomorw It will be better.



标签: 小学生  新学期 






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